Package 'openair'

Package 'openair'

Package 'openair'


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28 GoogleMapsPlotDetailsValueNotekey.position Location where the scale key should be plotted. Allowed arguments currentlyinclude "top", "right", "bottom" and "left".key.header,key.footerHeader and footer labels to add to colour key, if drawn. If enabled (auto.text= TRUE), these arguments are passed to the scale key (drawOpenKey) via quickTextto handle formatting.auto.text Automatic routine text formatting. auto.text = TRUE allows labels (xlab,ylab, main, etc.) to be passed to the plot via quickText. auto.text = FALSEturns this option off and passes labels to the plot without modification.... Addition options are passed on to cutData for type handling, MapBackgroundin RgoogleMaps for map layer production, and xyplot in lattice for data layerproduction.GoogleMapsPlot is an IN DEVELOPMENT function.It combines a dedicated map layer, e.g. panel.GoogleMaps, or (the default) panel.GoogleMapsRaster,and standard lattice panels such as panel.xyplot or panel.levelplot as a data layer, to producemap-based data visualisations.It provides lattice-style conditioning/handling for RgoogleMaps outputs.As well as generating the plot itself, GoogleMapsPlot also returns an object of class “openair”. Theobject includes three main components: call, the command used to generate the plot; data, thedata frame of summarised information used to make the plot; and plot, the plot itself. If retained,e.g. using output

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