Wednesday November 15, 2006 - National Communication ...

Wednesday November 15, 2006 - National Communication ...

Wednesday November 15, 2006 - National Communication ...

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practice? Is the communication discipline a site that informs practitioners' and academicians' actions, or do we rely on external validation tosupplement our perspective? With many communication faculty actively participating in some aspect of training and development and manydepartments of communication offering some type of training course work, this will be an opportunity to consider what the communicationdiscipline distinctly contributes to the field.20210 9:30 am to 10:45 am Hilton Lobby Hacienda IISponsor: Human <strong>Communication</strong> and Technology DivisionChair: Adriana Araujo de Souza e Silva, North Carolina State UniversityMOBILE TECHNOLOGIES AND SOCIAL SPACES.This panel explores how mobile technologies alter our perception of social spaces from four interrelated perspectives: A historical approach tothe early uses of mobile technologies in relation to the automobile space; a spatial-materialist approach to the definition of social space basedon interpersonal mobile communication of couples; a case study approach to the creation of hybrid multiuser spaces via location-basedgaming; and an interactive design approach that examines new production challenges for mobile games.20211 9:30 am to 10:45 am Marriott Riverwalk Second Level Salon AIMAGES, IDEOLOGY, AND AMERICAN ADVERTISING: STRATEGIES OF CULTIVATION, REINFORCEMENT, AND DIVERSION.Sponsor: Mass <strong>Communication</strong> DivisionChair: R Lance Holbert, University of DelawareRespondent:Rod Carveth, Marywood University"Ethnicity in Prime-Time Advertising." William Douglas, University of Houston; Suzanne Buck, University of Houston"Stories of Political Advertising: The Cultivation Perspective." Dina Nekrassova, Rutgers University"An Ideological Criticism of Abercrombie & Fitch Promotional Greeter Photograph." Myra Luna-Lucero, Univ of New Mexico"Images of Gender and Race in Super Bowl Advertising: A Comparative Content Analysis." Barbara King, Carroll College20212 9:30 am to 10:45 am Marriott Riverwalk Second Level Salon BSponsor: Scholarship of Teaching and LearningChair: Tracy Russo, University of KansasREFLECTION AS PRAXIS IN TEACHING AND LEARNING.Reflection, one of the core concepts of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, is an ongoing process of critically examining current and pastpractices against standards or objectives to improve future practices and increasing knowledge (Hatton & Smith, 1995; LaBoskey, 1994).Reflection helps both teachers and learners address problems and learning challenges, deepen understanding, and generate new insights. Thispanel presents several studies that seek to understand the enactment of reflection in college classrooms.20213 9:30 am to 10:45 am Marriott Riverwalk Second Level Salon CSponsor: Mass <strong>Communication</strong> DivisionChair: Glenda Balas, Univ of New MexicoRespondent:Robert K. Avery, University of UtahSPOTLIGHT ON SCHOLARSHIP: CELEBRATING THE LIFE AND LEGACY OF SAMUEL L. BECKER.This "Spotlight on Scholarship" panel explores Sam Becker's extraordinary contribution to the communication field. The panelists (all formerstudents) provide personalized accounts of their memories of Dr. Becker and discuss specific ways in which their work and professional liveshave been shaped and influenced by their association with him. Sam Becker stands as the quintessential role model for the academicprofessional. This panel has been designed to honor his example. "Sam Becker: The Early Years" is a short documentary that features interviewfootage of Dr. Sam Becker, as he recounts growing up on the Mississippi River in eastern Iowa and his experiences as a junior faculty member atthe University of Iowa (Producer: Glenda Balas, University of New Mexico; Director: Jason Balas, University of Oklahoma).20214 9:30 am to 10:45 am Marriott Riverwalk Second Level Salon DSponsor: Theatre DivisionChair: John Anderson, Emerson CollegeTHE POETRY OF WIDE OPEN SPACES: PLAYWRIGHTS OF THE SOUTHWEST.

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