A Quick Guide to Special Events Fundraising - ethniccommunities.org

A Quick Guide to Special Events Fundraising - ethniccommunities.org

A Quick Guide to Special Events Fundraising - ethniccommunities.org


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Planning/Preparation1. Overall, how would you describe the planning and preparation for the event? What workedwell and what could work better?2. Did you have participation of all steering committee members in the planning process? Didmembers share equally in the planning/preparation responsibilities?3. Did you have enough time <strong>to</strong> adequately plan and prepare? Would you change the timeline inany way next year? (for example, are there some tasks that need <strong>to</strong> be done earlier/later?)4. Did your work plan capture all of the needed tasks/responsibilities? Were there anytasks/activities/responsibilities you overlooked and that should be included next year?5. How clear were the roles and responsibilities of planning committee members and othervolunteers clear? Did all planning committee members/volunteers understand which tasksthey were responsible for? Were there tasks that needed more/fewer people working onthem?6. Identify the 2 or 3 most important changes you should make <strong>to</strong> improve planning andpreparation for next year’s event.Outreach/Attendance7. Overall, how would you describe the outreach for the event? What worked well and whatcould work better?8. To what extent did you meet your objectives for numbers/attendance?9. How successful was the event in reaching both existing “friends” of the <strong>org</strong>anization as wellas making new “friends”?Mosaica Page 6

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