Wednesday November 15, 2006 - National Communication ...

Wednesday November 15, 2006 - National Communication ...

Wednesday November 15, 2006 - National Communication ...

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"Ideology, Rhetoric, and the People's War on SARS." Canchu Lin, Bowling Green State Univ"Mother Tongue Education in Taiwan: Exploring Language Attitudes and Ideologies." Wen-Yu Chao, University of Oklahoma; Todd Sandel,University of Oklahoma20276 9:30 am to 10:45 am Convention Center Concourse 2nd Level Room 217 ASponsor: Media Ecology AssociationChair: Robert MacDougall, Emerson CollegeRespondent:James C. Morrison, Emerson CollegeTHE NEW PUBLIC SPHERES: MEDIATED DEMOCRACY, POLITICS, AND CIVIC EXCHANGE.This panel considers a variety of communicative situations where politics or politicizing are the game, and how certain media seem tosystematically enable and/or prohibit certain kinds of meanings and messages "getting through." Some of the key questions asked by panelistsinclude: (1) Can message producers today more reliably gauge and predict how particular symbolic constructions (linguistic, photographic,iconic, etc.) will be received and utilized? (2) What are the differences/relationships between a citizen, a consumer and a political participanttoday? (3) How do top-down (ie. corporate, governmental, administrative) interests rationalize or otherwise impinge on the content beingrelayed via specific media? McLuhan's "laws of media" are applied and basic "tetrads" are drawn up so that the various technologies can bemore systematically compared and discussed.20278 9:30 am to 10:45 am Convention Center Concourse 2nd Level Room 217 BSponsor: Performance Studies DivisionRespondent:Mindy Fenske, University of South CarolinaCOLLECTIVE ACTION: EFFICACY IN/THROUGH DIGITAL PERFORMANCE.Members of Underscore Collective, a collaborative online performance group, present short, collaboratively developed digital performancesexploring aesthetics and/of efficacy in digital environments. Each team will present its performance and then discuss the process ofdevelopment, rehearsal, and documentation of these performances. We believe these performances on the web-stage, and the discussion theyinspire, will encourage action in the physical world.20279 9:30 am to 10:45 am Convention Center Concourse 2nd Level Room 217 CTHE SENSES, SENSE-MAKING AND MEANING: CULTURE AND SEMIOTICS.Sponsor: Semiotics and <strong>Communication</strong> DivisionChair: Stacey Irwin, Millersville UniversityRespondent:Kevin Williams, Shepherd Universtiy"'Vogue-lish' in Taipei: The Magic is in the Message." Melissa Curtin, Univ of New Mexico"Cassirer was Half Right: What Deaf Communities Show us about the Meaning of Speaking." Madeline M Maxwell, University of Texas"'Humans vs. Orcs:' A Semiotic Analysis of Race in Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games." Kyle Leroy Ryan, Western MichiganUniversity20280 9:30 am to 10:45 am Convention Center Concourse 2nd Level Room 217 DSponsor: Critical and Cultural Studies DivisionSUBVERSION WITH A SMIRK: IRONIC RESISTANCE AND CONTEMPORARY POLITICS.In recent years the centrality of earnest political dialogue in American culture has been challenged by the more playful, media-savvy, butslippery mode of ironic commentary. This panel seeks to take seriously the cultural work accomplished by the contemporary iteration of theironic mode, focusing specifically on the field of resistant irony: cultural texts and organizations that strive to critique or to change the statusquo by way of the ironic barb.20281 9:30 am to 10:45 am Convention Center Concourse 2nd Level Room 218Sponsor: Feminist and Women's Studies DivisionChair: Carl Burgchardt, Colorado State UniversityGENDERED RHETORIC: HISTORICAL CASE STUDIES.

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