Multimodal Preclinical Imaging Solutions

Multimodal Preclinical Imaging Solutions

Multimodal Preclinical Imaging Solutions


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InVivoScope Version 2.0<strong>Multimodal</strong>ity image processing softwareBioscan’s InVivoScope (IVS) image processing software features the powerful fully 3D ROI tool developed bysoftware partner inviCRO. You will be able to classify each individual voxel of a three-dimensional volumedataset. IVS supports segmentation efforts with an easy-to-use, powerful toolbox for manual, semi-automaticand fully automatic segmentation. IVS fully supports multimodal and dynamic data. You only have to do thesegmentation for a fixed ROI once and it will be evaluated for all loaded datasets automatically. InVivoScopesupports the import and export of DICOM 3.0 compatible data, as well as providing raw and native imageformats (some with full DICOM conversion). Up to 3 modalities, such as Optical, SPECT, CT, PET or MR, can bedisplayed at any time, while even more data can be co-registered, analyzed and modified simultaneously.One software - Five modalities: PET-SPECT-CT-OPTICAL-MRAutomatic SegmentationMulti-planarreconstructionComprehensive tools for post-processingSoftware AccessoriesSoftware packages to amplify your dataBioscan offers a spectrum of software accessories and modules to expand your data management,quantification and analysis. Featured accessories include:FlowQuant © - A complete cardiac SPECT & PET image analysis packageIVS: Brain Atlas & Quantification Module - Mouse and rat brain modelsIVS: 3D Segmentation - Powerful 3D ROI tooliPACS © - Pre-Clinical <strong>Imaging</strong> Study ManagementImalytics - Advanced image analysis, quantification, and visualizationFlowQuant- Tracer kineticmodeling- Myocardial BloodFlow (MBF) analysis- Myocardial ViabilityAnalysis- Cardiac functionusing gated imageanalysisIVS: Brain Atlas &Quantification- Single-click coregistrationroutine- Single-click atlasdeformation routine- Spreadsheet readoutof radioactivityIVS: 3DSegmentation- Classify eachindividual voxel of 3Dvolume dataset- Powerful toolbox forsegmentation.- IVS supports 3D ROItooliPACS- Divide data inmeaningful domains- Set domain accesspolicies- Stores other fileformats, with versioncontrol & electronicsignaturesImalytics- Advancedfunctionality fortranslational research- Specializedapplications forpharmacokineticmodeling, dosimetryand dementia analysis9

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