Sewta 2013/14 Delivery Plan

Sewta 2013/14 Delivery Plan

Sewta 2013/14 Delivery Plan


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<strong>Sewta</strong> RTP <strong>Delivery</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>2013</strong>/<strong>14</strong>1. IntroductionThe Welsh Government requires <strong>Sewta</strong> to submit a <strong>Delivery</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> for the financial year <strong>2013</strong>/<strong>14</strong>that identifies its funding application for capital and revenue monies for the core activity areas ofRegional Transport <strong>Plan</strong> and Road Safety.The <strong>Sewta</strong> <strong>2013</strong>/<strong>14</strong> <strong>Delivery</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> has been developed on the basis of the Regional Transport<strong>Plan</strong>, the emerging <strong>Sewta</strong> Metro Plus priorities, relevant national / regional strategies, the WelshGovernment’s <strong>Delivery</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> Guidelines <strong>2013</strong>/<strong>14</strong> and written and verbal feedback to the <strong>Sewta</strong><strong>2013</strong>/<strong>14</strong> Draft <strong>Delivery</strong> Schedule submitted to the Welsh Government on <strong>14</strong> th January <strong>2013</strong>.As per Welsh Government guidance, <strong>Sewta</strong>’s total submission for <strong>2013</strong>/<strong>14</strong> is as follows:• Regional Transport <strong>Plan</strong> capital programme – £9.773m (of which Active Travel £3.07m andAccess for All £2.557m), plus a reserve list of £<strong>14</strong>.822m• Road Safety capital programme – £1.830m, plus a reserve list of £0.841m• Road Safety revenue programme – £0.883m• Regional Travel <strong>Plan</strong>ning Revenue Grant – £0.080m• Consortia core revenue support - £0.125mAll projects proposed for delivery in <strong>2013</strong>/<strong>14</strong> have a clear link back to the RTP.They support the vision, some or all of the objectives, the strategy and associated componentstrategies. Further information on the RTP Vision, Objectives, Priorities, Policies and Actions, linksto national/regional strategies, <strong>Sewta</strong> Corporate Aims and Objectives, and <strong>Sewta</strong> organisationalarrangements and delivery mechanisms, can be found in the <strong>Sewta</strong> Business <strong>Plan</strong> for <strong>2013</strong>/<strong>14</strong>.Further information on the proposals and their regional spatial context can be found in section 7.Further information on appraisal and prioritisation can be found within the relevant sections.Annex 1 contains the overall delivery schedule including capital and revenue expenditure for allelements of the Regional Transport Consortia Grant. Annex 2 provides an overview of the quarterlyspend profiles for each scheme within the programme. This will be updated in April <strong>2013</strong>. TheAnnex 3a (i) form contains information on RTP capital schemes within the Regional TransportConsortia Grant, while the Annex 3a (ii) form contains information on Road Safety capitalschemes. The Annex 3b (i) form contains information on RTP revenue expenditure and the Annex3b (ii) form contains information on Road Safety revenue expenditure.2. Regional Transport <strong>Plan</strong> capital programme2. 1 OverviewThe proposals for the utilisation of the RTP element of the <strong>2013</strong>/<strong>14</strong> Regional Transport ConsortiaGrant take forward the RTP Five Year Programme, taking into account progress on schemedelivery between 2010/11 and 2012/13. They take account of commitments made by the <strong>Sewta</strong>Board, and the work undertaken by the <strong>Sewta</strong> working groups.Table 2.1 sets out the proposals planned in the RTP activity area for <strong>2013</strong>/<strong>14</strong>:- 2 -

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