Package 'openair'

Package 'openair'

Package 'openair'


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selectByDate 105monthdayA month or months to select. Can either be numeric e.g. month = 1:6 to selectmonths 1-6 (January to June), or by name e.g. month = c("January", "December").Names can be abbreviated to 3 letters and be in lower or upper case.A day name or or days to select. For example day = c("Monday", "Wednesday").Names can be abbreviated to 3 letters and be in lower or upper case. Also accepts“weekday” (Monday - Friday) and “weekend” for convenience.hour An hour or hours to select from 0-23 e.g. hour = 0:12 to select hours 0 to 12inclusive.DetailsThis function makes it much easier to select periods of interest from a data frame based on dates ina British format. Selecting date/times in R format can be intimidating for new users. This functioncan be used to select quite complex dates simply - see examples below.Dates are assumed to be inclusive, so start = "1/1/1999" means that times are selected fromhour zero. Similarly, end = "31/12/1999" will include all hours of the 31st December. start andend can also be in standard R format as a string i.e. "YYYY-mm-dd", so start = "1999-01-01"is fine.All options are applied in turn making it possible to select quite complex datesAuthor(s)David CarslawExamples## select all of 1999data.1999

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