Chapter 3 Unidirectional transport - Chemical Engineering ...

Chapter 3 Unidirectional transport - Chemical Engineering ...

Chapter 3 Unidirectional transport - Chemical Engineering ...

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3.1. SOLUTIONS OF THE DIFFUSION EQUATION 19z−−>Infinityu*=0~xz+ ∆ zzzz=0u*=1~xux=U cos( ω t)Figure 3.4: Oscillatory flow at a flat surface.xwhere the scaled frequency is given by ω ∗ = (ωL 2 /ν).The differential equation 3.76 for the velocity field is a linear differentialequation, since all terms in the equation contain only the first power of u †∗x .This first order differential equation is driven by a wall which is oscillatorywall velocity with scaled frequency ω ∗ . When a linear system is driven bywall motion of frequency ω ∗ , the response of the system also has the samefrequency ω ∗ . (This is not true if the system is non-linear, since forcing of acertain frequency will generate response at different harmonics of this basefrequency). Therefore, the time dependence of the velocity field in the fluidcan be considered to be of the formu †∗x = ũ∗ x (z∗ ) exp (ıω ∗ t ∗ ) (3.78)When this form is inserted into the differential equation 3.76, and divided byexp (ıω ∗ t ∗ ), the resulting equation is an ordinary differential equation for ũ ∗ x .The boundary conditions for ũ ∗ x (3.77) becomeıω ∗ ũ ∗ x = ∂2 ũ ∗ x∂z ∗2 (3.79)ũ ∗ x = 1 at z = 0

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