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MAJOR NEW TITLES THIS MONTH – Continuedsee www.wildy.com for further detailson appeal procedure. Theauthors have a great deal ofknowledge and experienceof working in the extraditioncourt so the book highlightsmany practical considerationssuch as bail and legalaid which are primarily ofinterest to those representingrequested persons at the firsthearing.Handbook for 2013-2014explains the biggest changesto benefits since the introductionof the welfare state andis a must buy if you provideadvice or need it. April 2013saw the biggest changes tothe benefit system since theintroduction of the welfarestate and will affect over 2million disabled people.lenges of refugee protection,the law of return and theright of return, critical refugeesand immigration law,and the role of internationalorganizations in protectionof refugees is revisited inthe context of contemporaryrealities. This lucidly writtenand timely book will be immenselyhelpful to anyonegrappling with the demonstratedinadequacies ofinternational refugee law inreal life situations today anddesirous of the reorientationof its meaning and scope tocater for the changing needsand shared expectation of theinternational community inthe 21st century.Greaves, Ian, DisabilityRights Handbook April 2013 -April 2014, Disability RightsUK, Paperback, A4, £29.99,ISBN: 9781903335604A guide to benefits and servicesfor all disabled people,their families, carers and advisors.The Disability RightsHandbook is written by benefitsspecialists and providesinformation and guidance onbenefits and services to advisors,disability organisationsand disabled people. Thenew The Disability RightsIslam, M. Rafiqul; Bhuiyan,Jahid Hossain, An Introductionto International RefugeeLaw, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,Hardback, £137.00,ISBN: 9789004226159The book is designed toprovide an overview of thedevelopment, meaning, andnature of international refugeelaw. The jurisprudenceon the status of refugees,loss and denial of the refugeesstatus, non-refoulement,asylum, problems and chal-Jackson, Karen; Banerjee,Lydia, Disability Discrimination:Law and Case Management,Law Society Publishing,Paperback, £59.95,ISBN: 9781907698606MAY/JUNE 2013 11

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