the Right to Information Act, 2005 - HP Health Department

the Right to Information Act, 2005 - HP Health Department

the Right to Information Act, 2005 - HP Health Department


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32 Drug Inspec<strong>to</strong>r 6400-10640 1033 Food Inspec<strong>to</strong>r 4550-7220 1034 Ophthalmic Asstt 5480-8925 14535 FHS 5800-9200 35036 Part Time Helpers 1100/- fixed 54837 Physio<strong>the</strong>rapist 5480-8295 12<strong>Information</strong> under section 4 (1)b – (xi)The Budget allocated <strong>to</strong> each of its agencies, indicating <strong>the</strong> particulars of all plans,proposed expenditure and reports of disbursements made.Budget provision of <strong>Health</strong> <strong>Department</strong> for <strong>the</strong> financial year 2007-08 for non-plan & plan areas under :-Budget for <strong>the</strong> year 2007-08(Rs. in Thousands)S.No. Kind of Plan Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand Demand TotalNo. 9 No. 15 No. 19 No. 24 No. 31 No. 321. Non-Plan 1153289 0 9000 800 57989 0 12210782 State Plan 782000 0 0 0 120580 0 9025803. State- SCSP 0 0 0 0 0 120500 1205004 BASP State 0 138000 0 0 0 0 138000Plan5 CSS Plan 319732 0 0 0 16816 0 336548Total 22255021 138000 9000 800 195385 120500 2718706<strong>Information</strong> under section 4 (1)b – (xii)The manner of execution of <strong>the</strong> subsidy programmes, including <strong>the</strong> amounts allocatedand <strong>the</strong> details of beneficiaries of such programmesThe medicines for <strong>the</strong> patients and BPL Families are procured by <strong>the</strong> Deptt. throughThe <strong>HP</strong> Civil Supplies Corporation and made available from <strong>the</strong> various health institutions.The vaccines under <strong>the</strong> universal immunization programme are provide free of cost through <strong>the</strong><strong>Health</strong> institutions. The IP’s are also provided with <strong>the</strong> medicines procured under <strong>the</strong> ESICFunds. The medicines under <strong>the</strong> RNTCP and Leprosy programmes are provided by <strong>the</strong> GOI. Asum of Rs.390 lakhs has been provided under <strong>the</strong> State Budget for supply of medicines during2006-07.<strong>Information</strong> under section 4 (1)b –(ix) <strong>to</strong> (xiii)Particulars of <strong>the</strong> recipients of concessions, permits or authorizations granted by it10

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