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2012 Summer Program - Center for Talent Development ...

2012 Summer Program - Center for Talent Development ...

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Spark, Solstice, Apogee,Spectrum & Equinox Campus Life DetailsPROGRAM EXPERIENCEThe programs provide learning experiences matched to students’identified abilities, inspire a love of learning, and provide a communityof intellectual peers.Typical Daily Schedule(times may be earlier or later depending on the program)7:15 a.m. Breakfast8:15 a.m. Commuter students arrive/walk to class8:30 a.m. Class starts11:15 a.m. Lunch12:15 p.m. Class continues2:45 p.m. Class ends/commuter students may depart3:00 p.m. Afternoon activity (commuters encouragedto participate)5:30 p.m. Dinner (optional <strong>for</strong> commuters)6:30 p.m. Evening study sessions (commuters invitedbut not required to participate)8:15 p.m. Evening activity10:00 p.m. Students must be in their own rooms• A residential coordinator in each program oversees residential lifeincluding staff, activities, health and social issues. Residentialassistants are assigned to supervise small groups of students.COMMUTERSStudents who prefer to reside at home while participating in the<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>Program</strong> may commute. (CLI students may not becommuters.) Commuters may choose to participate in afternoonactivities and evening study sessions.• Commuters are dropped off and picked up at a central locationmonitored by CTD staff members. Equinox commuters may bedropped off at a spot convenient to their classroom, take publictransportation or drive themselves to campus.• Lunch is provided to all commuter students in a university dininghall.• Commuters participating in an evening study session may stay <strong>for</strong>dinner <strong>for</strong> a per meal fee (Northwestern site only).• For the convenience of its commuter students, CTD provides acarpool list <strong>for</strong> those who request to be included on it. Pleaseindicate your interest in being placed on this list by checking thecarpool list box on the <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>Program</strong> Application.ActivitiesActivities are an important part of the CTD <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>Program</strong> experience,and they help provide a healthy balance of work and play.After class students may participate in a variety of afternoon andevening activities (selections vary by program). Favorites include visitingthe beach on Lake Michigan, playing Capture the Flag, visitingthe University Student <strong>Center</strong>, participating in Ultimate Frisbee andsoccer games, and engaging in various crafts. Quiet time is anoption <strong>for</strong> students who wish to study or relax with friends.Students in residential programs enjoy a broad range of activities,such as off- and on-campus theater, concerts, movies, museums,dances and talent shows. The learning that occurs outside ofclass, through casual conversation, study periods, and recreationalactivities, is just as important as that which occurs in class. For thisreason, we require residential students to remain with the <strong>Summer</strong><strong>Program</strong> throughout each session, including weekends and holidays.If you are not com<strong>for</strong>table having your child remain in the programover the weekend, enroll him/her as a commuter student. Due tosafety and supervision concerns, weekend activities are offered toresidential students only.RESIDENTIAL LIFE (Northwestern University and CLI)For students who prefer to experience a residential living and learningcommunity, the <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>Program</strong> provides a residential option:• Students reside and eat in university residence halls under thesupervision of specially trained residential staff.• Students in Spark, Solstice, Apogee, Spectrum and CLI arehoused by age and by gender and, when possible, by course ordiscipline. Students in Equinox are housed by course (males andfemales may be on the same floor/wing but have separate roomsand bathroom facilities).COMPUTERSBecause of heavy demand, access to public-use computers and campuscomputer labs is extremely limited. There are one or two computersin each residence hall that students may access, if needed.Residential students in Apogee, Spectrum and Equinox are stronglyencouraged to bring their own laptops and printers with them whileattending CTD to assist them with their coursework. Because of theshort duration of our programs, neither CTD nor NorthwesternUniversity provides technical support, including e-mail or Internetaccounts, <strong>for</strong> personal computers. Students are given access to theclosed wireless network on campus. Details regarding the rights andresponsibilities of computer and Internet usage on campus are providedin the acceptance materials. If you have questions about computeruse at the program, please contact the <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>Program</strong> office.INSTRUCTORS<strong>Center</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Talent</strong> <strong>Development</strong> selects instructors based on theirmastery of subject matter, experience, enthusiasm and the ability todifferentiate instruction. CTD instructors are particularly skilled atproviding engaging and thought-provoking learning experiences <strong>for</strong>academically talented students.THIRD-PARTY WEBSITESCTD’s website and CTD program and course materials may refer tothird-party websites. Staff members review such websites <strong>for</strong> inappropriatecontent be<strong>for</strong>e referencing them. However, because webcontent continuously changes and is not controlled by CTD, CTDdisclaims responsibility <strong>for</strong> the content contained on third-partywebsites. If you become aware of anything that may be inappropriate,please notify CTD staff immediately.847/491-3782 www.ctd.northwestern.edu NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY CENTER FOR TALENT DEVELOPMENT 45

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