Software Agent Testing - FBK | SE - Fondazione Bruno Kessler

Software Agent Testing - FBK | SE - Fondazione Bruno Kessler

Software Agent Testing - FBK | SE - Fondazione Bruno Kessler

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<strong>Testing</strong> is critical<strong>Software</strong> agents & multi-agent systems are enablingtechnologies to build today’s complex systems, thanks to:¨ Adaptivity and autonomy properties¨ Open and dynamic natureAs they are increasingly applied, testing to buildconfidence in their operations is extremelycrucial !FACT49NASA satellites use autonomous agents to balancemultiple demands, such as staying on course,keeping experiments running, and dealing withthe unexpected, thereby avoiding waste.NASA’s agents are designed to achieve the goals andintentions of the designers, not merely to respond topredefined events, so that they can react to unimaginedevents and still ensure that the spacecraft does notwaste fuel while keeping to its mission.FACT492

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