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<strong>HARNESS</strong> <strong>TRACKS</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>AMERICA</strong><strong>Executive</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong>A daily fax and e-mail report on racing and gaming developments in North America and beyondStanley F. Bergstein, EditorThursday, January 21, 2010COLD RESPONSE TO KY GOVGov. Steve Beshear’s effort to get slots at Kentuckytracks approved in his legislature metwith lack of enthusiasm and resistance in thestate capital at Frankfort, and drew a quickresponse from the president of the Senate andspeaker of the House, both of whom introducedtheir own bills. The Lexington Herald-Leader’sJanet Patton reported that even the sponsor ofthe governor’s version, Senate minority floorleader Ed Worley, drew his hand across histhroat when asked about the bill’s chances. Ithas been referred to the Senate Appropriationsand Revenue committee, and Worley told Patton,“Any bill that goes to A&R, normally that’sthe writing on the wall.” Senate president DavidWilliams’ version, Senate Bill 2, calling for astatewide referendum, received State and LocalGovernment committee approval yesterday, butSenator Worley said it doesn’t stand a chancein the full Senate, where 23 votes are needed forapproval. There are 21 Republican votes andone independent, and Worley thinks the bill willbe dead on arrival on party lines alone. Housespeaker Greg Stumbo also introduced a bill ofhis own, its fate unknown. The Senate is to votetoday on the Williams bill.In Indiana, the Senate Appropriations committeewas due to take testimony today on enablinglegislation that would allow the state’s riverboatcasinos to up anchor and move inland. As proposed,such moves would require a $50 millionfee, but would be waived for one of the two riverboatsin Gary, with the second returning itslicense to the state. The Indiana House PublicSafety committee approved by a 7-5 vote a billthat would prohibit smoking in public places, includingbars and restaurants, but exempting casinos.Harness racing in Indiana returns to HTAmembers Hoosier Park on March 25 for arun until July 11 and Indiana Downs fora July 23-Nov 9 meeting.JURY SELECTION FOR BROOKSJurors have been selected for the upcoming trialof David Brooks, whom the federal governmenthas accused of looting $186 million from DHBIndustries, his self-named company that includedmanufacturing of armored vests for troops inIraq. Brooks and his family are probably theworld’s largest single-family owners of trottersand pacers, with the U.S. Trotting Associationreporting one division, Bulletproof Enterprises,as owning more than 400 horses. A federal prosecutor,not impressed, has asked the trial judgeto forfeit the $400 million bond that enabledBrooks to remain free on bail, although he nowis reported as being back in prison for mishandlingand concealing funds in European banks.Brooks’ brother Jeffrey is registered with USTAas corresponding officer for the family’s tremendouslysuccessful Bulletproof Enterprises division,which topped all stables last year with $10million in earnings. Brooks’ wife Terry is listedas owner of several family stables, including TacticalArmor Products and Tactical Armor Enterprises,the first having bred the major stakeswinner If I Can Dream and the latter havingbred the standout filly Not Enough.YOU CAN BREATHE NOWIn case you’re in New York and have been holdingyour breath for two weeks now, or longer,waiting for a promised decision on who willbuild and run the Aqueduct racino, you canbreathe now. Thoroughbred Times reports thatGov. David Paterson didn’t mention the subjectin his budget proposal, but did tab $134 millionas possible income from legalizing extreme fighting,loosely called a martial art.If you haven’t made your reservation for HTA’sannual meeting at the Hyatt Grand Champions inIndian Wells, CA, March 8-11, HTA’s JEN FO-LEY awaits your call at 520-529-2525.The room deadline is nearing.

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