CAFOD Trustees Report and Financial Statements 2011-2012

CAFOD Trustees Report and Financial Statements 2011-2012

CAFOD Trustees Report and Financial Statements 2011-2012


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The daily water supply has doubled in Marsabit, the rural aridnorthern area of Kenya, as a result of repairing boreholes <strong>and</strong>installing new tanks, pipes <strong>and</strong> a generator> In rural Kenya, where access to power is very difficult, solar poweris changing the lives of 301,996 families with the introduction ofsolar-powered water pumps, water purification systems, waterheaters <strong>and</strong> even solar powered computers <strong>and</strong> printers.Working with the Diocese of Marsabit in northern KenyaSmall grants for vulnerable householdsIn Marsabit, where most people rely on cattle, goats <strong>and</strong> sheep tomake a living, the drought was a disaster, killing their animals <strong>and</strong>crops <strong>and</strong> causing a huge rise in food prices. <strong>CAFOD</strong> supported thediocese in a project with five components:> improving access to safe water> cash for work schemes> unconditional small grants for the most vulnerable> health <strong>and</strong> hygiene> construction of water pans for livestock.Our support also included our own emergency response staff workingalongside partners.30,000Food, water, healthcare,shelter <strong>and</strong> sanitationprogrammes havehelped to improve thelives of 30,000 peoplein South Sudan.Our partners told us of the impact of the unconditional small grantsfor one family:“Khorosunto is a widow with four children, one boy <strong>and</strong> three girls. Sheis very poor <strong>and</strong> has no source of income <strong>and</strong> no means of earning aliving. She does not have access to enough food to ensure her familyeat all necessary meals per day, has no money to provide her familywith medical care or to educate her children. With the money (fromMarsabit diocese) she has been able to provide her family with at leastthree meals per day which are well balanced. She is able to purchasea variety of food, <strong>and</strong> pay her basic medical bill. She has also usedpart of the money to start a small business in which she sells itemslike sugar, tea leaves, tobacco, maize <strong>and</strong> beans. This means thatthe support has not only helped her through the immediate crisis buthas also provided a sustainable benefit that will continue after theimmediate relief phase is over.”…in South SudanOn 9 July <strong>2011</strong>, South Sudan gained independence from Sudan afterthe 2005 peace deal that ended Africa’s longest-running civil war.As the world’s media watched, <strong>CAFOD</strong> has continued to providehumanitarian assistance to this new born nation.> Food, water, healthcare, shelter <strong>and</strong> sanitation programmes havehelped to improve the lives of 30,000 people while peace efforts,especially in the border areas, are being made to provide stability.13

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