Percent - XYZ Custom Plus

Percent - XYZ Custom Plus

Percent - XYZ Custom Plus

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Chapter 5 TestWrite each percent as a decimal.1. 18%2. 4%0.180.04Write each decimal as a percent.3. 0.5%0.00519. Total Price A tennis racket that normally sells for $280is on sale for 25% off. If the sales tax rate is 5%, whatis the total price of the tennis racket if it is purchasedduring the sale?$220.504. 0.4545%5. 0.770%6. 1.35135%Write each percent as a fraction or a mixed number in lowestterms.7. 65%8. 146%9. 3.5%​_1320 ​ 1​_ 2350 ​ ​_ 7200 ​Write each number as a percent.10. ​_720 ​35%11. ​_3 8 ​37.5%12. 1​_3 4 ​175%13. What number is 75% of 60?4514. What percent of 40 is 18?45%15. 16 is 20% of what number?8016. Driver’s Test On a 25-question driver’s test, a studentanswered 23 questions correctly. What percent of thequestions did the student answer correctly?92%17. Commission A salesperson gets an 8% commission rateon all computers she sells. If she sells $12,000 in computersin 1 day, what is her commission?$96018. Discount A washing machine that usually sells for $250is marked down to $210. What is the discount? What isthe discount rate?$40; 16% offSALETENNIS RACKETREGULARLY $280SALE DISCOUNT20. Simple Interest If $5,000 is invested at 8% simple interestfor 3 months, how much interest is earned?$10021. Compound Interest How much interest will be earnedon a savings account that pays 10% compoundedannually, if $12,000 is invested for 2 years?$2,52022. <strong>Percent</strong> Increase A driver gets into a car accident andhis insurance increases by 12%. If he paid $950 beforethe accident, how much is he paying now?$1,064Use the illustration to answer problem 23.Stuck in the WebSource: Forrester Research, 200525% OFFThe activities that keep consumersonline the longest:Use e-mail: 99%Research products for purchase: 70%Purchase products: 65%Send or recieve photos: 56%Play games alone: 49%Visit daily newspaper sites: 43%23. How many people said they like to play games if 6,000people were surveyed. 2,940 peopleSALEWASHING MACHINEREGULARLY $250SALE PRICE$210.00358Chapter 5 <strong>Percent</strong>

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