Wednesday November 15, 2006 - National Communication ...

Wednesday November 15, 2006 - National Communication ...

Wednesday November 15, 2006 - National Communication ...

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way of a position paper regarding the rhetorical negotiation of the virtual/real-world divide.20219 9:30 am to 10:45 am Marriott Riverwalk Second Level ValeroSponsor: Women's CaucusChair: Mary Rose Williams, Univ of Wisconsin, PlattevilleParticipants:Traci Fordham-Hernandez, St Lawrence UniversityArthur Ranney, Univ of Wisconsin, PlattevilleClaire Jacobs, Christopher Newport UniversityFrances Ranney, Wayne State UnivM. Rosie Russo, University of Colorado-DenverPhilip Backlund, Central Washington UniversityPamela Tracy, Longwood UniversityAllison Burr-Miller, Colorado State UniversityLinda Manning, Christopher Newport UnivLinda Baughman, Christopher Newport URespondent:Maisha Vogel, University of Colorado, DenverFEMINIZING THE ACADEMY: A MARKETING STRATEGY?A shift within the Academy to create a more nurturing environment as a means to gain and keep students raises some significant questions forfaculty. This panel will address the following concerns: 1. Does a feminization of the academy represent a welcome shift in sensibility or acynical co-optation of feminist ideals in pursuit of higher enrollment? 2. What implications does nurturing hold for intellectual rigor? 3. Howdoes a faculty's nurturing behavior factor into review processes, retention and promotion?20226 9:30 am to 10:45 am Convention Center Street Level Room 102 ARHETORICALLY CONSTITUTING THE PRESIDENCY AND ITS SUBJECTS: THE CASE OF REAGAN AND BUSH II.Sponsor: Political <strong>Communication</strong> DivisionChair: Antonio Raul de Velasco, Univ of MemphisRespondent:Antonio Raul de Velasco, Univ of MemphisThis panel focuses on two rhetorical events and a rhetorical form that have come to define the presidencies of Ronald Reagan and George W.Bush. Via an analysis of the staging of Reagan's address at Normandy, a critique of the fairy-tale quality of Bush's remarks after HurricaneKatrina, and a meditation on the strategic use of anecdotes by both presidents, the panel considers how presidential rhetoric works at variouslevels to constitute the presidency and its subjects.20227 9:30 am to 10:45 am Convention Center Street Level Room 102 BORGANIZATIONAL COMMUNICATION PERSPECTIVES ON INFORMATION SEEKING, SHARING, AND STORING.Sponsor: Organizational <strong>Communication</strong> DivisionChair: Kerry Strayer, Otterbein CollegeRespondent:Alexander Lyon, University of Arkansas, Little Rock"Information Seeking: Understanding Retirement Planning." Daisy Lemus, California State University, Northridge"The Newcomer as a Source of Uncertainty: Veteran Employee Uncertainty and Information-seeking." Erin Tomson Gallagher, WashingtonState Univ"FYI: Environmental Dynamics and Proactive Information Sharing in Organizations." Luis Felipe Gomez, Univ of Texas, Austin"Understanding Team Performance in Transactive Memory Systems: The Development of the Performance Assessment Measure." EdwardT. Palazzolo, The Ohio State University; Bethany Simunich, Ohio State University20228 9:30 am to 10:45 am Convention Center Street Level Mission Room 103 ASponsor: Division on <strong>Communication</strong> and the FutureChair: Ina Ames, Bridgewater State CollegeCREATING SITES FOR HIGH TECH: CONNECTING TECHNOLOGY WITH ACTION.

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