Sewta 2013/14 Delivery Plan

Sewta 2013/14 Delivery Plan

Sewta 2013/14 Delivery Plan


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<strong>Sewta</strong> RTP <strong>Delivery</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> – Annex 3a (Road Safety)RefSchemeRankTitle Lead Authority FY<strong>2013</strong>-<strong>14</strong>SchemeType*RSS4 5 Lighting at zebracrossing, Barry Road,BarryScheme DescriptionKey benefits – Outputs (quantified) andoutcomesSummary Evidence to support interventionProposals for Monitoring and EvaluationRSS5 6 Pedestrian crossing andmarkings, LlantarnamRoad, CwmbranScheme DescriptionKey benefits – Outputs (quantified) andoutcomesSummary Evidence to support interventionProposals for Monitoring and EvaluationRSS6 7 Additional traffic signalheads, Dumfries Place /Station Terrace, CardiffScheme DescriptionKey benefits – Outputs (quantified) andoutcomesSummary Evidence to support interventionProposals for Monitoring and EvaluationRSS7 8 Traffic signal andpedestrian/cyclistfacilities improvement,Leckwith Road /Wellington Street,CardiffScheme DescriptionKey benefits – Outputs (quantified) andoutcomesSummary Evidence to support interventionProposals for Monitoring and EvaluationRSS8 9 Signing, A467 BournvilleRoad RoseheyworthJunction, AbertilleryScheme DescriptionKey benefits – Outputs (quantified) andoutcomesMODE / CATEGORY**Total SchemeCost (AllYears)- 2 -Total RTCG(All Years)Total matchFunding (AllYears)Allocationfrom RTCG13-<strong>14</strong>Matchfunding13-<strong>14</strong>TotalSchemecost 13-<strong>14</strong>Scheme StartDateScheme EndDateVale of Glamorgan Works Road Safety £15k £15k 0 £15k 0 £15k April <strong>2013</strong> March 20<strong>14</strong>Provide lighting at Zebra crossing. Due to the intermittent use, drivers do not always pay attention to the occasional pedestrian waiting to cross. This is exacerbated by local shops and apub with halogen uplighting reducing the impact of the flashing belisha beacons.As per prioritisation tool. Casualty reduction. First year rate of return 2.5.Three slight casualties involving pedestrians and cyclists. As per prioritisation tool. Collision information attached.Vehicle speeds/volume and number of personal injury collisions.Torfaen Works Road Safety £185k £35k £150k £35k £150k £185k April <strong>2013</strong> October <strong>2013</strong>This scheme will replace an existing zebra crossing located on Llantarnam Road near the entrance to the local comprehensive school i.e. Llantarnam Comprehensive School with a newsignalised (puffin) pedestrian crossing. This will involve the installation of new pedestrian crossing, within a minor realigned/narrowed section of the carriageway and incorporating somesheltered on-street parking provision.The introduction of this scheme will upgrade an existing zebra crossing; address the existing collision record at this location and on-going safety concerns regarding pedestrians and/ormotorists failing to give-way or stop on the approach or at this crossing. The Authority has received several complaints from the local community, the Headteacher and parents of pupilsattending the school over the safety of the existing crossing and therefore, a signalised pedestrian crossing will provide a safer pedestrian crossing facility with positive traffic control forpedestrians and improved compliance amongst drivers.As per prioritisation tool.Speed monitoring loops have been deployed on this road to collect ‘Before’ speed/volume data and similar ‘After’ monitoring will be undertaken approximately 1-2 months after schemecompletion.Cardiff Works Road Safety £40k £40k 0 £40k 0 £40k May <strong>2013</strong> August <strong>2013</strong>This scheme will improve road safety for all highway users at the Dumfries Place / Station Terrace junction. The main aim is to reduce vehicle to vehicle collisions but the scheme is alsoaimed at improving road safety for vulnerable pedestrians and cyclists. The scheme will implement additional traffic signal heads to clarify the priorities and reduce rear shunts due toconfusionThe key aim of this scheme is to reduce the number of injury. The existing collision rate at the junction is <strong>14</strong> with the potential and expected reduction in collisions being 33% with aRoSPA reduction factor of 0.22. The anticipated first year rate of return is 54. The scheme will also make it easier (as well as safer) for pedestrians and cyclists to travel through thejunction.See prioritisation tool and bid document.These schemes will all be subject to Cardiff Councils usual scheme monitoring process. This includes factors such as the speeds, flows and accident rate before and after the scheme.The monitoring process also considers feedback from interested parties and other feedback and processes such as Road Safety and Quality Audits.Cardiff Works Road Safety £70k £70k 0 £70k 0 £70k May <strong>2013</strong> January 20<strong>14</strong>This scheme will improve road safety for all highway users at the Leckwith Road / Wellington Street junction. The main aim is to reduce vehicle to vehicle collisions but the scheme is alsoaimed at improving road safety for vulnerable pedestrians and cyclists. The scheme will implement improved pedestrian crossing facilities and an additional stage for the right turnmanoeuvres.The key aim of this scheme is to reduce the number of injury. The existing collision rate at the junction is 16 with the potential and expected reduction in collisions being 70% with aRoSPA reduction factor of 0.22. The anticipated first year rate of return is 70. The scheme will also make it easier (as well as safer) for pedestrians and cyclists to travel through thejunction.See prioritisation tool and bid document.These schemes will all be subject to Cardiff Councils usual scheme monitoring process. This includes factors such as the speeds, flows and accident rate before and after the scheme.The monitoring process also considers feedback from interested parties and other feedback and processes such as Road Safety and Quality Audits.Blaenau Gwent Works Road Safety £9k £9k 0 £9k 0 £9k June <strong>2013</strong> September <strong>2013</strong>To implement improvements on the A467 / Bourneville Rd junction that will include improved signing and lining works.The scheme will have a positive benefit in casualty reduction and in assisting delivery of road safety policy RSP1 in the Regional Transport <strong>Plan</strong> and has been prioritised in line with theSETWA prioritisation tool. There has been 2 fatal collisions within the scope of the proposed works. The scheme first rate of return has been calculated at a pessimistic rate of 0% and

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