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MAJOR NEW TITLES THIS MONTH – Continuedsee www.wildy.com for further detailsrestructuring of sovereigndebt. It provides lessons forfuture credit events affectingthe whole range of sovereigndebt financial participants,transactions and instruments.Written by leadingpractitioners and renownedacademics, this title providesin-depth analysis of aspectsof the intersection betweenthe recent financial crisis inEurope and the law, litigationand practice of selected keyinternational jurisdictions- mainly the United States,Europe and certain internationalarbitration tribunals.Bushell, Simonl; Milner-Moore, Gary, Disclosureof Information: NorwichPharmacal and Related Principles,Bloomsbury Professional,Hardback, £175.00,ISBN: 9781780431093Disclosure of Information:Norwich Pharmacal andRelated Principles coversthe origins of the jurisdictionand the key stages in itsdevelopment. It also includesan overview of the currentrequirements for a successfulapplication, which willhighlight the interplay betweenthis jurisdiction andother more familiar methodsof obtaining informationincluding: disclosure in aidof freezing injunctions; preactiondisclosure; disclosurein proceedings; witnesssummonses statutory andregulatory powers. There areworked examples of whenand how the jurisdiction hasbeen invoked in practice inorder to give context to therequirements and an analysisof the extent of the informationthat can be obtained.Craggs, Adam; Levy, Jonathan,A Practical Guide to TaxAppeals, LexisNexis Butterworths,Paperback, £94.95,ISBN: 9780754542254A Practical Guide to TaxAppeals guides the tax practitionerthrough all the stagesof taking a litigious disputewith the HMRC to court.This information is presentedin a clear and straightforwardstyle, while at the same time,remaining well groundedin intellectual rigour andauthority. There has beenconsiderable change to thetax tribunals system over thelast two years. The changes/new processes that havecome into force have beenincredibly complex - andnumerous practitioners stilldo not understand the newsystem or the way it works.Croft, Clyde; Kee, Chris-MAY/JUNE 2013 7

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