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Welcome Addresses:MONDAY 17 OCTOBER ~ MORNING❚❘ Alison Bartle, Director, Aqua-Media International Ltd❚❘ Vladimír Hlavinka, Member of the Board of Directors and Chief Production Officer ČEZ, a. s.❚❘ Dr Jia Jinsheng, President, International Commission on Large DamsOpening Addresses:❚❘ Will we have enough dam engineers with the right skills in the future?Dr A. Hughes, Atkins Water, UK❚❘ Keynote: Dams and Hydro: The last 40 years; What next?Alessandro Palmieri, The World BankSession 1: Panel DiscussionApproaches to Project FinanceChairman: Jean-Michel Devernay, EDF, FranceThis panel discussion is planned to be interactive, and will begin with brief statements from some ofthe international financing institutions, including the World Bank, African Development Bank,European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau and theEuropean Investment Bank, outlining current policies, priorities and activities in the field of hydroproject financing and support. Financial experts from the private sector (banks and consultancies)will also participate. Outcomes of the discussion will aim to give new insights into current approachesto project financing; guidelines on advancing projects towards financial closure; and economicaspects of hydro development.Session 2: Hydraulic Machinery 1 ~ Modelling & ResearchChairman: Prof H. Brekke, Consultant, Norway❚❘ Kaplan draft tube simulations and validation with Porjus-U9 test model – B. Mulu andM.J. Cervante, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden; T. Vu, Andritz Hydro Ltd, Canada;F. Guibault, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Canada❚❘ Determination of operating parameters for Kaplan turbines utilizing the CFD calculations– M. Kaniecki, Z. Krzemianowski, and M. Banaszak, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland❚❘ Study of 3D flow in the course of closing of pump turbine ring gate – V. Stepanov andV. Seleznev, Power Machines LMZ, Russian Federation; S. Cherny and D. Chirkov, Institute ofComputational Technologies SB RAS, Russia; A. Avdyushenko, State University, Russia;V. Skorospelov, Institute of Mathematics SB RAS, Russia❚❘ Numerical and experimental investigations of performance characteristics of hydrokineticturbines – A. Góralczyk and A. Adamkowski, The Szewalski Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery ofPolish Academy of Sciences, Poland❚❘ Understanding hydro-abrasive erosion in Pelton runners – Dr K. Winkler and Dr. E. Parkinson,Andritz Hydro AG, Austria❚❘ Active flow control in Francis turbines – M. V. Magnoli and Prof R. Schilling, Munich Universityof Technology, GermanySession 3: Hydro Activities in EuropeChairman: Oivind Johansen, Deputy Director,Ministry of Energy and Petroleum, Norway❚❘ Current status of the hydropower potential in Germany 2011 – P. Anderer and U. Dumont,Floecksmühle Ingenieurbüro, Germany; S. Heimerl, Fichtner GmbH & Co. KG, Germany;A. Ruprecht and N. Bauer, University of Stuttgart, Germany; U. Wolf-Schumann, HydrotecIngenieurgesellschaft, Germany; K. Hölzl, Federal Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservationand Nuclear Safety (BMU), Germany❚❘ Small pumped-storage powerplants and possibilities of their use in the electric power systemof the Czech Republic – J. Šoukal, Sigma Vvú, s.r.o., Czech Republic; R. Jager, OSC a.s., CzechRepublic; F. Pochylý, Vut Fsi Brno, Czech Republic❚❘ Power from the Mersey – C. Grant, URS Scott Wilson, UK; A. Libaux, EdF Hydro EngineeringCentre, France❚❘ Hydropower as a restoration opportunity for obstructed river reaches? – A. Lashofer, T. Cassidy,W. Hawle, M. Pucher and B. Pelikan, BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Applied LifeSciences, Austria❚❘ Hydropower and EU Water Framework Directive: a river area strategy – R. Keuneke andU. Dumont, Floecksmühle Ingenieurbüro, Germany; Dr. R. Thiel and V. Magath, University ofHamburg, Germany; Dr. U. Schwevers, Institute of Applied Ecology, Germany; S. Naumann,The Federal Environment Agency (UBA), Germany❚❘ Experiences with short-term hydropower optimization at Agder Energi, Norway – H. O. Inglebaek,Agder Energi, Norway; S. Danielsen, Powel ASA, Norway❚❘ Tidal powerplant at the Brouwersdam, Netherlands – L.F. Mooyaart, T. Van Den Noortgaete andJ. van Berkel, Haskoning Nederland BV, The NetherlandsSession 4: Climate Change and HydrologyChairman: Prof L. Berga, Honorary President of ICOLD, and UPC, Barcelona, Spain❚❘ Keynote Speaker: Dr Asit K. Biswas❚❘ Influence of the July 2010 monsoon rains on the ongoing Khwar project in northern Pakistan– Dr J. Mödinger and Dr T. Major, Lahmeyer International GmbH, Germany❚❘ Flood management during the construction of an RCC dam and a powerhouse in South EastAsia – S. Martin, D. Tournier, M. Demirdache and J-L. Cervetti, Tractebel Engineering S A, France❚❘ Technical design of hydrological monitoring of the Jinsha river closure for the Xiangjiabahydropower station – Yin Ye and Liu Yaocheng, China Three Gorges Corporation, China❚❘ Global warming and design flood: the case study of Bagatelle dam, Mauritius – S. Le Clercand H. Garros-Berthet, Tractebel Engineering S A, France❚❘ Climate Change - is it a real problem for our dams? – Dr A. Hughes and Dr D. Hunt, AtkinsWater, UK❚❘ Streamflow prediction based on satellite and in situ measurements for hydropower operationsin central Chile – L. Romero, E. Motte, A. Egido, A. Reppucci and M. Caparrini, Starlab Barcelona SL,Spain; L. Castro and B. Fernandez, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile❚❘ Changing climatic parameters and its impact assessment on hydropower generation: A casestudy of the Gandaki river basin in Nepal – Dr T.R. Bajracarya, Dr B.A. Bhakta and S.Acharya,Institute of Engineering, NepalMONDAY 17 OCTOBER ~ AFTERNOONSession 5: Financial and Commercial AspectsChair: Judith Plummer, University of Cambridge, UK / World Bank❚❘ Project financing in hydropower development in Laos – Xaypaseuth Phomsoupha, Ministry ofEnergy and Mines, Lao PDR❚❘ Investment barriers for development of hydropower in Nepal – P. M. Shrestha, Clean EnergyDevelopment Bank Ltd, Nepal❚❘ Project financing as a system to overcome the infrastructure gap in Italy and in the EuropeanUnion – T. V. Russo, University of Salento, Italy❚❘ Hydropower: The strongest performer in the CDM process, reflecting high quality of hydro incomparison to other renewable energy sources – E. Branche, EDF, France❚❘ A comparative analysis of different formats of public-private partnerships - the experience ofFurnas – M.A.A. Porto and R. A. Marques, Furnas Centrais Elétricas SA, Brazil❚❘ Business decision making under risk and uncertainty – A. K. Mishra, Mangdechhu HydroelectricProject, BhutanSession 6: Hydraulic MachineryChairman: John Gummer, Hydro-Consult Pty Ltd, AustraliaLow head and instream units❚❘ Advanced seals for Kaplan turbines and guidevanes – M. Grimanis and D.Ell, A. W. ChestertonCompany, USA❚❘ Hydraulic development of hydro kinetic turbines – A. Ruprecht, A. Ruopp and N. BauerUniversity of Stuttgart, Germany❚❘ Kaplan turbine as flow meter – A. Bard, Sweco Energuide, Sweden❚❘ Bulb turbines - selection and design for feasibility and basic projects – E. de E. Carvalho Cruz,Independent Consultant, Brazil; M F. de Moraes, HPP Jirau, Brazil; R G. Cesário, GDF SuezTractebel Leme, Brazil❚❘ Very low head turbine achieves unprecedented live fish passage tests results and confirmsits extremely low environmental impact – M. Leclerc, MJ2 Technologies S.A.R.L., France;F. Collombat, SHEMA Group EDF, France❚❘ Turbine flow measurement intakes - a cost-effective alternative to measurement in penstocks– J. Taylor, BC Hydro, Canada; G. Proulx, Hydro-Québec, Canada; J. Lampa, ASL AQFlow, Canada❚❘ Influence of penstock flow on distributor discharge – E Casarteli and Luca Mangani, HochschuleLuzern, SwitzerlandOperating Issues❚❘ Wear, fatigue, repair and renewal of discharge rings for Kaplan and bulb turbines – J. Mayrhuber,Verbund Hydro Power AG, Austria❚❘ Measurement of oil-film thickness in the thrust bearing of an 80 MW Kaplan unit – D. Dolend,A. Hribar and S. Cizelj, Litostroj Power d.o.o., Slovenia❚❘ Mechanical robustness of Francis runners, requirements to reduce the risk of cracks in blades– H. Bjørndal, A. Reynaud and C. Larsson, Norconsult, Norway❚❘ Performance and maintenance of hydraulic machinery in peak load operation – Prof H. Brekke,Private Consultant, Norway❚❘ Cavitation damage and repair problems just downstream of the penstock sliding gates;A case history from Iran – M. Abolghasemi and H. Ali, Farab Co, Iran❚❘ Experimentation of the Pak Mun hydro plant hydraulic turbine runner coating to protecterosion and cavitation – K. Bunman and S Hamcumpai, Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand(EGAT), Thailand

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