single rp-hplc method for the estimation of losartan ... - Ijsidonline.info

single rp-hplc method for the estimation of losartan ... - Ijsidonline.info

single rp-hplc method for the estimation of losartan ... - Ijsidonline.info


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L. Bhaskar Reddy et al., IJSID 2011, 1 (1), 33-40pu<strong>rp</strong>ose <strong>of</strong> this study was to develop a <strong>single</strong> RP-HPLC <strong>method</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>estimation</strong> <strong>of</strong> Losartan Potassium,enalapril maleate and hydrochlorothiazide simultaneously.MATERIALS AND METHODSMaterials: All <strong>the</strong> chemicals and solvents used were <strong>of</strong> AR. The pure drugs Losartan Potassium, enalaprilmaleate and hydrochlorothiazide were used as standards. All market samples were procured and used<strong>for</strong> this study.Standard Solution: Prepared <strong>the</strong> standard solution to get <strong>the</strong> known concentration <strong>of</strong> all activeingredients 70ppm with diluent.Chromatographic conditions:The following Chromatographic conditions were established <strong>for</strong> separation <strong>of</strong> active samples fromall its degradation products and maintained throughout <strong>the</strong> <strong>method</strong>.Column:Intersil C18, 250 mm x 4.6 mm, 5 μMobile phase Methanol: ACN: Water: 0.1% ortho-phosphoric acid (35:5:5:5% v/v/v/v), with pHto 3.0 with triethylamine.Detection: wavelength 230nmSample size: 20μL.Temperature: Room temp.Run time: 8min.Flow rate: 1.0ml per minAnalysis <strong>of</strong> Marketed Formulation: All market samples were prepared to get known concentration <strong>of</strong>all active ingredients 70ppm with diluent.RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONMethod development:Method development trials were per<strong>for</strong>med with a C18 column and a mobile phase containingacetonitrile and water in 60:40 proportions and tried with changing <strong>the</strong> proportion <strong>of</strong> organic solventswere studied. Acetonitrile, methanol, phosphate buffer and water in various ratios were tested to get anappropriate mobile phase composition. The mixtures <strong>of</strong> acetonitrile, methanol and water at various ratioswere examined, which resulted in very close retention times <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> peaks. Best resolution was achievedwith <strong>the</strong> mobile phase having composition <strong>of</strong> Methanol: ACN: Water: 0.1% ortho-phosphoric acid(35:5:5:5% v/v/v/v) with pH to 3.0 with triethylamine. Figure-2 represents <strong>the</strong> individual injections <strong>of</strong>three actives.International Journal <strong>of</strong> Science Innovations and Discoveries VOL1, Issue 1, July-August 201135

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