Modern Materials Handling - October 2011

Modern Materials Handling - October 2011

Modern Materials Handling - October 2011


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The missing link inyour supply chain.S e p t e m b e r / O c t o b e r 2 0 1 1 Volume 15, Number 5FEATURES8 The Supply Chain Top 25:Leadership in ActionThe <strong>2011</strong> rankings of the Top 25 supplychains from Gartner Inc. are in. They includerepeat winners and some new entrants.Perhaps even more important than the actualrankings, says Gartner Research DirectorDebra Hofman, are the lessons that can belearned from analyzing the leaders. This year,six specific qualities stand out.16 The Greening of Walmart’sSupply Chain…RevisitedIn 2007, SCMR ran an article on Walmart’ssustainability program, focusing on eightspecific initiatives being pursued. Four yearslater, the author of that original article, EricaPlambeck of Stanford, and colleague LynDenend revisit those initiatives to assess justhow Walmart is doing on the sustainabilityfront.Sumantra Sengupta of EVM Partners saysthe first step in answering these questions isto carefully determine your “Mobility Index.”This article tells how it’s done.40 The Case for InfrastructureInvestment: Lessons fromMedco and StaplesSmart investment in supply chain infrastructure—andin particular automated materialshandling and distribution systems—can paybig dividends. Medco and Staples have proventhat convincingly, as these case studies demonstrate.Their stories point to seven key takeawaysthat supply chains professionals in anybusiness sector can learn from.SPECIAL SUPPLEMENTS50 EU Logistics:Meeting the New ChallengesEditorialAdvisory Boardn Jack T. ampuJaNiagara Universityn Joseph c. andraskiVICS Associationn James r. BryonIBM Consultingn John a. calTagironeThe Revere Groupn Brian cargilleHewlett Packardn roBerT B. handfieldNorth Carolina StateUniversityn nicholas J. lahowchicTompkins Associates24 Achieving Flexibility in aVolatile WorldA new global survey from PRTM confirms theimportance of operational flexibility in supplychain success and identifies five levers thatleaders employ to make it happen. The consultantsreport that the financial and performanceadvantages of improved flexibility canbe profound. They outline five basic steps thatcompanies can take to start realizing thosebenefits.32 What’s Your Mobility Index?Mobile devices are everywhere these days. Butwhat’s the real potential of mobility in the keysupply chain processes. And what’s the bestway to identify and tap into that potential?COMMENTARY4 InsightsBowersox and Goldratt Leave TwoGreat LegaciesBy Larry Lapide6 Talent StrategiesAsia: The New Talent ManagementModel?By Mahender Singh48 Spotlight on Supply ManagementThe Evolution of Supply ManagementBy Carrie Ericson and Simon Rycraft62 BenchmarksGlobal Sourcing Calls for Due DiligenceBy Becky Partidan hau l. leeStanford Universityn roBerT c. lieBNortheastern Universityn clifford f. lynchC.F. Lynch & Associatesn eric pelTzRAND Supply Chain PolicyCentern James B. rice, Jr.Massachusetts Institute ofTechnologyn larry smiThWest MarineKeep your supply chain strong with a subscription to Supply Chain Management Review.Get the full story behind each of these headlines and all the other issues in our digital archives—included FREE with your new subscription.Subscribe and save up to 40% off basic rates at www.scmr.com/subscribe.

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