2012 Summer Program - Center for Talent Development ...

2012 Summer Program - Center for Talent Development ...

2012 Summer Program - Center for Talent Development ...

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NEW! MATH STUDIOStudents at our Skokie and Chicago sitesare invited to enroll in an afternoonMath Studio course. Led by artist-educators,students extend their math learningthrough arts exploration. Eachstudio classroom will offer group activitiesas well as centers <strong>for</strong> drawing, reading,puzzles, and dramatic play. Mathstudio instructors collaborate with theLeapfrog math instructors to connectthe afternoon arts activities with themath curriculum, allowing students toapply what they’ve learned in new andcreative ways. Math Studio is designedto strengthen creative thinking andexpression using academic subjectmatter. See descriptions on pages 4-5.Week 1 (July 9 – 13)CODES AND SYMBOLSThe world is full of codes and symbols andmath skills help you decipher them! Fromnumber patterns to complex ciphers,young code breakers develop strategiesand discover the secrets behind a fascinatingvariety of codes.1-B (PreK/K) Number SecretsHow many different ways can you depictthe number three? A digit is just one symbolthat represents a numerical concept.Amazing secrets are revealed as studentspractice identifying and using symbol systemsto represent mathematical ideas.1-B (K/1) Code BreakersBreaking a code often involves identifyinga pattern. Morse code, <strong>for</strong> example, is apattern of dots and dashes. Students identifypatterns of numbers, letters, sounds,and symbols and use what they havelearned to create their own secret codes.1-B (1/2) Math <strong>for</strong> SpiesThere’s more to being a spy than justwearing a disguise. Spies also have to beexpert mathematicians. In this course,aspiring spies use math to create secretcodes, plot the coordinates of enemyhideouts, and discover, through logicalreasoning, the identities of other spies.1-B (2/3) Secret PasswordsHow do computer passwords work? Whyare some passwords better than others?This course explores a variety of methods<strong>for</strong> using and creating passwords and passcodes,and develops the mathematical andcritical-thinking skills necessary to createmaster passwords.NEW! 1-S (K-3) Codes & SymbolsMath StudioSee description on page 4.Offered: P.M. in Skokie & Chicago <strong>for</strong>students in K through grade 3Week 2 (July 16-20)PUZZLES & GAMESFind the right strategy and a solution willemerge! With a focus on logical thinking,young mathematicians use reasoning, estimationand mental math skills as they playgames, work through puzzles and tackleword problems.NEW! 2-B (PreK/K) Puzzles & ProblemsPuzzles, tangrams and story problemschallenge students to seek solutions usingcomputation, logic and deduction.NEW! 2-B (K/1) Games & StrategiesComplex games and tough-to-solve problemsare no match <strong>for</strong> students armed withthe estimation and reasoning skills theyacquire in this course.NEW! 2-B (1/2) Mind Bogglers:Predictions & ProbabilityStudents’ analytical skills are challenged asthey make educated predictions and considerprobability — all in the context of wordproblems, chance games and brainteasers.2-B (2/3) Brain Twisters: Multiplication &FractionsSometimes solving a math problem is likeuntangling a knot. Challenges keep youngminds churning as they use fractions andmultiplication to arrive at solutions.NEW! 2-S (K-3) Puzzles & GamesMath StudioSee description on page 5.Offered: P.M. in Skokie & Chicago <strong>for</strong>students in K through grade 3Week 3 (July 23 -27)DOLLARS & CENTS: BUSINESS BASICSWhy do you need money? How do youmake money? What does it take to create asuccessful business? From working withbudgeting, currencies, and systems <strong>for</strong>tracking success to analyzing profit/lossand supply/demand relationships, participantslearn about finance and businesswhile applying their mathematical skills.3-B (PreK/K) Coins & Currency:Money In Our WorldMoney doesn’t grow on trees! Students inthis course learn where money actuallycomes from and its role in the world.Course participants strengthen their computationskills as they explore and comparedifferent currencies, learn the basics ofexchange and value, and practice countingand making change through games andsimulations.3-B (K/1) Bank On It: Savings & Checking“A penny saved is a penny earned.” —Benjamin Franklin. Budding bankersexplore the concept of a bank and its alternatives.After delving into topics includingsavings, interest and checking, studentspractice real-world skills as they establishtheir own bank and set up different typesof bank accounts, make deposits and withdrawmoney.3-B (1/2) Budgeting a BusinessAre you making money? To answer thatquestion, students create a kid businessand set up a budget <strong>for</strong> their new enterprise.From considering supply anddemand to calculating costs and payingemployees (and, hopefully, turning aprofit), students advance their creativethinking,problem-solving and computationskills as they learn about building abusiness budget.= Creative Studies Course847/491-3782 www.ctd.northwestern.edu NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY CENTER FOR TALENT DEVELOPMENT 11

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