Official Papers + Answer Key

Official Papers + Answer Key

Official Papers + Answer Key


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20. A: “________” B: “And you. See you around.”A. Nice talking to you. B. Never mind. I‟m just OK.C. I‟m fine. Thank you very much. D. It‟s my pleasure!Word FormsA. Use the correct form of the word given to fill in each blank. (10 pts)1. As a result of her good _______, she‟s made a lot of achievements in her life. (bring)2. His success in the field of mathematics is _______. (phenomenon)3. _______, this TV program should be carefully censored. (educate)4. Several _______ have been eliminated so far. (contest)5. _______ is the study of animals and their behaviors. (zoo)6. The city council is thinking of building a(n) _______ system. (ground)7. His contribution to the development of sports makes him a(n) _______ figure. (replace)8. He bought that tie in a _______ shop at the airport. (duty)9. In all _______, they will be successful in their project. (probable)10. The composition should be _______; there may be spelling mistakes in it. (read)B. Put the words given in the correct blanks. You have to use their correct forms to make a meaningfulpassage. There are two extra words that you cannot use. (20pts)flight analyze inclusion interpret practice colormemory consist relate condition long competeWe have dreams (1)_______ every night. Some of these dreams are remembered vividly. Other dreams, however,are forgotten as soon as we wake up. Contrary to what some people believe, our dreams are not „messages‟ from beyond.Neither do they tell us anything about our future. Instead, what you dream of at night is probably (2)_______ to yourexperiences during the day. For instance, if you had spent a (3)_______ day at the beach, you may dream about your day‟sexperience as you sleep.Our dreams may also have something to do with our fears and (4)_______. For example, if you long to win first prizein a high-jump contest, you may dream of yourself winning the (5)_______. Finally, our „external‟ environment may also affectour dreams. If we are hungry, cold or thirsty, our dreams may (6)_______ these feelings. For example, if I sleep in a very cold(7)_______ room I may dream that I am on an expedition to the North Pole.People known as (8)_______ study and analyze dreams psychologically. For instance, they may say that if youdream of (9)_______ in the sky you are a person who desires power. Of course, these (10)_______ may not be accepted byeveryone.PART THREE. CLOZE TESTSRead the passage and choose the best option (A, B, C or D) for each blank space.PASSAGE A (15 pts)British families started going on holiday to the seaside around the middle of the 19 th century. The invention of therailways (1)______ this possible. The first holidaymakers were quite rich and went for their health and education. The seasidewas a place to be (2)______ of illnesses, and doctors recommended bathing in the sea and drinking sea water. Also to(3)______ their knowledge, families attended concerts and read books from libraries.At that time, ordinary working people had very little time (4)______. However, in 1871, the government (5)______ four„Bank Holidays‟ – national holiday days. This (6)______ people to have a day or two out, which (7)______ gave them a(8)______ for leisure and the seaside. At first they went on day-trips, taking (9)______ of special cheap tickets on therailways.By the 1880‟s, rising incomes (10)______ many ordinary workers and their families could have a week‟s holiday atthe seaside. Rail (11)______ were reduced and cheap hotels were built to (12)______ them. Holidaymakers enjoyed being(13)______, sitting on the beach, bathing in the sea, and eating ice-cream. Cheap entertainment was (14)______ offer andholidaymakers went to have fun.Today, the English seaside (15)______ popular, with more than 18 million holidays taken there each year.1. A. let B. made C. got D. had2. A. cured B. remedied C. recovered D. improved3. A. raise B. spread C. increase D. add4. A. out B. off C. away D. from5. A. installed B. presented C. introduced D. brought6. A. allowed B. provided C. offered D. opened7. A. hardly ever B. here and there C. seldom D. now and then8. A. taste B. sense C. favour D. pleasure9. A. benefit B. opportunity C. advantage D. profit10. A. caused B. produced C. meant D. resulted11. A. fees B. bonuses C. fares D. tolls12. A. accommodate B. board C. cater D. lodgeBLOGCHUYENANH13. A. idle B. easy C. restful D. spare14. A. in B. for C. to D. on15. A. remains B. stays C. continues D. lastsFill in each of the blanks in the following passage with ONE suitable word.PASSAGE B (30 pts)In the 1960s, The Beatles were probably the (1)______ known pop group in the world. Since then, (2)______ havebeen a great many groups that have achieved enormous fame, so it is perhaps difficult now to imagine (3)______ sensationalThe Beatles were at the time. They were four boys from the north of England and (4)______ of them had any training(5)______ music. They started by performing and (6)______ songs by black Americans and they had some success withthese songs. Then they started writing their (7)______ songs and that was when they became really popular. The Beatleschanged pop music. They were the first pop group to achieve great success from songs they had written (8)______. After that2

it became (9)______ for groups and singers to write their songs. The Beatles did not have a long (10)______. Their first hitrecord was in 1963 and they (11)______ up in 1970. They stopped doing live (12)______ in 1966 because it had become toodangerous for them – their fans‟ excitement was (13)______ that they surrounded them and tried to take their clothes(14)______ souvenirs! However, today some of their songs (15)______ as famous as they were when they first came out.Throughout the world, many people can sing part of a Beatles song if you ask them.PASSAGE C (30 pts)Although the rise in the global temperature by 4 per cent predicted by many scientists (16)______ not sound likemuch, it is the difference between now and the last Ice (17)______, when huge glaciers covered Europe and most of Britain.(18)______ knows exactly what would happen on a warmer world, but we (19)______ know some things. Heat the kettle andthe (20)______ inside it expands. The temperature of the world has climbed more than half a (21)______ this century, and theoceans have (22)______ by at least 10 cm.But just as it (23)______ several minutes for a kettle to begin warming, it may have taken the oceans thirty years toswell. This (24)______ that the global warming we are now experiencing is a result only of the carbon dioxide we havedumped (25)______ the atmosphere up to the 1960s. Since then, the use of (26)_____ fuels has increased rapidly.Scientists working for the United Nations and European governments have been warning that (27)______ the Dutchand the people of East Anglia will need to do will be to build more extensive sea defenses. Many of the world‟s great cities areat (28)______, because they are located at the sea level. Miami, (29)______ entirely built on a sandbank, could be sweptaway. But the effects of rising sea levels will be much (30)______ for the developing countries. With a meter rise in sea levels,200 million could become homeless.PART FOUR. Reading Comprehension (40 pts)Choose the item (A, B, C or D) that best completes the unfinished statement about the passage.PASSAGE AThomas Edison, an inventor of the late 1800's, always said that the phonograph was his only real discovery, the onlyinvention he stumbled upon rather than deliberately set out to find. Having invented it, he then had to find a use for it. Musicalentertainment was one of the first uses he predicted for the phonograph, although it was by no means the only one. Theinventor claimed that it would change education, politics, and business communication, in addition to providing entertainment.Edison also thought it could be adapted for phonographic books for people with visual impairments, for the teaching of publicspeaking, and for talking clocks.It was thought that the phonograph could be used to save telephone messages, and the ability to record speechopened up several commercial uses. Chief among these was its employment as a dictating machine for people in business. Atalking machine could be used to replace the tedious exchange of letters with the recorded message of the speaker on aphonograph cylinder. The inventor hoped that the cylinder could be sent through the mail with the ease of a letter. Theadvantage was that the recipient got an exact record of the sender's message as it was dictated, substituting a soundrecording for correspondence. The paperless business office was anticipated well before the advent of personal computersand modems.Edison hoped that the phonograph would transform office work. The electric light, telephone, and typewriter wereslowly changing the way business was conducted in the United States, facilitating the task of managing the larger businessorganization of the late nineteenth century. When used as a dictating machine, the phonograph promised to further ease theburden of business administration by mechanizing correspondence. The device that had begun as a complement to thetelephone was now seen as an adjunct to the typewriter.At the same time that Edison was imagining the phonograph as the ultimate business tool, he also made a propheticstatement about its future. “This machine,” he wrote in 1878, shortly after the clamor surrounding the invention had died down,“can only be built on the American principle of interchangeability of parts, like a sewing machine.” Edison had grasped theidea of mass production using standardized parts.1. What does the passage mainly discuss?A. The discovery and potential uses of the phonograph B. Various inventions of Thomas EdisonC. Office technology in the United States in the late 1800's D. The impact of the telephone on businesses2. The author uses the phrase stumbled upon in the passage to indicate that Edison's invention of the phonograph was ___.A. accidental B. disorganized C. important D. popular3. The word one in line 3 refers to _____.A. Edison B. phonograph C. uses D. entertainment4. The word adapted in line 5 is closest in meaning to _____.A. sold B. presented C. modified D. rotated5. According to the passage, Edison believed the phonograph could be used to improve all of the following EXCEPT ____.A. business communication B. musical entertainment C. speed of mail delivery D. education6. The word tedious in line 9 is closest in meaning to _____.A. tiresome B. regular C. confusing D. hurried7. The author mentions „The electric light, telephone, and typewriter‟ in paragraph 3 in order to _____.A. show how office work was organized in the late 1800'sB. indicate problems that existed in offices in the late 1800'sC. provide examples of inventions that improved office efficiency in the late 1800'sD. point out accomplishments of offices in the late 1800's8. According to the passage, Edison believed that the phonograph could be used by business to _____.A. save money B. make office work easier to manageC. create new jobs D. improve accounting procedures9. The word device in line 17 refers to _____.A. phonograph B. electric light C. telephone D. typewriter10. Thomas Edison compared the phonograph to the sewing machine in terms of its _____.A. variety of uses B. cost of manufacture C. future impact on business D. method of productionBLOGCHUYENANH3

KEYPART ONE. LISTENINGRecording One: (1pt each)1. FALSE2. FALSE3. TRUE4. FALSE5. TRUERecording Two: (1pt each)6. Passport / Immigration (desk)7. British Airways (flight)8. 14 July9. his uncle10. New York6. FALSE7. FALSE8. TRUE9. FALSE10. TRUEPART TWO: USE OF ENGLISHChoose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentence. (1pt each)1. B. efforts you make2. D. Pete was3. C. had better be well-prepared4. B. taking in5. B. had done6. A. I’d been7. B. after8. A. refrain9. C. apart10. A. Such was the pain11. A. to12. D. at13. B. catch on14. B. puts15. A. bears a striking resemblance to16. B. has her heart set on17. C. make do with18. C. feasible19. B. I’m not convinced!20. A. Nice talking to you.Word FormsA. Use the correct form of the word given to fill in each blank. (1pt each)1. upbringing2. phenomenal3. Educationally4. contestants5. Zoology6. underground7. irreplaceable8. duty-free9. probability10. proofreadB. Put the words given in the correct blanks. You have to use their correct forms to make a meaningfulpassage. There are two extra words that you cannot use. (2pts each)(1) practically(2) related(3) memorable(4) longings(5) competition(6) include(7) air-conditioned(8) psychoanalysts(9) flying(10) interpretationsPART THREE. CLOZE TESTSRead the passage and choose the best option (A, B, C or D) for each blank space.PASSAGE A (1pt each)BLOGCHUYENANH1. B. made2. A. cured3. C. increase4. B. off5. C. introduced6. A. allowed7. D. now and then8. A. taste9. C. advantage10. C. meant11. C. fares12. A. accommodate13. A. idle14. D. on15. A. remains1

Fill in each of the blanks in the following passage with ONE suitable word.PASSAGE B (2pts each)(1) best(2) there(3) how(4) none(5) in(6) recording(7) own(8) themselves(9) common(10) career(11) split(12) performances(13) such(14) as(15) remainPASSAGE C(2pts each)(16) does / may / might(17) Age(18) No-one / Nobody(19) do(20) water(21) degree(22) risen(23) takes(24) means(25) into(26) fossil(27) what(28) risk(29) almost(30) worsePART FOUR. Reading ComprehensionChoose the item (A, B, C or D) that best completes the unfinished statement about the passage.PASSAGE A (2pts each)1. A. The discovery and potential uses of the phonograph2. A. accidental3. C. uses4. C. modified5. C. speed of mail delivery6. A. tiresome7. C. provide examples of inventions that improved office efficiency in the late 1800's8. B. make office work easier to manage9. A. phonograph10. A. variety of usesPASSAGE B(2pts each)11. C. planes12. D. describe the possibilities for transportation in the future13. A. automated freeways14. C. concentrated15. A. a dependable source of electric energy will eventually be developed16. B. equipped with charging devices17. D. textbook on urban planning18. A. electricity19. C. imagine20. A. combinationPART FIVE: SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION (20 points)Rewrite each sentence in such away that it means almost the same as the one printed before it. Use the word inbrackets.1. I, as well as several people, was taken in by his charming manners.2. The more I listened to the music, the more respectful to the composer I was / felt.3. Reluctant to take the job as / though she was / might be at first, she’s got on very well.4. That computer had its hardware infected with viruses, in my opinion.5. Had it not been for your warning, I would / might have failed (in) the test.6. It is 3 months since I last heard from him.7. Take pride in the accomplishments you have made / gained / attained so far.8. Though no professional singer, he sings with expression.9. Should the teacher ask for the reason why I’m absent, tell him I’m ill.10. Novak beat Roger once more / once again in the Indian Wells tournament.BLOGCHUYENANHTHE END2

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