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MAJOR NEW TITLES THIS MONTH – Continuedsee www.wildy.com for further detailspractitioners, executives,academics, international oilcompanies, national oil companies,independents andanyone interested in investingin the upstream sector.legal thought, historiography,jurisprudence, constitutionaltheory and the history ofhigher education.Pyke, James, A-Z of Civil Litigation2nd ed, Sweet & MaxwellLtd, Paperback, £69.00,ISBN: 9780414047822The A-Z of Civil Litigationprovides an accessible referenceguide to civil litigationand the Civil ProcedureRules. Organised A to Z bytopic, it allows practitionersto go straight to an entry ona particular topic and findthe relevant Rule and commentary.Rabban, David M., Law’sHistory: American LegalThought and the TransatlanticTurn to History,Cambridge University Press,Hardback, £59.00, ISBN:9780521761918This is a study of the centralrole of history in latenineteenth-century Americanlegal thought. In the decadesfollowing the Civil War, thefounding generation of professionallegal scholars in theUnited States drew from theevolutionary social thoughtthat pervaded Western intellectuallife on both sides ofthe Atlantic. Their historicalanalysis of law as an inductivescience rejected deductivetheories and supportedmoderate legal reform, conclusionsthat challenge conventionalaccounts of legalformalism. Unprecedented inits coverage and its innovativeconclusions about majorAmerican legal thinkers fromthe Civil War to the present,the book combines transatlanticintellectual history,legal history, the history ofRoberts, Peter, PetroleumContracts: English Law andPractice, Oxford UniversityPress, Hardback, £195.00,ISBN: 9780199659784In response to the primacyof English law as the linguafranca governing petroleumtransactions, and theincreased global demandfor new sources of oil andgas, this work analyses theapplication of English lawto contracts for project investment,financing, anddevelopment. This work is astand-alone practical guideon the application of Englishlaw to petroleum contracts,and provides a detailed andscholarly level of analysis,with reference to all relevantcontracts and case law.MAY/JUNE 2013 13

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