Package 'openair'

Package 'openair'

Package 'openair'


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42 importAURNCsvis.siteHeader name of column holding site information. Setting to NULL turns thisoption off.bad.24 Reset AURN 24 time stamp. AURN time series are logged as 00:00:01 to24:00:00 as opposed to the more conventional 00:00:00 to 23:59:59. bad.24 = TRUEresets the time stamp which is not allowed in some time series classes or functions.correct.timeoutputdata.orderNumerical correction (in seconds) for imported date. AURN data is logged retrospectively.For 1 hour average data, correct.time = -3600 resets this to thestart of the sampling period.Output style. Default "final" using import().A vector of names defining the order of data types. AURN files typically includethree data types, actual data and associated data quality and measurement unitreports. Here, these are defined as "value", "status" and "unit", respectively.simplify.names A logical (default TRUE) prompting the function to try to simply data framenames using common chemical shorthand. FALSE retains names from originalfile, although these may be modified if they contain unallowed characters ornon-unique names.... Other parameters. Passed onto and handled by import().DetailsThe importAURN() function was developed for use with air quality monitoring site data files downloadedin standard hourly (or 1 hour average) format using the Air Quality Archive email service.Argument defaults are set to common values to simplify both the import operation and use withopenair.Similar file structures can also be imported using this function with argument modification.ValueThe function returns a data frame for use in openair. By comparison to the original file, the resultingdata frame is modified as follows: Time and date information will combined in a singlecolumn "date", formatted as a conventional timeseries (as.POSIXct). Time adjustments may alsobe made, subject to "bad.24" and "correct.time" argument settings. Using default settings, the argumentcorrect.time = - 3600 resets the time stamp to the start of the measurement period. Ifname simplification was requested (simplify.names = TRUE), common chemical names will besimplified. For example, "carbon monoxide" will be reset to "co". Currently, this option only appliesto inorganics and particulates, not organics. Non-value information will be rationalised accordingto data.order. For example, for the default, data.order = c("value", "status", "unit"),the status and unit columns following the "co" column will be automatically renamed "unit.co" and"status.co", respectively. An additional "site" column will be generated. Multiple "site" files areallowed. Additional information (as defined in "misc.info") and data adjustments (as defined by"bad.24" and "correct.time") are retained in the data frame comment.Author(s)Karl Ropkins

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