Confucius Institutes v2 (1)

Confucius Institutes v2 (1)

Confucius Institutes v2 (1)


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64 CONFUCIUS INSTITUTES AND THE GLOBALIZATION OF CHINA’S SOFT POWEREndnotes1. Cornelissen 2010:12. Zhang 20143. Mark 2009:14. Cull 2008:335. Nye 2004:x6. Breslin 2011:2; Hayden 2012:1727. Li 2009a: 588. Li, M 2009b:79. Li, M 2009b:710. Nye 2004:x11. Kurlantzick 2007:612. Lancaster 2007: 913. Lancaster 200714. d’Hooghe 2011:2615. Kurlantzick 2007:616. Taylor 200617. Taylor 2006, 201018. Alden 2007; Hirono & Suzuki 201419. Information Office of the State Council, 201120. ibid.21. For a comprehensive discussion on China’s aid and education in Africa,see King 2013 and Nordtveit 2010.22. Information Office of the State Council, 201123. ibid.24. He 2007:2825. For China’s soft power in Africa, see also Fijakowski 2011.26. Bräutigam 2009:31127. He 2007:3428. Bräutigam 2009:30729. Bräutigam 2009: 307

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