Sewta 2013/14 Delivery Plan

Sewta 2013/14 Delivery Plan

Sewta 2013/14 Delivery Plan


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<strong>Sewta</strong> RTP <strong>Delivery</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>2013</strong>/<strong>14</strong>Concerning park & ride schemes, as other rail schemes, these are subject to considerable lead-intimes and in general require the commitment of rail industry partners. Proposals are reviewed interms of deliverability (programme peer reviews), funding needs/co-funding opportunity 7 , theirrelationship to the regional rail strategy 8 , National Transport <strong>Plan</strong> and quality of proposal (planningpeer reviews).For further information on the benefit of individual schemes or elements within schemes see theannex 3a form.2.9 Prioritisation – Highways make-better-use (MBU)The RTP defined a regional road network, on which keeping traffic moving should be prioritised.The RTP further identifies a number of key problem areas and suggests the development of a highvalue/low cost make-better-use programme to reduce congestion, keep traffic moving, reduce thenegative impact of traffic on people and the environment and support public transport proposals. Astudy was undertaken in 2010/11 which set out an initial prioritised order for MBU improvements,this was further reviewed in 2012/13 through a peer review process in which key prioritisedschemes were reviewed further leading to a re-prioritised list of schemes to be developed anddelivered dependent on funding availability. To ensure a steady and deliverable programmetypically a number of areas are looked at in parallel, with further reprioritisation undertakendependent on examination of individual proposals at peer review meetings. The current level offunding available means that only one scheme can be delivered in <strong>2013</strong>/<strong>14</strong>. Spending is thereforefocussed on the A472 / A4043 Pontypool scheme which is a key junction linking two routes ofregional significance.2.10 Prioritisation – Smaller schemes programmesDuring the development of the RTP <strong>Sewta</strong> identified the need / opportunity for funding for smallerschemes, which are too minor to be developed in the same way as major schemes in the FiveYear Programme, but which could provide quick wins by providing fast progress towards some ofthe priorities and policies of the RTP.Each smaller scheme programme was developed in the relevant <strong>Sewta</strong> technical working group bycouncil officers together with partners (Sustrans, passenger representatives, operators, CTA,Traveline, Welsh Government) and reviewed in terms of benefit and deliverability by the <strong>Sewta</strong>Central Support Unit and the Programme Management Group.For further information see the annex 3a form.3. Road Safety capital programme3. 1 OverviewThe proposed road safety infrastructure schemes were initially developed by <strong>Sewta</strong> localauthorities and then reviewed and prioritised by the <strong>Sewta</strong> Road Safety Group. A prioritisation toolwas developed, which took account of accidents at the site, speeds, facilities nearby (e.g. schools),and expected reduction in accidents through the schemes and costs.Table 3.1 sets out the proposed <strong>2013</strong>/<strong>14</strong> Road Safety capital programme:7 For example EUSF8 Schemes are often developed as part of the planning of rail improvements or to complement proposals inthe <strong>Sewta</strong> rail strategy.- 8 -

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