Author: Professor, Dr. Dietrich Stein - TrenchlessOnline

Author: Professor, Dr. Dietrich Stein - TrenchlessOnline

Author: Professor, Dr. Dietrich Stein - TrenchlessOnline


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• The most essential information on microtunneling<br />

85 figures and pictures, plus 26 charts with unique, color graphics<br />

Presents main lines and laterals<br />

Covers pilot tube and conventional microtunneling<br />

<strong>Author</strong>: <strong>Professor</strong>, <strong>Dr</strong>. <strong>Dietrich</strong> <strong>Stein</strong>; <strong>Stein</strong> and Partner GmbH Price: $50*<br />

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Reviewed by Prof. Ray Sterling, Director of the<br />

Trenchless Technology Center at Louisiana Tech University<br />

“A rare jewel!” According to German Prof. <strong>Dr</strong>. J. Wagner<br />

Totally new calculation approach for jacking pipe<br />

Extensive discussion of geotechnical considerations<br />

Comprehensive review of pipe materials<br />

Fantastic guide for the design of trenchless technology installations<br />

<strong>Author</strong>: <strong>Professor</strong>, <strong>Dr</strong>. <strong>Dietrich</strong> <strong>Stein</strong>; <strong>Stein</strong> and Partner GmbH Price: $160*<br />

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CIPP work has become a staple of the Miami-Dade Water and Sewer<br />

Department. Photo by Sid Hoeltzell, Miami.<br />


20 Trenchless Thrives in Miami-Dade, Fla.<br />

In the early 1990s, the Miami-Dade County Water and Sewer Department<br />

(MDWSD) had in all likelihood the largest chemical grouting program for<br />

its sewer collection system in the United States. Fast-forward to 2007<br />

and MDWSD is still on the cutting edge of cities involved in rehabilitating<br />

their infrastructure. By Sharon M.Bueno<br />


26 A Tale of Two Manholes<br />

For two experienced municipal contractors, one in the cold northern<br />

Great Lakes region, the other in the tropical coast of Florida, adding the<br />

complication of extreme weather conditions to already challenging projects<br />

required all of their creative thinking and job planning skills.<br />

By Suzan Marie Chin<br />

34 Perspective on Pipe Bursting<br />

America’s cities are facing a problem that collectively involves millions of<br />

miles of pipe and easily tops the trillion-dollar mark. There might be<br />

cause for despair if the only way to replace water, gas and sewer pipe<br />

was the time-consuming process of ripping up roads and yards by<br />

open-cut excavation. Thank goodness it’s not. By Kevin Smith<br />

28 WEFTEC 2007 Meets in San Diego<br />

Water and wastewater professionals from around the world can quench<br />

their thirst for knowledge and new technologies by attending WEFTEC<br />

2007, the largest annual water quality conference and exhibition in North<br />

America. By Pam Stask<br />


48 Grouted-in-Place Pipe Method<br />

Used to Reline German Sewer Lines<br />

52 Motorized Small Boring Units<br />

Power Through Rock on U.K. Pipeline<br />

56 ISTT Newsletter<br />

TRENCHLESS TECHNOLOGY (ISSN 1064-4156) is published monthly, with a Directory in May. Copyright 2007, Benjamin Media, Inc., P.O. Box 190, Peninsula, OH<br />

44264.All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted by any means without written permission from the publisher. One-year<br />

subscription rates: complimentary in the United States and Canada, and $99.00 in other foreign countries. Single copy rate: $10.00. Subscriptions and classified<br />

advertising should be addressed to the Peninsula office. Periodical Postage Paid at Peninsula, Ohio and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: send address<br />

changes to TRENCHLESS TECHNOLOGY, P.O. Box 190, Peninsula, OH 44264 USA.<br />

Canadian Subscriptions: Canada Post Agreement Number 40040393. Send change of address information and blocks of undeliverable copies to P.O. Box 1051,<br />

Fort Erie, ON L2A 6C7.<br />

www.trenchlessonline.com<br />


6 News<br />

15 People<br />

16 TTC Newsletter<br />

59 Calender<br />

65 E-Biz<br />


4 Publisher’s Message<br />

18 Industry Watch<br />

59 Technical Forum<br />

66 Point of View<br />


60 Business Cards<br />

64 Index of Advertisers<br />

Promoting Technology in the Utility<br />

Construction Industry<br />

Coming in October...<br />

Announcement of the 2007<br />

Trenchless Technology Projects<br />

of the Year<br />



Contaminated Water <strong>Dr</strong>aws<br />

$4 Billion in Claims<br />

A recent Congressional hearing that has probed drinking water<br />

problems at Camp Lejeune, N.C., has brought dramatic attention to<br />

our drinking water infrastructure.As many as 1 million people were<br />

exposed to contaminated water dating back to the 1970s at Camp<br />

Lejeune, according to a document from a federal<br />

health agency.<br />

The problem resulted from the chemicals<br />

TCE (a degreasing solvent) and PCE (a dry-cleaning agent).The government<br />

describes them as probable carcinogens and believes that<br />

the water was contaminated by a dry cleaner adjacent to Camp<br />

Lejeune and by industrial activities on the base.As reported Aug. 15<br />

by ABC News,“At least 850 former residents of the base have filed<br />

administrative claims, seeking nearly $4 billion, for exposure to the<br />

industrial solvents.”The issue is whether exposure to the solvents possibly<br />

caused birth defects and leukemia in babies.<br />

With our litigious society in the United States, it is hard to imagine<br />

that the claims from this will stop at $4 billon.The magnitude<br />

of this problem, and particularly how far back in time this is being<br />

investigated, should be an eye-opener for our local officials in<br />

addressing their water and wastewater infrastructure problems.<br />

Pipeline Inspection Supplement<br />

We are pleased to include in this issue of Trenchless Technology a special pipe inspection<br />

supplement.Technological improvements have advanced the means by which local<br />

officials can get a much more accurate evaluation of their underground pipelines. CCTV<br />

has a proven track record and now you are finding advanced camera systems, sonar and<br />

other remarkable innovations, as well as sophisticated data management systems. Our<br />

managing editor Sharon Bueno and assistant editor Katherine Fulton have done an<br />

excellent job of pulling all this information together for your review.<br />

Miami-Dade, Fla.<br />

Miami-Dade has been at the forefront in the use of trenchless technology going back<br />

to the late 1980s. Soil conditions are especially favorable for the use of grouting annular<br />

space in pipeline rehabilitation, as well as pipe relining. Leading much of this effort has<br />

been Luis Aguiar,chief of water transmission and distribution with Miami-Dade Water and<br />

Sewer Department (MDWSD) and Rod Lovett, chief of the MDWSD sewage collection<br />

division.As Miami-Dade moves into its next phase of underground infrastructure work, it<br />

is now embraces such trenchless methods as cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) and lateral<br />

inspection and lining. Be sure to read this comprehensive report on Miami-Dade in this<br />

issue.<br />

Trenchless Technology International<br />

You will note in this issue an international section.Bi-monthly,we<br />

do a special front cover (on top of our regular cover) for our 3,500<br />

international readers.These readers are principally ISTT members<br />

outside of North America.<br />

We do this because Trenchless Technology International is the<br />

“Official Publication of ISTT.” So whether you are in the United<br />

States, Canada, Europe or China, we provide you with the latest<br />

information about the trenchless industry — indeed we are the No.<br />

1 source of trenchless information in the world!<br />

Regards,<br />

Bernard P. Krzys<br />

President & Publisher<br />

Publisher<br />

Bernard P. Krzys<br />

Associate Publisher<br />

Robert D. Krzys<br />

Editor<br />

James W. Rush<br />

Managing Editor<br />

Sharon M. Bueno<br />

Assistant Editors<br />

Katherine Fulton<br />

Bradley Kramer<br />

Contributing Staff Editors<br />

Keith Gribbins<br />

Jason Morgan<br />

Nick Zubko<br />

Creative Director<br />

W. M. Conley<br />

Senior Graphic Designer<br />

Edward A. Haney<br />

Graphic Designers<br />

Sarah Hayes<br />

Chris Slogar<br />

Elizabeth C. Stull<br />

Marketing Manager<br />

Kelly Dadich<br />

Sales Representatives<br />

Dan Sisko<br />

Greg Thompson<br />

Circulation Manager<br />

Alexis R.Tarbet<br />

Web & Interactive Manager<br />

Mark Gorman<br />

Editorial Advisory Board<br />

Chairman<br />

<strong>Dr</strong>.Tom Iseley, P.E.<br />

Sekisui SPR Americas, LLC.<br />

Greer, South Carolina<br />

Alex Buehler<br />

Insituform Technologies Inc.<br />

Chesterfield, Missouri<br />

<strong>Dr</strong>. Samuel Ariaratnam<br />

Arizona State University<br />

Tempe,Arizona<br />

David Bennett, P.E.<br />

Bennett/Staheli Engineers<br />

Sacramento, California<br />

Steven R. Kramer, P.E.<br />

Jacobs Civil Inc.<br />

Arlington,Virginia<br />

Joseph Loiacono, ing.<br />

Sanexen<br />

Montreal, Quebec<br />

Ronald T.Thompson, P.E.<br />

Malcolm Pirnie Inc.<br />

Jackson, Mississippi<br />

Irene McSweeney Woodfall, P.E.<br />

Boston Water and Sewer Commission<br />

Boston, Massachusetts<br />

Editorial & Advertising Offices<br />

1770 Main St., P.O. Box 190<br />

Peninsula, OH 44264 USA<br />

(330) 467-7588 Fax: (330) 468-2289<br />

www.trenchlessonline.com<br />

e-mail: info@benjaminmedia.com<br />

4 TRENCHLESS TECHNOLOGY September 2007 www.trenchlessonline.com

Circle 2 on reader service card.

NEWS<br />

Letters to the Editor<br />

I just received my July issue and wanted to say CONGRATULA-<br />

TIONS on 15 years as the publisher of the leading publication in<br />

the trenchless industry. It seems like only yesterday we first talked<br />

about this infant industry and would it survive. Now you tell me it’s<br />

been 15 years. My God how time flies when you are just “kids.”<br />

You deserve a lot of thank yous from this industry. I know of no<br />

other individuals who have done more for the industry or worked<br />

harder for it than you and your great staff.<br />

Here’s looking at another 15.<br />

Doc Bennett, International Vice President, CUES Inc.<br />

Congratulations to you for your 15-year successful run publishing<br />

Trenchless Technology. It has been rewarding and fun for me to<br />

be associated with Trenchless Technology for these past 11 years.<br />

My association with members of your staff, past and present, has<br />

been most enjoyable. Over the years, I’ve learned a lot about the<br />

business and have met many individuals in the trenchless field. I<br />

have respect and high regard for the men and women in the<br />

trenchless world. I’ve been able to follow the evolution of no-dig<br />

and am amazed at the changes and the rapidity of such.<br />

Chester Rufh, Retired <strong>Professor</strong> at Youngstown State University, Youngstown, Ohio<br />

(Editor’s Note: Chester is Bernie Krzys’ first cousin and has been a frequent<br />

support staff member at numerous Trenchless Road Shows and conferences<br />

conducted by Trenchless Technology.)<br />

Insituform<br />

Technologies’<br />

Rooney Resigns<br />

The board of directors of Insituform Technologies<br />

Inc. accepted the resignation of president and CEO<br />

Thomas S.Rooney Jr.,effective immediately,according<br />

to a press release dated Aug. 14. Rooney had served<br />

those positions for four years.<br />

The board has begun a search for Rooney’s successor,<br />

considering both internal and external candidates.<br />

While the search is conducted,Alfred J.Woods, a board<br />

director since 1997 and non-executive chairman of the<br />

board since 2003, will serve as interim CEO.<br />

“Our board appreciates Tom Rooney’s contributions<br />

to the company during his four years as president<br />

and CEO. [His] charge was to pursue a threepronged<br />

strategy of growth, technological innovation<br />

and operational excellence. In the latter two areas,<br />

technological innovation and operation excellence,<br />

Insituform has made tremendous strides under Mr.<br />

Rooney’s leadership,”Woods said.<br />

“Unfortunately,since 2005 our growth has stalled as<br />

overall sewer rehab spending in the domestic market<br />

has stagnated. Our board and CEO disagreed on a<br />

Circle 3 on reader service card.<br />

6 TRENCHLESS TECHNOLOGY September 2007 www.trenchlessonline.com

number of stylistic and strategic issues<br />

regarding the company’s growth objectives<br />

and the board therefore accepted<br />

Mr. Rooney’s resignation,”Woods said.<br />

Wood emphasized that the board continues<br />

to believe in the three-pronged<br />

strategy.<br />

“Recent market conditions have been<br />

challenging to Insituform. These events<br />

have led the board of directors to believe<br />

their different direction would need different<br />

leadership. Where the company<br />

chooses to go from here is unknown to<br />

me,” Rooney said in a media statement.<br />

“But of this I have no doubt: If we had<br />

not made so many significant improvements,these<br />

new and unforeseen market<br />

conditions would have been even more<br />

threatening.In point of fact,the company<br />

has a very bright future and is in strong,<br />

capable hands… .”<br />

In other Insituform news, David A.<br />

Martin, company vice president and controller,<br />

has been promoted to vice president<br />

and CFO,a post that had been vacant<br />

for 19 months. Martin, who joined<br />

Insituform in 1993, has served as the<br />

company’s principal financial and<br />

accounting officer since January 2006.<br />

Ohio HDD Association<br />

Conducts Seminar<br />

The Ohio HDD Association’s seminar attracted member<br />

contractors, manufacturers, as well as representatives<br />

of Local 18 Operating Engineers.<br />

The Ohio HDD Association hosted a<br />

directional drilling seminar July 11 at<br />

the Precision Directional Boring facility<br />

in Valley City, Ohio.<br />

The all-day session was held at its<br />

training classroom at the facility.<br />

www.trenchlessonline.com<br />

Attendees included manufacturer<br />

representatives and Ohio HDD<br />

Association contractor members, as<br />

well as representatives from Local<br />

18 Operating Engineers.<br />

Ohio HDD president Valerie Rogers<br />

served as moderator for the event.<br />

Presentations were given by John<br />

Christ and Bo Yordy, Baroid Industrial<br />

<strong>Dr</strong>illing Products, on the mechanics<br />

of using drilling fluids and by Terry<br />

Crosier, Digital Control Inc., on locating<br />

and tracking systems.There were<br />

also demonstrations and a questionand-answer<br />

session.<br />

Baroid sponsored breakfast and<br />

lunch was provided by Precision<br />

Directional Boring.<br />

The Ohio HDD Association is looking<br />

forward to presenting more seminars<br />

around the state of Ohio. Look<br />

for announcements concerning the<br />

topics and contact the Ohio HDD<br />

Association if you have anything in<br />

particular you think would be of interest/help<br />

to you as a driller. For more<br />

information about the Ohio HDD<br />

Association, visit www.ohiohdd.com.<br />

Circle 4 on reader service card.<br />

Mears Group Dedicates<br />

Training & Test Facility<br />

Mears Group Inc. dedicated its<br />

new training and testing facility to<br />

its founder, Herb Fluharty, during<br />

open house festivities on July 11-12<br />

at the corporate headquarters in<br />

Rosebush, Mich.<br />

With more than 50 clients, regulators<br />

and 100 Mears employees present,<br />

the company introduced this<br />

new state-of-the-art test site, which<br />

serves as both a training ground for<br />

employees, as well as an industry<br />

research facility for testing the capabilities<br />

of cathodic protection testing<br />

technology.<br />

Hands-on demonstrations were<br />

observed and performed by the<br />

guests who attended the open house<br />

including close interval surveys,<br />

pipeline excavating, direct current<br />

voltage gradient surveys, BRS automated<br />

sandblasting, current attenuation<br />

surveys, pipe direct examination,<br />

ACVG surveys, NDT, casing<br />

ECDA, pipeline recoating and hori-<br />


NEWS<br />

Mears Group Inc. founder Herb Fluharty cuts the ribbon at the company’s new training and testing facility.<br />

zontal directional drilling.<br />

This new facility, which covers 2.75<br />

acres, serves as the cornerstone for the<br />

training and operator qualification<br />

(OQ) programs for Mears employees.<br />

The site offers field training capabilities<br />

for activities including pipe excavation,<br />

pipe coating removal, surface preparation,<br />

coating application, evaluating<br />

casing isolation, External Corrosion<br />

Direct Assessment (ECDA) indirect<br />

inspection surveys and pipe direct<br />

examinations.<br />

As part of their training, employees<br />

will have an opportunity to hone their<br />

survey skills on the test site, which is<br />

comprised of more than 1,000 ft of<br />

pipe, including 10-, 12-, 20-, 24- and 30in.<br />

diameters.The primary loop of pipe<br />

includes more than 50 coating flaws<br />

that were intentionally created ranging<br />

in size, shape and pipe orientation.<br />

Keeping safety at the core of Mears<br />

training, the company’s current vision<br />

for this facility will be to maximize<br />

training opportunities for new and<br />

existing employees.“We are convinced<br />

that a highly trained work force is a<br />

safer work force.And, it is our commitment<br />

to cultivate a culture with a focus<br />

on safety and quality,” said Mark<br />

Gluskin, senior vice president of<br />

pipeline integrity services for Mears.“In<br />

the end, we will have a better trained<br />

work force with a higher skill level.”<br />

Mears president Scot Fluharty said,<br />

“Safety has always been a big priority<br />

at Mears, but as we analyzed our<br />

records, we found that 90 percent of<br />

our safety issues were related to<br />

employees who worked for us one<br />

year or less.”<br />

8 TRENCHLESS TECHNOLOGY September 2007<br />

Circle 5 on reader service card.<br />


Circle 6 on reader service card.

NEWS<br />

The test facility includes a 100-ft<br />

casing along the 10-in. carrier pipe<br />

for testing electrical isolation and the<br />

effects of electrolyte within the<br />

annular space. Test wires and reference<br />

electrode access holes for<br />

inserting the electrode into the annular<br />

space exist every 10 ft along the<br />

casing. The annular space can be<br />

flooded with varying amounts of<br />

water and variable resistors every 10<br />

ft can be used to change the location<br />

of contacts including simulating<br />

“high resistance” contacts.The carrier<br />

pipe contains prefabricated coating<br />

and metal loss anomalies of<br />

known sizes and locations, research<br />

and development training facility.<br />

Envirosight<br />

Training Facility Opens<br />

Near Pittsburgh<br />

Envirosight officials recently cut the<br />

ribbon on a new 1,500-sq ft annex to<br />

the company’s Delmont, Pa., inspection<br />

vehicle assembly and service center.<br />

The annex extends both the<br />

square footage and the capabilities of<br />

the Delmont facility, allowing the<br />

company to offer enhanced service to<br />

customers throughout the region.<br />

The annex consists of a training<br />

center, where customers can get<br />

hands-on training that covers the latest<br />

inspection technologies, software<br />

and techniques, as well as earn NASS-<br />

CO PACP certification. It also houses<br />

administrative offices, where<br />

Envirosight personnel involved in<br />

vehicle sales and production can<br />

communicate with customers and<br />

apprise them of their order status.<br />

Finally, visitors to the annex can<br />

enjoy a comfortable hospitality<br />

lounge, whether they’re waiting for<br />

training to begin,or onsite to pick up<br />

a new inspection vehicle.<br />

“Our Delmont facility is crucial to<br />

everyday operations, but today is the<br />

first day it gets a public face,” said<br />

Envirosight president Richard<br />

Lindner. “We’re thrilled to welcome<br />

customers for training, factory tours,<br />

and order delivery. Moreover, we’re<br />

excited to bring needed services<br />

closer to a larger portion of our customer<br />

base.”<br />

Envirosight, LLC provides video<br />

pipeline inspection solutions to municipalities,contractors,departments<br />

of transportation<br />

and civil/environmental engineers.<br />

Envirosight is committed to ongoing<br />

innovation, delivering products that<br />

enhance user productivity and inspection<br />

detail. Envirosight serves customers<br />

through a trained network of regional<br />

sales partners who deliver localized support<br />

and expertise with rapid turnaround.All<br />

Envirosight technical employees<br />

hold NASSCO PACP certification.<br />

RapidView IBAK<br />

USA to Hold Open House<br />

RapidView IBAK USA’s second annual<br />

Septemberfest in the Heartland will take<br />

place at its headquarters in Rochester,<br />

Ind., on Sept. 20-21.<br />

If you have any interest in pipeline<br />

inspection techniques or equipment,<br />

please plan on attending one of the many<br />

product operation and maintenance seminars,<br />

PACP and software training, or new<br />

product presentations.Visit with experts<br />

in emergent technologies like laser profiling,<br />

sonar profiling and 360-degree optical<br />

scanning cameras.<br />

And in the evenings you can enjoy<br />

live entertainment and drinks with<br />

other operators, owners, dealers and<br />

engineers in our industry. This year’s<br />

headliner is the Grammy Award winner<br />

The Kentucky Headhunters.<br />

If you are interested in attending<br />

please call (800) 656-4225 or visit<br />

RapidView’s Web site at www.rapidview.com<br />

for reservations and information.<br />

This event is completely free.<br />

Reduced PACP training fees will apply.<br />

ISCO Announces Opening of<br />

Ohio Facility<br />

ISCO Industries, one of the nation’s<br />

largest distributors and manufacturers<br />

of polyethylene (HDPE) piping products,recently<br />

announced the opening of<br />

a sales office and distribution facility in<br />

Zanesville, Ohio.<br />

The facility consists of offices, pipe,<br />

fittings and fusion equipment storage.<br />

This new facility is full service, offering<br />

pipe, fittings and accessories ranging<br />

from 2- to 18-in., a full line of McElroy<br />

fusion equipment for sale and rent and<br />

onsite field service technicians.<br />

With this addition ISCO Industries<br />

continues to take an impressive expan-<br />

Circle 7 on reader service card.<br />

10 TRENCHLESS TECHNOLOGY September 2007 www.trenchlessonline.com

Circle 8 on reader service card.


sion track having added facilities in<br />

Stockton, Calif., Dallas, Emporia, Va.,<br />

Mableton, Ga., Johannesburg, Mich.,<br />

and International locations in<br />

Crossfield, Canada and Australia within<br />

the past year.<br />

“The Zanesville facility allows us to<br />

further increase the service to our<br />

customers in eastern Ohio, West<br />

Virginia and Pennsylvania,” said Mark<br />

Kirchdorfer, vice president of ISCO<br />

Industries.“This move is a direct result<br />

of the rapidly growing use of HDPE<br />

across many applications in that part<br />

of the country,” he said.<br />

ISCO sales and technical representatives<br />

will be servicing the new facility,<br />

including Steve Bredemeier, regional<br />

sales manager.<br />

ISCO Industries, headquartered in<br />

Louisville, Ky., stocks and sells HDPE<br />

pipe, fittings and fabrications for various<br />

industrial, municipal, environmental,<br />

golf and landfill applications<br />

throughout the United States and<br />

Canada.The company also rents, services<br />

and sells fusion equipment.<br />

CUIRE Receives Grant to<br />

Conduct a U.S.-China<br />

Workshop on Trenchless<br />

The Center for Underground<br />

Infrastructure Research and Education<br />

(CUIRE) at the University of Texas at<br />

Arlington, received a grant from the<br />

National Science Foundation to conduct<br />

a workshop on Trenchless<br />

Technologies and Critical Underground<br />

Infrastructure Issues, in Wuhan, China,<br />

Oct. 8-14.<br />

Additional funding for this workshop<br />

is obtained from College of<br />

Engineering and Department of Civil<br />

Engineering at the University of Texas<br />

at Arlington and the China University<br />

of Geosciences, the host university.<br />

The U.S. team includes well known<br />

researchers from major universities<br />

and research centers. This award will<br />

provide travel support for U.S. participation<br />

in the workshop, where<br />

researchers from both countries will<br />

review the state-of-the-art of critical<br />

underground techniques, the experiences<br />

in China to-date and exchange<br />

ideas on development of research<br />

strategies.<br />

CUIRE director <strong>Dr</strong>. Mohammad<br />

Najafi will be the principal investigator<br />

(PI) on this project,assisted by several<br />

Co-PIs.The Chinese collaborators<br />

include: <strong>Dr</strong>. Baosong Ma, professor of<br />

civil engineering, the foreign organizer<br />

of this unique workshop; <strong>Dr</strong>.<br />

Huiming Tang, dean of College of<br />

Engineering; and <strong>Dr</strong>. Xiaoming Wu,<br />

professor of civil engineering.<br />

The workshop organizers would<br />

like to include several representatives<br />

from U.S. organizations and industries<br />

to participate in this workshop. The<br />

hotel costs for these participants will<br />

be provided through workshop funds.<br />

For more information, contact <strong>Dr</strong><br />

Najafi at e-mail: najafi@uta.edu or ph:<br />

(817) 272-0507.<br />

Generation Change<br />

at Franz Janssen GmbH<br />

Founder and president Franz<br />

Janssen turned over the operation of<br />

Umwelttechnik Franz Janssen GmbH<br />

Circle 15 on reader service card. Circle 16 on reader service card.<br />

12 TRENCHLESS TECHNOLOGY September 2007 www.trenchlessonline.com

The Janssen family: Franz, Anja and Niklas.<br />

to daughter Anja and son Niklas on<br />

May 14, ending an era of almost 40<br />

years of trenchless rehabilitation technology<br />

leadership. Coincidentally, the<br />

date also marks his 65th birthday.<br />

In 1969, Franz Janssen, a mechanic<br />

for agricultural machinery by education<br />

and trade, founded his company<br />

in Kalkar on the Lower Rhine.He started<br />

his business in sewer cleaning and<br />

rehabilitation with his first flushing<br />

car. At a time when many sewers had<br />

to be painstakingly cleaned with<br />

Circle 10 on reader service card.<br />

www.trenchlessonline.com<br />

brushes, Franz Janssen was one of the<br />

first to inspect sewers with modern<br />

TV technology. In the early 1980s, the<br />

entrepreneur turned to the issue of<br />

how sewers could be rehabilitated<br />

applying trenchless technologies, at<br />

that time a pioneering idea.<br />

For the next 20 years, his ideas were<br />

put into action.Janssen developed and<br />

patented novel processes and technologies<br />

for renovating aging sewer<br />

piping infrastructure.<br />

Throughout Europe, the Janssen<br />

Process became the standard for the<br />

rehabilitation of cracks or complex<br />

damages in sewer pipes. Franz’s<br />

method for applying durable PU or<br />

Silica resins from the inside to the outside<br />

of pipe through cracks and openings<br />

was a breakthrough technology<br />

because his technologies offer agency<br />

managers a permanent repair solution<br />

while reducing the cost compared to<br />

conventional dig and replace<br />

approaches<br />

His zeal for inventing and applying<br />

new technologies to customer problems<br />

fueled company growth.From the<br />

single flushing truck back in 1969,<br />

Janssen GmbH has outgrown two previous<br />

company locations and now<br />

counts more than 20 truck systems<br />

operating in Germany and Europe.So it<br />

comes as no surprise that the company<br />

founded by Franz Janssen is seen to this<br />

day as one of the technologically most<br />

advanced and most economical service<br />

companies for sewer cleaning and<br />

rehabilitation.Even with the senior as a<br />

pioneer of trenchless rehabilitation<br />

going from board, the next generation<br />

finds excellent circumstances to take<br />

over and continue the family business.<br />

With his company now firmly<br />

entrenched as one of Europe’s leading<br />

trenchless rehabilitation companies<br />

and a modern, new facility in Goch,<br />

Janssen leaves his legacy to Anja and<br />

Niklas. “I’m proud of what they have<br />

already accomplished,” said Janssen,<br />

referring to his daughter and son,<br />

“Their direction in expanding our<br />

technology and methods to the United<br />

States is working well,” he added.<br />

In September 2006, Janssen GmbH<br />

established a U.S. partner,The Janssen<br />



Process LLC, which is aggressively<br />

marketing the Janssen Lateral<br />

Renovation System to the U.S. municipal<br />

sewer agencies.“This is an exciting<br />

time for Anja and Niklas,” continued<br />

Janssen. “In June, we are sending our<br />

lateral system to America to demonstrate<br />

its capabilities to nine cities.”<br />

Subsite Distributor<br />

in Poland Named<br />

The Charles Machine Works Inc.<br />

recently announced the addition of<br />

Poland’s P.U.H. Poltrade as an official<br />

dealer of Subsite electronic locating<br />

equipment, which is used to locate<br />

and identify underground utilities at<br />

construction jobsites.<br />

P.U.H. Poltrade provides well-proven,<br />

competitive and reliable measurement<br />

and automation solutions for the power<br />

sector, utility, and other industries in<br />

Poland. For more information about<br />

Subsite equipment, call (800) 654-6481<br />

or visit www.subsite.com.<br />


Set for April in China<br />

TRENCHLESS ASIA is clearly established<br />

as the region’s largest and most<br />

important meeting for trenchless technology<br />

professionals and the third international<br />

event to be held in Shanghai,<br />

April 16-18,2008,is expected to surpass<br />

the two previous successful shows held<br />

in 2004 and 2006.<br />

As little as 10 years ago, conventional<br />

open-cut methods were widely used for<br />

the underground utility installation and<br />

refurbishment in mainland China. The<br />

rapid growth in population, coupled<br />

with the aging underground utility services,inspired<br />

engineers to study the benefits<br />

of trenchless technology. Today,<br />

China is the fastest growing worldwide<br />

market,with huge potential for overseas<br />

exporters.<br />

Trenchless technology is known to be<br />

used in more than 100 cities in China,<br />

with particular emphasis in Shanghai,<br />

Beijing and Guangzhou. The country’s<br />

achievements are competing at world<br />

levels, undertaking some of the most<br />

ambitious projects in terms of complexity,<br />

diameter and distance. The biggest<br />

HDD in the world is also now in China.<br />

As Beijing is set for the 2008 Summer<br />

Olympic Games, Shanghai prepares for<br />

the World Expo in 2010 and<br />

Guangzhou for the Asian Games in the<br />

same year, these major international<br />

events along with many other major<br />

projects provide evidence that the<br />

construction boom will continue for<br />

the foreseeable future. 2010 is also<br />

China’s target to realise the first stage<br />

of the modernisation process to meet<br />

the exploding urban population.<br />

TRENCHLESS ASIA 2008 provides a<br />

timely focus for the industry to display<br />

the world’s finest range of equipment<br />

and services used in the installation,<br />

repair and refurbishment of urban utility<br />

pipelines.<br />

For more information on exhibiting at<br />

TRENCHLESS ASIA 2008. Contact<br />

Caroline Prescot at Westrade Group Ltd.,<br />

at ph:+44 020 8876 1881,e-mail:trenchless@westrade.co.uk<br />

or visit the Web<br />

site: www.westrade.co.uk.<br />

14 TRENCHLESS TECHNOLOGY September 2007<br />

Circle 11 on reader service card.<br />


PEOPLE<br />

Interplastic Names CFO<br />

Interplastic Corp. CEO Jim Wallenfelsz recently announced<br />

that Steven Dittel has been appointed chief financial officer.Dittel<br />

will be responsible for overseeing the management<br />

of the financial and information technology departments.<br />

Dittel brings more than 20 years of financial experience<br />

having served as chief financial officer/director of operations<br />

for Circle C Foods, vice president of finance/director<br />

of operations for Stafford Blaine Designs and vice president<br />

of finance/human resources/information systems for<br />

Addco Inc.<br />

Dittel, a certified public accountant, earned a bachelor’s<br />

of science degree in business from the University of<br />

Minnesota and a master’s degree in management and public<br />

administration from Hamline University.<br />

Barsoom Joins PB<br />

Joseph Barsoom has been named senior principal<br />

engineer in the Denver office of PB, a global infrastructure<br />

consulting, engineering and construction management<br />

organization.<br />

Barsoom has more than 43 years of experience in civil<br />

engineering, and planning, design and construction management<br />

of public works projects. Prior to joining PB, he<br />

served as director of engineering for the wastewater management<br />

division of the City and County of Denver. He<br />

supervised planning, design and construction of flood control,<br />

sanitary and storm sewer systems.<br />

Circle 12 on reader service card.<br />

www.trenchlessonline.com<br />

He earned a master of science degree in civil engineering<br />

from the University of Colorado and a bachelor of science<br />

degree in mining engineering from Assuit<br />

University in Egypt. He is a member of the<br />

American Society of Civil Engineers, the<br />

American Public Works Association and ASTM<br />

International.<br />

Founded in 1885, PB provides strategic<br />

consulting, program management, planning,<br />

engineering and construction management<br />

Barsoom<br />

services for transporation, power, building<br />

and environmental projects.<br />

Herrenknecht AG Appoints N.A. Sales Mgr.<br />

Herrenknecht AG,a global manufacturer of TBM,shield and<br />

mixshield tunneling machines, microtunneling<br />

systems,shaft dinking machines and horizontal<br />

directional drilling rigs recently announcement<br />

the appointment of Julian O’Connell<br />

as its new North American sales manager,<br />

For the past four and half years O’Connell<br />

has worked with the James Fowler Co. of<br />

O’Connell<br />

Dallas and Oregon, in the capacity of tunneling<br />

manager. In his new role with<br />

Herrenknecht, O’Connell’s responsibilities will cover the<br />

whole of North America, including the United States,<br />

Canada and the Caribbean,for the range of equipment with<br />

the company’s Business Unit Utility Tunneling (BU-UT).<br />


Trenchless Technology<br />

Center Newsletter<br />

National Trenchless Research<br />

Building Completed in June<br />

Work on the research building itself was completed in<br />

June but as soon as the building contractor moved out,<br />

work began on the large soil structure interaction facility<br />

to be built within the high bay research space in the building.<br />

The soil box design was expanded prior to construction<br />

so that it will be a total of 11 ft high and 20 ft x 20 ft<br />

in plan dimensions; 3 ft of the total depth will be below<br />

floor elevation and a 3-ft thick strong floor construction<br />

will both surround and underlay the soil box providing a<br />

tremendous flexibility in terms of applying loading horizontally<br />

and vertically to the soil and structures within it.<br />

Trenchless installation and replacement techniques will be<br />

simulated by a 550,000-lb servo-controlled actuator with a<br />

5-ft stroke that will be mounted horizontally adjacent to<br />

the soil box.A future newsletter will provide a more complete<br />

description of the new facility.<br />

Since the building dedication is planned for early<br />

November, work on the soil box and strong floor is proceeding<br />

at a rapid pace. TTC faculty member <strong>Dr</strong>. Mike<br />

Baumert, assisted by <strong>Dr</strong>. Luke Lee, has taken the major<br />

Trenchless Technology Center Newsletter<br />

S e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 7<br />

TTC Welcomes Irene McSweeny Woodfall to the Industry Advisory Board<br />

The TTC is very pleased to welcome<br />

Irene McSweeney Woodfall<br />

as a public works member of the<br />

TTC Industry Advisory Board.<br />

Irene is the director of construction<br />

of the Boston Water and Sewer<br />

Commission and has a longstanding<br />

involvement in trenchless technology<br />

applications within the<br />

water and sewer sectors. She has<br />

Pouring the 3-ft thick strong floor beneath the soil box.<br />

served on the Board of the North<br />

American Society for Trenchless<br />

Technology and this summer was<br />

on the organizing committee for<br />

the American Society of Civil<br />

Engineers Pipeline Division conference<br />

held in Boston. Irene joins<br />

10 other public works members<br />

from across the country (see sidebar<br />

for details) that provide guid-<br />

The National Trenchless Technology Research Facility.<br />

responsibility for the detailed soil box and strong floor<br />

design and construction. Because of the special issues surrounding<br />

the 320,000-lb anchor points that are distributed<br />

on a 2- to 3-ft spacing across the floor, much of the preparation<br />

work has been carried out by a team of TTC students<br />

supervised by Baumert. It is planned to use the soil testing<br />

facility for controlled<br />

studies of full scale soilstructure<br />

interaction for<br />

pipes up to several feet<br />

in diameter, studies of<br />

forces and ground movement<br />

during pipe bursting<br />

and pipe jacking,<br />

studies of HDD borehole<br />

stability and installation<br />

parameters, as well as<br />

utility locating and pipe<br />

characterization technologies.The<br />

distributed<br />

anchor points beneath<br />

ance to the TTC as to the user<br />

needs for technology development<br />

and problem issues that need<br />

attention. The public works members<br />

provide an excellent balance<br />

to the board, which also currently<br />

includes nine industry members,<br />

eight consultant members, five<br />

association members and two<br />

media members.<br />

Overall layout of the soil structure interaction<br />

the soil box will allow a total vertical load of up to 2.5 million<br />

lbs to be applied to the soil allowing the simulation of<br />

high force biaxial loading conditions.

“Listening” Sessions on Asset Management<br />

The Buried Asset Management Institute (BAMI) has undertaken a project for<br />

the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on the management of buried<br />

utility assets.One aspect of this project involves gathering feedback from municipalities<br />

on issues relating to the implementation of buried asset management<br />

(listening sessions). Because the TTC arranges municipal forum programs across<br />

the United States, the TTC was asked to use its municipal forum program to collect<br />

data for the BAMI project.Eight of the municipal forums held in the first half<br />

of 2007 were used to collect the data on asset management practices and needs.<br />

Discussion sessions and/or questionnaires were distributed at the forums<br />

between February and June 2007 (see municipal forum description for locations<br />

of spring forums).A total of 156 responses to the questionnaire were received.<br />

The questionnaire responses and discussion sessions indicated that there is general<br />

acceptance of the benefits of asset management at the engineering and operations<br />

level in municipalities.There was more skepticism about the level of understanding<br />

of this topic and the willingness of upper management and city councils/mayors<br />

to properly fund and implement such approaches. Guidance was also<br />

received regarding the creation of a national Center of Excellence for Asset<br />

Management. Full information concerning the results of the study will be included<br />

in the BAMI report to the EPA,which is planned to be completed later this year.<br />

2007 Spring Municipal Forum Season Summary<br />

The TTC Municipal Trenchless Technology Users Forum continues to expand<br />

its reach. Two new forum locations were added this spring in Boston and in<br />

Miami. Each forum is hosted by a local municipality or agency and is attended<br />

by municipal participants from surrounding communities. The morning sessions<br />

involve a variety of industry presentations and the afternoon closed sessions<br />

allow peer-to-peer exchange of experiences and expertise among the<br />

municipal participants.The accompanying table provides the summary of the<br />

spring forum programs.<br />



NORTHWEST Olympia,<br />

Wash.<br />

02/28/07 Zheng Lu 43 4<br />

COLORADO Littleton, Colo. 03/01/07 James<br />

Redmond<br />

51 6<br />

BOSTON Boston 03/14/07 Irene<br />

Woodfall<br />

48 5<br />

MINNESOTA Minneapolis 04/12/07 Richard<br />

Profaizer<br />

3 15<br />

NEW YORK Hoboken, N.J. 05/15/07 Fred Pocci 62 5<br />

OHIO Columbus,<br />

Ohio<br />

05/17/07 James Gross 37 5<br />

CALIFORNIA Los Angeles 06/05/07 Keith Hanks 41 5<br />

TEXAS Dallas 06/11/07 Cesar Baptista 47 5<br />

FLORIDA Miami 06/14/07 Victor Cuervo 48 5<br />

TOTALS 408 45<br />

2007 Fall Municipal Forum Season<br />

Fewer forums than normal are planned for the fall 2007 because of the special<br />

preparations being made for the dedication of the National Trenchless<br />

Technology Research Facility in November. All the forums currently being<br />

planned are scheduled for October. So far, the following four forums have been<br />

confirmed:<br />

If you would like further information<br />


about the forum program either as a pre-<br />

COLORADO Aurora, Colo., 10/01/07<br />

senter, municipal attendee or prospective<br />

NORTHWEST Longview, Wash. 10/04/07 municipal host, please contact the TTC.<br />

LOUISIANA Alexandria, La. 10/24/07<br />

TEXAS Houston 10/25/07<br />

Trenchless Technology Center Newsletter<br />

Industry Advisory Board (AIB)<br />

Gerhard Lang<br />

Amitech USA, LLC<br />

Bernie Krzys<br />

Benjamin Media<br />

Irene McSweeney<br />

Woodfall<br />

Boston Water & Sewer<br />

Commission<br />

Richard Nelson<br />

CH2M HILL<br />

Wayne Querry<br />

City and County of Denver<br />

Troy Norris<br />

City of Atlanta<br />

Bob Johnson<br />

City of Dallas<br />

Joe L. Smith<br />

City of Houston<br />

John Morgan<br />

City of Indianapolis<br />

Keith Hanks<br />

City of Los Angeles<br />

Richard Aillet<br />

City of Ruston<br />

Ali Mustapha<br />

City of Shreveport<br />

Robert Cannon<br />

Composites One<br />

Glyn Hazelden<br />

Gas Technology Institute<br />

(GTI)<br />

Terry Anderson<br />

GCTA<br />

Brian C. Dorwart<br />

Haley & Aldrich, Inc.<br />

Anthony Almeida<br />

Halff Associates, Inc<br />

Rick Turkopp<br />

Hobas Pipe USA, Inc.<br />

Lynn Osborn<br />

Insituform Technologies,<br />

Inc.<br />

Richard St. Aubin<br />

IPEX Inc.<br />

Robert Morrison<br />

Jason Consultants<br />

Lucia Lee<br />

KBR - Kellogg Brown &<br />

Root, Inc<br />

Gunars Sreibers<br />

King County<br />

Vic Weston<br />

LA Contractors’ Educ.<br />

Trust Fund<br />

Cliff Tubbs<br />

Laughlin Thyssen, Inc.<br />

Larry Kiest, Jr<br />

LMK Enterprises, Inc.<br />

Irvin Gemora<br />

NASSCO<br />

George Cowan<br />

New York City - DDC<br />

Robert McKim<br />

Parsons Brinckerhoff<br />

Norman E. Kampbell<br />

Rehabilitation Resource<br />

Solutions, LLC<br />

Michael Burkhard<br />

Reline America, Inc<br />

Denise McClanahan<br />

Reynolds Inliner, LLC<br />

John J. Struzziery<br />

S E A Consultants Inc.<br />

Joseph W. Barsoom<br />

TTC Municipal Users<br />

Program<br />

L. Grant Whittle<br />

Ultraliner, Inc<br />

Robert Carpenter.<br />

Underground Construction<br />

Steve Cooper<br />

Uni-Bell PVC Pipe Assoc.<br />

Trenchless Technology<br />

Center Newsletter<br />

September 2007<br />

Trenchless Technology Center<br />

Louisiana Tech University<br />

Director: <strong>Dr</strong>. Ray Sterling<br />

Associate Director:<br />

<strong>Dr</strong>. Erez Allouche<br />

Director of Municipal Forum Program:<br />

Joe Barsoom<br />

Research Engineer:<br />

Jadranka Simicevic<br />

Secretarial Staff:<br />

Sandi Perry (administrative secretary)<br />

Mailing address:<br />

P.O. Box 10348<br />

Ruston, LA 71272-0046 USA<br />

Phone: (318) 257-4072<br />

Toll Free: (800) 626-8659<br />

Fax: (318) 257-2777<br />

E-mail: ttc@Latech.edu<br />

Web site for TTC:<br />

http://www.ttc.latech.edu<br />

The TTC Newsletter is published<br />

as a department within Trenchless Technology.<br />

All newsletter materials are prepared by TTC.<br />

Communications should be directed to the center.


Aging Infrastructure Must Be Fixed Sooner, Not Later<br />

By Katherine Fulton<br />

“In the past 50 years or so, engineering has made great<br />

advances,” says Bill Marcuson, president of the American<br />

Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).“Unfortunately, we often<br />

gain knowledge from our mistakes.”<br />

Sadly, these mistakes can sometimes take the form of fatal<br />

catastrophes. While some of these disasters occur despite<br />

vigilance and the best of intentions, many others are the<br />

result of poor maintenance or other preventable measures.<br />

Recently, two American cities had to contend with infrastructure<br />

failures that resulted not only in major damage to<br />

urban areas, but also to tragic losses of life. A steam pipe<br />

explosion in New York City on July 18, injured 45 and indirectly<br />

killed one (the victim suffered a heart attack while<br />

fleeing the scene). Less than a month later, the collapse of<br />

the I-35W Mississippi River bridge in Minneapolis, killed 13<br />

people when it plunged into the river.As crews pick up the<br />

pieces and investigators look into the causes of both accidents,<br />

many are wondering about the state of infrastructure<br />

in their area — and if leaders and decision-makers at all levels<br />

of government will do what it takes to prevent accidents<br />

like this from happening again.<br />

Though investigations into both the New York City and<br />

Minneapolis incidents are not yet conclusive, many agree that<br />

there could be several contributing factors that led to a “perfect<br />

storm” of sorts, resulting in the failure of these systems.<br />

Fabian Hadipriono Tan, a civil engineering professor at The<br />

Ohio State University,states that systemic failures are the result<br />

of either external causes,such as environmental stresses,pressure/wear<br />

on a structure,and so on,or internal causes,such as<br />

design, construction, material or maintenance errors.<br />

“External events are generally expected by us,” says Tan.<br />

“[In the case of the New York City steam pipe,] we normally<br />

have mechanisms like steam traps to relieve water pressure,<br />

to drain water that could create catastrophic events<br />

and so forth.We would also expect that regular and proper<br />

inspection and maintenance procedures be implemented<br />

on this type of infrastructure. External events are expected.<br />

“However, what we normally do not expect to happen<br />

here is what we call internal flaws, such as design errors,<br />

construction problems,material problems and maintenance<br />

of the pipes.We engineers design it and we assume that it is<br />

properly designed, so if there is an error, we don’t expect<br />

that error to happen. Otherwise, it’s not going to be<br />

installed in the first place.”<br />

While a combination of both external and internal causes<br />

could have easily sped the deterioration of these systems,<br />

the final piece of the puzzle could be issues with infrequent<br />

or improper maintenance at a time when funding for public<br />

systems continues to decrease.While no one will be able<br />

to pinpoint a definitive cause until after the investigations<br />

18 TRENCHLESS TECHNOLOGY September 2007 www.trenchlessonline.com

into the incidents are complete, Eben Wyman, vice president<br />

of government relations at the National Utility<br />

Contractors Association (NUCA), says that needs continue<br />

to grow even as federal funding shrinks.<br />

“It’s a sad story.Take water and wastewater systems — the<br />

EPA estimates that America’s wastewater infrastructure<br />

faces close to $200 billion in existing, documented needs,”<br />

says Wyman.“To make matters worse, we’ll need $534 billion<br />

for water and sewer systems by 2019 if we don’t up the<br />

ante in terms of investing in our underground, environmental<br />

infrastructure. When you take a broader look at our<br />

roads, bridges, highways, waterways, dams and schools, the<br />

situation doesn’t get any better.”<br />

In addition, various regions of the United States have special<br />

infrastructure needs due to population or environmental<br />

factors, says Marcuson. In some areas, population growth<br />

outpaces infrastructure growth, while areas like the West<br />

Coast and Gulf Coast must contend with the possibilities of<br />

natural disasters such as earthquakes and hurricanes. But<br />

regardless of location, he says that the effect of collapsing<br />

infrastructure is far reaching.<br />

“Crumbling infrastructure impacts the physical health of<br />

our nation’s citizens and the economic health of our country,”<br />

Marcuson says.“These recent failures have gotten the<br />

nation’s attention. Fixing these problems will take real leadership,<br />

but I don’t see anyone addressing the issues surrounding<br />

our infrastructure.This must change.”<br />

But the tide may be turning. According to Wyman, the<br />

Circle 13 on reader service card.<br />

www.trenchlessonline.com<br />

recent disasters have spurred discussion on the state of<br />

America’s infrastructure in Congress. This, combined with<br />

NUCA and the Clean Water Council’s work to increase federal<br />

funding for water and wastewater infrastructure, may<br />

help get federal leaders to give serious consideration to the<br />

needs of infrastructure of all types.Some are already leading<br />

the way.<br />

“Longtime infrastructure champions like Rep. Jim<br />

Oberstar [D-Minn.] are responding accordingly and dragging<br />

others off the sidelines in the process,”says Wyman.“And he’s<br />

not alone — there are lawmakers who consider infrastructure<br />

a high priority, although many continue to need a lot of<br />

educating to realize how important these lifelines are to the<br />

nation.It’s our job to make sure that America’s infrastructure<br />

is a lasting priority and not the flavor of the week, because<br />

there is an overwhelming amount of work to be done.”<br />

Hopefully, the efforts of activists, involved members of<br />

Congress,civil engineers and infrastructure efforts will help<br />

turn the tide against an aging system that is struggling<br />

against time, wear and neglect. It is an effort that must not<br />

be abandoned, according to Marcuson.<br />

“We have underinvested in our infrastructure for decades,<br />

and sadly, we’ve learned that ignoring a problem doesn’t<br />

make it go away,” Marcuson says.“We must invest now or<br />

pay more later.”<br />

Katherine Fulton is an assistant editor of Trenchless<br />

Technology.<br />



Trenchless Thrives<br />

In the early 1990s, the Miami-Dade<br />

Water and Sewer Department<br />

(MDWSD) had in all likelihood the<br />

largest chemical grouting program<br />

for its sewer collection system<br />

in the United States. With its fleet of<br />

16 television and grouting systems<br />

and trained crews, Miami-Dade was at<br />

the forefront of addressing its infiltration-and-inflow<br />

(I/I) problems with<br />

the latest technology.<br />

Fast-forward to 2007 and MDWSD<br />

is still on the cutting edge of departments<br />

involved in rehabilitating their<br />

infrastructure.Today, the use of curedin-place<br />

pipe (CIPP) and lateral<br />

inspection and relining replace chem-<br />

ical grouting at the top of the agenda<br />

of work being done in the county.<br />

“The collection system is in better<br />

shape today than it has been in 10 to<br />

15 years,”says Rod Lovett, chief of the<br />

MDWSD sewage collection division.<br />

“We started with a consent agreement<br />

[with U.S. EPA] in 1992 and<br />

we’ve done in total since then about<br />

$400 million to $500 million worth of<br />

work on the system. We analyze the<br />

repair method that is the least expensive<br />

way to make the repair and a<br />

good portion of that has been<br />

through trenchless technologies.”<br />

MDWSD’s budget for trenchless has<br />

grown over the years as opportunities<br />

Trenchless Methods<br />

Remain Key to<br />

the County’s Water<br />

and Sewer Rehab<br />

Success<br />

By Sharon M. Bueno<br />

for use has expanded; approximately<br />

40 percent of its rehab budget is<br />

spent on trenchless projects.<br />

Through the use of fold-and-form<br />

(early on), CIPP, sliplining, pipe bursting,<br />

horizontal directional drilling,TV<br />

inspection, sectional and point<br />

repairs and chemical grouting of<br />

joints, the water and sewer divisions<br />

in Miami-Dade continue to invest<br />

wisely in its infrastructure — something<br />

all utilities need to be doing<br />

these days, Lovett says.<br />

“The state of the infrastructure in<br />

Miami-Dade is the same as the rest of<br />

the country — it is in desperate need<br />

of replacement,”says Luis Aguiar,chief<br />

20 TRENCHLESS TECHNOLOGY September 2007 www.trenchlessonline.com

in Miami-Dade, Fla.<br />

of the water transmission and distribution<br />

division.“We need to continue<br />

to invest money to replace the infrastructure<br />

because it is getting to be 50<br />

to 60 years old or older. We have<br />

water mains [in Miami-Dade] that<br />

have been in service since the early<br />

1930s. It is a challenge being faced by<br />

not only Miami-Dade but every<br />

utility across the United States<br />

where the infrastructure is getting<br />

to the point that unless we start<br />

investing money in it, it’s going to<br />

become catastrophic in the<br />

future. And it’s not just the water<br />

and sewer systems. Look at the<br />

steam pipe that blew in New York<br />

City and the bridge that collapsed<br />

in Minnesota [this summer].”<br />

Miami-Dade County is home to<br />

the fifth largest utility in United<br />

States, in terms of miles of service<br />

and customers. MDWSD, with 440<br />

sq miles of service area, maintains<br />

7,100 miles of water lines and<br />

3,600 miles of sewer lines, which<br />

serve approximately 2.4 million<br />

customers and includes 11 wholesale<br />

municipalities.<br />

The average age of the sewer<br />

and water lines are 40 and 60-plus<br />

years old, respectively, with some<br />

sewer lines dating back as far as<br />

1919.A majority of the sewer lines<br />

are made of clay with new pipes<br />

being fusible PVC; the forcemains<br />

are made of ductile iron and prestressed<br />

concrete. MDWSD operates<br />

three water and wastewater<br />

treatment plants each, along with 14<br />

pump stations for water service and<br />

954 pump stations for wastewater.<br />

Trenchless Baptism<br />

Trenchless methods made their first<br />

appearance in the county in the early<br />

1990s when fold-and-form (F/F) was<br />

used to rehab aging sewer lines, as it<br />

was considered more cost-effective at<br />

the time than CIPP, says Lovett and<br />

Aguiar.<br />

“We did some successful fold-andform<br />

programs,” Lovett says.“But now<br />

we are pretty much exclusive to CIPP.<br />

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As we progressed, the patents on the<br />

CIPP process wore off and as competition<br />

came in, the price went down.<br />

We have a contract now that we pay<br />

$21.50 per foot for 8-in.CIPP,which is<br />

actually less money than what we<br />

were paying for fold-and-form.”<br />

So far this year, Miami-Dade has<br />

The Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department completed more<br />

than 40,000 ft of CIPP work so far in 2007.<br />

done 40,600 ft of CIPP work.“That’s<br />

probably down from previous years,”<br />

Lovett notes. “We are going back<br />

through the system [with inspection]<br />

a second time; therefore we are not<br />

finding as much of a problem as we<br />

did the first time.”<br />

Back in the early days when everything<br />

trenchless was new, people<br />

were coming out of the proverbial<br />

woodwork, offering Miami-Dade<br />

can’t-miss solutions and products to<br />

its infrastructure problems. “About<br />

that time, everyone was coming<br />

down here with a magic wand, saying<br />

‘I got the process that’s going to solve<br />

all your problems,’” remembers<br />

Aguiar, who at the time was working<br />

on the sewer side. “It was then we<br />

decided to hire a consultant and form<br />

a committee so we could evaluate the<br />

different processes and materials that<br />

[were being pitched] to us… That is<br />

how we started to expand our<br />

trenchless program.”<br />

The district’s trenchless program<br />

has included over the years<br />

a variety of methods and trenchless<br />

companies, including some<br />

large diameter and interceptor sliplining<br />

work in the mid-1980s<br />

using HOBAS pipe, a program that<br />

lasted until the late 1990s. Pipe<br />

bursting has been used on the<br />

sewer side involving TT<br />

Technologies but is being utilized<br />

to a far larger extent on the water<br />

side today.Televising and grouting<br />

the sewer lines, once the main<br />

cog in its trenchless arsenal, used<br />

such companies as CUES. Regrouting<br />

annular space for liners<br />

added Logiball to the mix.<br />

Today, CIPP continues to be the<br />

most used trenchless method,<br />

contracting the work out to such<br />

companies as Insituform<br />

Technologies. Laterals are taking<br />

center stage these days with companies<br />

such as LMK and Perma-<br />

Liner among others getting the<br />

call.<br />

“Miami-Dade County Water and<br />

Sewer has always been very conservative,”Aguiar<br />

says.“It took a lot of<br />

effort to accept technologies that<br />

were really new to the U.S. market. So<br />

we had to take certain chances.”<br />

The televising and grouting program<br />

was one such chance, using<br />

technology that wasn’t largely accepted<br />

by many utilities at the time.<br />

Through the program, high levels of<br />

I/I were vastly reduced over a fiveyear<br />

period between 1993-98. The<br />

program proved invaluable to<br />

MDWSD and not just in terms of the<br />

I/I results but in the knowledge<br />

gained by its staff. “We had to learn<br />



how to do things,” Lovett<br />

says, noting that Larry<br />

Decker, MDSWD assistant<br />

superintendent for the<br />

sewage collection division,<br />

even created a software<br />

program at the time<br />

to record the readings<br />

from the flow monitors;<br />

based on this data, the<br />

county was able to determine<br />

where the heaviest<br />

I/I was concentrated.<br />

Miami-Dade also did its<br />

own television work, having<br />

in excess of 16 trucks<br />

in operation, and crews<br />

working in two shifts.<br />

“Right now we have 17<br />

truck shifts operating and<br />

eight crews that are running<br />

every day,” Lovett says. “We’ve<br />

cut back a bit because we finished<br />

the five-year cycle [of inspection] and<br />

are now on a 10-year cycle. Those<br />

trucks not only do SSES but they also<br />

Longevity of the MDWSD 2,700-member workforce has bred experience<br />

and invaluable trenchless knowledge.<br />

do the grouting.”<br />

The success of that initial TV and<br />

grout program allowed MDWSD to<br />

evolve into inspecting every foot of<br />

mainline in the system, as well as the<br />

laterals. “I haven’t heard of anyone<br />

else in the country that<br />

has done this,” Lovett<br />

explains. “As we go<br />

through the mainline,<br />

we stop at each lateral<br />

connection. We pan-andtilt<br />

[the camera] into<br />

each lateral to see if<br />

there are any leaks. If<br />

there is water running<br />

down in the lateral while<br />

we’re there, we’ll wait<br />

five minutes to see if the<br />

water stops.If it does,we<br />

move on.If it doesn’t,we<br />

identify that particular<br />

lateral as a suspect lateral<br />

and a lateral inspection<br />

team will go out at a<br />

later date and check it.”<br />

Laterals, Laterals, Laterals<br />

One area that MDWSD has aggressively<br />

and proactively addressed in<br />

recent years has been the condition<br />

of the laterals throughout the county.<br />

22 TRENCHLESS TECHNOLOGY September 2007<br />

Circle 14 on reader service card.<br />


Through two pilot programs, more than<br />

1,600 laterals have been inspected and<br />

subsequently 1,000 rehabbed to this<br />

point. The county used a sanitary sewer<br />

evaluation survey (SSES) to assess the<br />

pipes’ condition. SSES uses various equipment<br />

and techniques to detect sewer<br />

pipe defects, blockages and capacity<br />

problems. These techniques include<br />

smoke tests, dye tests, closed-circuit TV<br />

(CCTV), flow monitoring, rain monitoring,<br />

building service connection location/inspection<br />

and flow isolation.<br />

“We did the pilot programs to try to<br />

identify the source of rain-induced I/I that<br />

comes into the system during and after<br />

heavy rains,” says Lovett.“We are looking<br />

closely now at extending the program.”<br />

The project is designed to evaluate a<br />

variety of lining systems, including CIPP<br />

and inner seals. In addition to testing<br />

these products, Miami-Dade is fine-tuning<br />

its flow monitoring techniques to ensure<br />

accurate measurements of the reduction<br />

of infiltration.<br />

The first and smaller pilot program<br />

goes back five years and involved three<br />

www.trenchlessonline.com<br />

basins and 99 laterals. The second<br />

and larger program recently<br />

wrapped up and involved 52 basins<br />

and 1,600 laterals.Estimated cost for<br />

the larger program is $16.5 million,<br />

with actual costs being about $14<br />

million. “The only thing we don’t<br />

have on the second program is the<br />

rainfall data on some of the basins<br />

yet because we haven’t had enough<br />

Circle 9 on reader service card.<br />

rainfall to compare the results,”<br />

Lovett says, explaining that a “qualified<br />

rain event” is one in which at<br />

least 4 ½ in. of rain falls in a 24-hour<br />

period. “We typically get several of<br />

those during our rainy season but it<br />

hasn’t occurred across the county as<br />

a whole;it’s been spotty in the county.<br />

We have been able to qualify<br />

some basins, not all.<br />



“The program is dependent on<br />

showing the results of what we’ve<br />

done,” he adds.“There are a lot of<br />

lateral programs across the country<br />

in which all they do is go out<br />

and replace laterals but they don’t<br />

really know what they’ve done.<br />

They have no way of measuring<br />

their success.We wanted to figure<br />

out a way to do that.”<br />

Experience<br />

Breeds Success<br />

Aguiar and Lovett have been<br />

integral parts of the Miami-Dade<br />

infrastructure turnaround over the<br />

years. Aguiar just recently marked<br />

his 30th year with MDWSD and<br />

Lovett has 19 years on the job.<br />

Longevity is the norm among the<br />

2,700 workers at MDWSD, bringing<br />

expertise to the processes<br />

being utilized. Lovett says many<br />

things have changed over the<br />

years and appreciates the expertise<br />

that his staff brings to the job.<br />

CIPP may be the most used trenchless method in MDWSD<br />

but other methods include pipe bursting, HDD, sliplining and<br />

chemical grouting, to name a few.<br />

“I don’t know if we are old pros<br />

but we do know our system very<br />

well. I’ve never felt that what<br />

[Miami-Dade does] is what everyone<br />

should do because everyone<br />

has different circumstances. We<br />

do have a better handle on things,<br />

but most of that is because of the<br />

technology.<br />

“When I first went to work, the<br />

way we responded to sewer problems<br />

was strictly on a reactive<br />

basis,” he says. “If something was<br />

broke, we fixed it. Today, we’re<br />

probably doing 80 percent of our<br />

work on a proactive basis. That’s<br />

what’s changed and it was a long<br />

time in coming. And it was the<br />

right thing to do.”<br />

Sharon M. Bueno is managing editor<br />

of Trenchless Technology.<br />

Circle 17 on reader service card. Circle 18 on reader service card.<br />

24 TRENCHLESS TECHNOLOGY September 2007 www.trenchlessonline.com

Circle 19 on reader service card.


A Tale of Two Manholes<br />

No matter how extreme the weather or<br />

terrain, two seasoned contractors prove<br />

successful manhole rehabilitation can be<br />

achieved if you choose the right tools and<br />

follow the wise old motto: Be prepared.<br />

By Suzan Marie Chin<br />

For two experienced municipal contractors, one in<br />

the cold northern Great Lakes region, the other in<br />

the tropical coast of Florida, adding the complication<br />

of extreme weather conditions to already challenging<br />

projects required all of their creative thinking and job<br />

planning skills. Spray-applied polyurethane technology,<br />

along with research, pre-project planning and special site<br />

specific preparation methods proved to be the right combination<br />

for a successful rehabilitation in both cases.<br />

Manholes in the Canadian Cold<br />

Over the spring and summer of 2006, the Region of Peel<br />

in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, had completed the construction<br />

and installation of four new manholes that were to be<br />

part of a newly rehabilitated 72-in. diameter interceptor<br />

line. The refurbished interceptor was ready to go online<br />

until inspectors discovered that the manhole structures<br />

were improperly constructed and cracking due to a design<br />

oversight and the extremely high water table in the surrounding<br />

area. High levels of infiltration were occurring, so<br />

it was decided that although it was already late autumn,<br />

rehabilitation measures had to be applied to the manholes<br />

immediately so that the new system could be brought on<br />

line as originally planned.<br />

It was decided that Spraywall — a spray-applied<br />

polyurethane rehabilitation material from Sprayroq — was<br />

Team Elmers crew examining the extent of infiltration and prep work<br />

required in one of four 28-ft deep manholes in Hamilton, Ontario.<br />

the best solution.The polyurethane would not only seal the<br />

cracks and eliminate the infiltration but also provide corrosion<br />

protection against the effects of hydrogen sulfide (H2S),<br />

extended the lifespan of the newly installed assets.<br />

Elmer’s Crane and Dozer Inc. of Michigan (Team Elmers),<br />

a Sprayroq certified partner, was contracted to perform the<br />

emergency rehabilitation of the structures. Knowing that<br />

late autumn in eastern Canada brings average daily high<br />

temperatures of 40 F, paired with high humidity and frequent<br />

rainfall, the Elmer’s crew had to carefully plan and<br />

prepare for the application process.<br />

Polyurethane application is ideally performed when outdoor<br />

temperatures are above 50 F.It is critical that the structures<br />

are kept relatively warm and dry and the spray material<br />

be heated and held at a steady, consistent temperature<br />

of 140 F for optimum results. With these factors, the crew<br />

had to have a source of heat and insulation available.<br />

In addition to the equipment and crew preparation, the<br />

structures themselves required extensive prep work before<br />

the spray process could begin. “There was a lot of prep<br />

work that had to be done.They were supposed to be brand<br />

new and in great condition when we arrived,” relates John<br />

Prescott, estimator/project leader for Team Elmers. “There<br />

was cracking that we knew we would have to deal with but<br />

the biggest problem was the groundwater infiltration<br />

around the seams of the structures.”<br />

To correct this, a second contractor was hired to seal and<br />

grout the structures with the assistance of the Team Elmers’<br />

crew. Once this was completed, Team Elmers’ crews conducted<br />

the standard preparation for spraying.This involved<br />

pressure washing the structure, followed by the the application<br />

of a cementitious mortar by Preco to create a<br />

smooth, uniform surface on the walls of the structures.<br />

Another challenge for the crew was the unusually large<br />

size of the structures.The four structures to be treated were<br />

each 23 to 28 ft in depth with a square 10- to 12-ft chamber<br />

at the bottom, leading up to a 6-ft diameter cone. In structures<br />

that are rectangular in shape,an additional preparation<br />

26 TRENCHLESS TECHNOLOGY September 2007 www.trenchlessonline.com

step of cutting in keyways must be performed to ensure<br />

proper adhesion of the material to all of the walls.The crew<br />

cut quarter-inch deep keyways on a 30-degree angle<br />

approximately every foot, both horizontally and vertically,<br />

inside the entire square area of each of the structure.<br />

Before spraying began,using a 7 million BTU jet heater,the<br />

crew heated each structure, eliminating any residual moisture<br />

from the concrete surface.This took approximately 40<br />

minutes. In the spray rig, a bigger heater unit had been<br />

installed to heat the Spraywall material, while the 75 ft of<br />

feeder lines that run from the material containers and heating/mixing<br />

equipment on the rig to the specially designed<br />

Graco spray gun were wrapped with pipe foam insulation to<br />

help keep the material at the proper constant temperature.<br />

Typically, the spray application will commence at the bottom<br />

of the structure with the sprayer applying the material<br />

to one side of the structure from the manhole bench, turning<br />

around, applying it to the opposite side and working<br />

upward. In this case, Team Elmers had to approach the<br />

application a different way. “Because of the depth and<br />

groundwater infiltration, we started at the top and worked<br />

our way to the bottom,” Prescott explains.“That way, if we<br />

did encounter a leak, we weren’t chasing it as the top was<br />

already sealed so it wouldn’t have anywhere to go.” An<br />

application of 250 to 300 mils thick was applied to all surfaces<br />

of the structures. Each manhole required approximately<br />

four to five hours of spray time with preparation for<br />

each taking approximately one to two days each.<br />

Circle 20 on reader service card.<br />

www.trenchlessonline.com<br />

Although the Region of Peel was skeptical about the technology<br />

and it being able to provide the strength and structural<br />

integrity officials were looking for, Team Elmers successfully<br />

demonstrated the benefits and effectiveness of<br />

spray-applied polyurethane technology under less than<br />

ideal conditions.The budget for the project was approximately<br />

$240,000. The client was so pleased with the outcome<br />

of this solution that it is now being considered for use<br />

in several other rehabilitation projects within its system.<br />

Moving to Points South…<br />

Manhole rehabilitation in warmer,coastal climates brings<br />

its own set of challenges. National Pipe Services (NPS), the<br />

Sprayroq certified partner for Florida, was tasked with performing<br />

sewer system rehabilitation for the affluent vacation<br />

resort island of Long Boat Key.<br />

Just like the Team Elmers project, weather conditions can<br />

greatly affect how a project is managed and approached. In<br />

the case of Long Boat Key, extremely high water tables, tidal<br />

patterns,daily rains and extremely high temperatures were all<br />

important considerations in ensuring a successful outcome.<br />

“Long Boat Key is extremely proactive when it comes to<br />

the management and maintenance of its infrastructure system.To<br />

help eliminate extreme [inflow-and-infiltration] levels<br />

that were impacting the quality of wastewater treatment<br />

in the community,[city officials] knew one good spot<br />

to start was in their manholes and lift stations,” says NPS<br />

vice president Ron Wilkes.<br />



NPS was contracted to begin the work of rehabilitating<br />

28 manholes and a 17-ft deep lift station situated at the<br />

island’s marina in June 2007. During the summer months,<br />

it rains daily at a level of 1 to 2 in. over a short one- to twohour<br />

period in late afternoon. This rain pattern, coupled<br />

with high temperatures, hydrogen sulfide levels, humidity<br />

and tidal patterns, impact both underground structures<br />

and repair crews significantly.<br />

To overcome these challenges, crews were outfitted with<br />

protective gear and special cooler vests to combat the risks<br />

of heat stroke and dehydration.NPS performed any required<br />

pressure washing, injection grouting and sealing work for<br />

each structure during low tide.“By timing the work in this<br />

way, the grout and mortar has sufficient time to set before<br />

high tide occurs approximately six to eight hours later,”<br />

explains NPS business development manager Rodney Jones.<br />

“This scheduling also puts the crews in a timeframe to complete<br />

their work and avoid the daily summer rain patterns.”<br />

High water tables also need to be considered in project<br />

planning.The manholes to be rehabilitated ranged in depth<br />

from 3 to 17 ft. In some areas of Florida, groundwater levels<br />

are just 12 to 18 in. down from the ground surface.This<br />

factor contributes to high levels of inflow and infiltration<br />

(I/I), cracking and shifting of the structures in the ground.<br />

Cracks are to be expected and the NPS crews were trained<br />

and prepared to handle them.<br />

The lift station posed the biggest challenge.It was unusually<br />

deep for its location and numerous cracks had to be<br />

National Pipe Services crew performing the application of the Spraywall<br />

spray-applied polyurethane product.<br />

addressed before rehabilitation could begin.A large volume<br />

of De Neef grout was required along with special detailing.<br />

In addition, the lift station serviced an active line so bypass<br />

pumping was required for the duration of the rehabilitation<br />

process.<br />

To aid in the pre-spray cleaning process, NPS utilized<br />

combination trucks for initial cleaning and removal of any<br />

sediment and debris. Just like the manholes, the walls were<br />

then pressure washed and sealing mortar creaming was<br />

applied. After the initial cleaning, the crews found that<br />

intake and outake pipe connections to the lift station were<br />

seriously deteriorated and extensive grouting was used to<br />

re-establish structural integrity and support.<br />

Once all of the prep work was completed, the spray<br />

process began with the crews taking approximately one and<br />

a half days to finish applying a 1-in. thick application of the<br />

Spraywall product per the Manatee County specifications.<br />

At the conclusion of the project, it was determined that<br />

Long Boat Key had stopped approximately 15,000 to<br />

20,000 gal per day of infiltration into its collection system.<br />

This reduction will not only save the community money in<br />

treatment expenses but also aids in the reduction of salinity<br />

levels of the wastewater in the sanitary collection system<br />

that Manatee County has been mandating.<br />

North, south, east, west, cold, hot, dry or wet, sprayapplied<br />

polyurethane technology is a technology worthy<br />

of consideration for sustainable and effective structural<br />

rehabilitation. With proper training, planning and execution,<br />

even the toughest environments can be conquered<br />

and old infrastructure can be returned to optimum performance<br />

and new assets given an extended lifespan.<br />

Suzan Marie Chin is the chief marketing officer and art<br />

director of Creative Raven, a marketing communications,<br />

design and production firm for those serving the water,<br />

wastewater and municipal infrastructure sectors.<br />


Circle 21 on reader service card.<br />

September 2007 www.trenchlessonline.com

Circle 23 on reader service card.


Manhole Manufacturers and Suppliers<br />

A-Lok<br />

Water-Lok Connector (FS)<br />

697 Main St.<br />

Tullytown, PA 19007<br />

Ph: (800) 822-2565<br />

Fax: (215) 547-5260<br />

Ameron International<br />

Arrow-Lock (PC)<br />

201 N. Berry St.<br />

Brea, CA, 92821<br />

Ph: (714) 256-7755<br />

Fax: (714) 256-7750<br />

American Highway Products<br />

Pivoted Turnbuckle Manhole Riser<br />

(other)<br />

11723 Strasburg Bolivar Rd. NW<br />

Bolivar, OH 44612<br />

Ph: (888) 272-2397<br />

Fax: (330) 874-3800<br />

AP/M Permaform<br />

Permaform (SRS) Permacast (CL/PC)<br />

6250 NW Beaver <strong>Dr</strong>. #1<br />

Johnston, IA 50131<br />

Ph: (800) 662-6465<br />

Fax: (515) 276-1274<br />

Avanti International<br />

Avanti Chemical Grouts, Pumps (SR)<br />

822 Bay Star Blvd.<br />

Webster, TX 77598<br />

Ph: (800) 877-2570<br />

Fax: (281) 486-7300<br />

Canusa-CPS<br />

Wrapid Seal (FS)<br />

2408 Timberloch Pl., Bldg C-8<br />

The Woodlands, TX 77380<br />

Ph: (800) 441-0862<br />

Fax: (281) 367-4304<br />

Carylon Corp.<br />

Polyurea Spray-Seal (PC)<br />

2500 W. Arthington St.<br />

Chicago, IL 60612<br />

Ph: (312) 666-7700<br />

Fax: (312) 666-5810<br />

CCI Pipeline Systems<br />

Wrapid Seal (FS)<br />

P.O. Box 9365<br />

The Woodlands, TX 77387<br />

Ph: (281) 350-2100<br />

Fax: (281) 288-6261<br />

CCI Spectrum Inc.<br />

SpectraShield (PC, SRS)<br />

9716 Florida Mining Blvd. W<br />

Jacksonville, FL 32257<br />

Ph: (904) 268-4951<br />

Fax: (904) 268-4923<br />

ChemRex Inc.<br />

ThoRoc SP15 (CL)<br />

Sewerguard Epoxyliner, HBS100 (PC)<br />

889 Valley Park <strong>Dr</strong>.<br />

Shakopee, MN 55379<br />

Ph: (952)-496-6000<br />

Fax: (952)-496-6062<br />

CWR Holdings LLC<br />

The Lifespan System (SRS)<br />

1615 Cross Highway<br />

Fairfield, CT 06824<br />

Ph: 203-659-1300<br />

Fax: (203) 286-2320<br />

Containment Solutions<br />

Flowtite Rehabilitation, Manhole (SRS)<br />

Route 20, Box 1380<br />

5150 Jefferson Chemical Rd.<br />

Conroe, TX 77301<br />

Ph: (888) 409-7731<br />

Fax: (800) 839-4727<br />

Cretex Specialty Products<br />

Manhole Chimney Seal (FS)<br />

2002 S. West Ave.<br />

Waukesha, WI 53189<br />

Ph: (800) 345-3764<br />

Fax: (262) 542-0301<br />

Cues Inc.<br />

Urethane Mainline Sealing Equipment<br />

(SR)<br />

Vari-Seal Portable Sealing, Carts (SR)<br />

3600 Rio Vista Ave.<br />

Orlando, FL 32805<br />

Ph: (800) 327-7791<br />

Fax: (407) 425-1569<br />

DeNeef Construction<br />

Chemicals<br />

Chemical Cementitious Grouts (SR)<br />

5610 Brystone <strong>Dr</strong>.<br />

Houston, TX 77041<br />

Ph: (800) 732-0166<br />

Fax: (713) 849-3340<br />

Improved Construction<br />

Methods Inc.<br />

Nu-Wall (SRS)<br />

P.O. Box 5798<br />

Jacksonville, AR 72078<br />

Ph: (501) 982-7715<br />

Fax: (501) 982-9794<br />

Infrastructure Repair<br />

Systems<br />

InfraPoxy (PC)<br />

4301 A. 34th St. N<br />

St. Petersburg, FL 33713<br />

Ph: (727) 327-4216<br />

Fax: (727) 327-4118<br />

IPA Systems<br />

<strong>Dr</strong>ycon (PC)<br />

2745 N. Amber St.<br />

Philadelphia, PA 19134<br />

Ph: (800) 523-3834<br />

Fax: (215) 425-6234<br />

Kerneos Inc.<br />

SewperCoat (CL)<br />

1316 Priority Lane<br />

Chesapeake, VA 23324<br />

Ph: (757) 284-3200<br />

Fax: (757) 284-3300<br />

Ladtech<br />

Ladtech Advusting Rings (FS)<br />

6704 Meadowlark Ct.<br />

Lino Lakes, MN 55038<br />

Ph: (651) 415-1252<br />

Fax: (866) 397-7571<br />

Madewell Products Corp.<br />

Mainstay System (SRS)<br />

Mainstay Composite Liner (CL/PC)<br />

Madewell 806 Flexible Epoxy (SR)<br />

ML10 Hydraulic Cement (SR)<br />

7561A Industrial Ct.<br />

Alpharetta, GA 30004<br />

Ph: (770) 475-8199<br />

Fax: (770) 475-8167<br />

Manhole Systems<br />

Ext. Rigs for Manholes (Other)<br />

1780B Stoney Hill <strong>Dr</strong>.<br />

Hudson, OH 44236<br />

Ph: (800) 433-3995<br />

Fax: (330) 656-0709<br />

30 TRENCHLESS TECHNOLOGY September 2007<br />

Circle 24 on reader service card.<br />


Miller Pipeline Corp.<br />

Encapseal Safe-T-Seal (FS)<br />

8850 Crawfordsville Rd.<br />

Indianapolis, IN 46234<br />

Ph: (800) 428-3742<br />

Fax: (317) 293-8502<br />

Multiurethanes Ltd.<br />

Chemical Grouts (SR)<br />

6214-A Kestrel Rd.<br />

Mississauga, Ont. L5T 1Y9, Canada<br />

Ph: (800) 663-6633<br />

Fax: (905) 564-7998<br />

NeoPoxy Corp.<br />

StructoLiner (SRS), ProtectoLiner (PC)<br />

SuperFlex (FS)<br />

27057 Industrial Blvd., Suite 208<br />

Hayward, CA 94545<br />

Ph: (510) 782-1290<br />

Fax: (510) 782-1292<br />

New Life Coatings<br />

(PC)<br />

31004 Hwy 27, P.O. Box 478<br />

Lake Hamilton, FL 33851<br />

Ph: (863) 438-8660<br />

Fax: (863) 439-3755<br />

NPC Inc.<br />

Joint Seals (Other)<br />

250 Elm St.<br />

Milford, NH 03055<br />

Ph: (603) 673-8680<br />

Fax: (603) 673-7271<br />

Parson Environmental<br />

Products Inc.<br />

MH Liner (CL), Quick Plug (SR)<br />

Parsonpoxy SEL-80 (PC),<br />

Parsonpoxy FP (FS)<br />

P.O. Box 4474<br />

Reading, PA 19606<br />

Ph: (800) 356-9023<br />

Fax:(610) 582-6064<br />

Perma-Liner Industries Inc.<br />

Perma-Flex (FS)<br />

Perma-Coatings (CL)<br />

6196 126th Ave. N<br />

Largo, FL 33773<br />

Ph: (727) 507-9749<br />

Fax: (727) 507-9849<br />

Perma-Tech Industrial<br />

Coatings<br />

Perma-Tech UX-Line<br />

Polyureau and PR 8003 P (PC)<br />

23100 Miles Rd.<br />

Cleveland, OH 44128<br />

Ph: (888) 885-4637<br />

Fax: (440) 338-3261<br />

Pipeline Seal<br />

& Insulator Inc.<br />

Riser-Wrap (SR, PC, FS, SRS)<br />

6525 Goforth St.,<br />

Houston, TX 77021<br />

Ph: (800) 423-2410|<br />

Fax: (713) 747-6029<br />

Poly-Triplex Technologies<br />

Poly-Triplex Liner Sys. (SRS)<br />

Union Station<br />

1701 Wynkoop St., Ste. 250<br />

Denver, CO 80202<br />

Ph: (303) 893-3100<br />

Fax: (303) 893-3102<br />

www.trenchlessonline.com<br />

Press-Seal Gasket Corp.<br />

EZ-Wrap (FS), EZ-Stik #3 (FS)<br />

2424 W. State St.<br />

Fort Wayne, IN 46808<br />

Ph: (800) 348-7325<br />

Fax: (219) 436-1908<br />

Prime Resins Inc.<br />

Prime Flex 900LVSF (SR)<br />

Prime Flex 920 (SR)<br />

Prime Flex Hydro Gel (SR)<br />

2291 Plunkett Rd., Conyers, GA 30012<br />

Ph: (800) 321-7212<br />

Fax: (770) 388-0936<br />

Protective Liner Systems Inc.<br />

(SRS)<br />

6691 Tribble St.<br />

Lithonia, GA 30058<br />

Ph: (877) 462-6465<br />

Fax: (770) 484-1821<br />

Quadex Inc.<br />

QM-1s Restore (CL)<br />

Hydra-Plug (SR)<br />

4801 Crystal Hill Rd.<br />

Little Rock, AR 72118<br />

Ph: (501) 758-8628<br />

Fax: (501) 758-3814<br />

Circle 25 on reader service card.<br />

Raven Lining Systems<br />

Aquatapoxy (PC/SRS)<br />

Raven 400 Series (PC/SRS)<br />

13105 E. 61st St.<br />

Broken Arrow, OK 74012<br />

Ph: (918) 615-0020<br />

Fax: (918) 615-0140<br />

Reliner/Duran<br />

Reliner - invert only (SRS)<br />

Inside <strong>Dr</strong>op Bowls (SRS)<br />

Stainless Steel Pipe Straps (SRS)<br />

Inside <strong>Dr</strong>op Bowl (other)<br />

53 Mt. Archer Rd.<br />

Lyme, CT 06371<br />

Ph: (800) 504-8008<br />

Fax: (860) 434-3195<br />



Sauereisen<br />

SewerGard (CL)<br />

160 Gamma <strong>Dr</strong>.<br />

Pittsburgh, PA 15238<br />

Ph: (412) 963-0303<br />

Fax: (412) 963-7620<br />

SealGuard<br />

SealGuard (SR)<br />

363 Mars-Valencia Rd.<br />

Mars, PA 16046<br />

Ph: (866) 625-4550<br />

Fax: (724) 625-2392<br />

Sealing Systems Inc.<br />

Infi-Shield External Sealing Product<br />

(FS), Flex Seal Utility Sealant (FS),<br />

(PC) and (SRS)<br />

9350 County Rd. 19<br />

Loretto, MN 55357<br />

Ph: (763) 478-2057<br />

Fax: (763) 478-8868<br />

Southwest Concrete Products<br />

Con-plast Plastic Liner System (PC)<br />

519 S. Benson Ave., Ontario, CA 91762<br />

Ph: (909) 983-9789<br />

Fax: (909) 983-4187<br />

Southwestern Packing and<br />

Seals<br />

Rainstopper (FS)<br />

6905 Westport<br />

Shreveport, LA 71149-0369<br />

Ph: (318) 687-4330<br />

Fax: (318) 687-4337<br />

Sprayroq Inc.<br />

SprayWall (PC)<br />

4707 Alton Ct.<br />

Birmingham, AL 35210<br />

Ph: (205) 957-0020<br />

Fax: (205) 957-0021<br />

Standard Cement<br />

Materials Inc.<br />

Reliner MSP (CL)<br />

Eposil Fusion Bonded System (CL)<br />

Standard/Mainstay DS-4 Epoxy<br />

Coating (PC)<br />

5710 W. 34th St. Suite A<br />

Houston, TX 77092<br />

Ph: (888) 278-1337<br />

Fax: (713) 680-1017<br />

Stephen’s Technologies<br />

(SR)<br />

31004 Hwy 27, P.O. Box 478<br />

Lake Hamilton, FL 33851<br />

Ph: (863) 438-8660<br />

Fax: (863) 439-3755<br />

Strong Seal Systems,<br />

a Division of The Strong Co.<br />

Inc.<br />

Strong-Seal (CL)<br />

4501 Emmett Sanders Rd.<br />

P.O. Box 9209 (zip: 71611)<br />

Pine Bluff, AR 71601<br />

Ph: (800) 982-8009<br />

Fax: (870) 850-6933<br />

Terre Hill Composites,<br />

a Division of Terre Hill<br />

Concrete Products<br />

Multiplex Liner (PC)<br />

400 W. Main St., Suite 105<br />

Ephrata, PA 17522<br />

Ph: (717) 738-9164<br />

Fax: (717) 738-6946<br />

Tnemec Co. Inc.<br />

120 Vinester (PC)<br />

6800 Corporate <strong>Dr</strong>.<br />

Kansas City, MO 64120-1372<br />

Ph: (816) 483-3400<br />

Fax: (816) 483-3969<br />

Warren Environmental Inc.<br />

(SRS)<br />

P.O. Box 1206, Suite 2-G Carver Sq.<br />

Carver, MA 02330<br />

Ph: (508) 9478539<br />

Fax: (508) 947-3220<br />

Product<br />

Categories:<br />

(Where Applicable)<br />

CL Cementitious Liners<br />

(spray and trowelled)<br />

SR Spot Repairs (chemical<br />

grouting, plugging &<br />

patching)<br />

PC Protective Coatings<br />

FS Flexible Seals<br />

SRS Structural Repair<br />

Systems (monolithic<br />

formed cement, CIPP liners,<br />

structural polymer<br />

systems)<br />

Circle 26 on reader service card.<br />

32 TRENCHLESS TECHNOLOGY September 2007 www.trenchlessonline.com

Circle 27 on reader service card.

Perspective<br />

on Pipe Bursting<br />

By Kevin Smith<br />

Circle 28 on reader service card. Circle 29 on reader service card.<br />

34 TRENCHLESS TECHNOLOGY September 2007 www.trenchlessonline.com

America is a relatively young country, but its underground<br />

infrastructure — water, gas and sewer distribution<br />

systems — is over the hill.Time is taking<br />

its toll on the concrete, clay, steel and cast-iron<br />

pipes that deliver drinking water and natural gas to us and<br />

carry away our wastewater.<br />

For most cities, it’s a problem that must be addressed<br />

sooner than later. Some cities are pumping water through<br />

pipes that are more than 100 years old, so the problem<br />

extends well beyond the issue of pipe failure and into the<br />

more serious issue of citizen health and well-being.<br />

America’s cities are facing a problem<br />

that collectively involves millions of miles<br />

of pipe and easily tops the trillion-dollar<br />

mark. Individual cities are looking at hundreds<br />

of miles of pipe and millions of dollars<br />

in budget-busting expense, not to<br />

mention the traffic nightmares associated<br />

with pipe-replacement projects and the<br />

frustrating interruption of gas and water<br />

services to homes and businesses in the<br />

vicinity.<br />

There might be cause for despair if the<br />

only way to replace water, gas and sewer<br />

pipe was the time-consuming process of<br />

ripping up roads and yards by open-cut<br />

excavation.Thank goodness it’s not.<br />

Pipe bursting is a pipe replacement<br />

method that is rapidly gaining popularity<br />

because it saves time and money — lots<br />

of time and money (estimates vary, but<br />

range from 60 to 85 percent less than the<br />

excavation and restoration costs of traditional<br />

open-trench replacement methods).<br />

Pipe bursting is to traditional infrastructure<br />

repair as angioplasty is to openheart<br />

surgery — a minimally invasive alternative<br />

that accomplishes the same task<br />

with significantly less expense and recovery<br />

time.<br />

There are two main types of pipe bursting<br />

systems: pneumatic and static pull.<br />

Each offers unique benefits depending on<br />

the type of pipe and soil conditions, but<br />

they all replace old pipe by pulling or<br />

pushing new pipe — usually HDPE —<br />

through the old, expanding or bursting<br />

the old pipe in the process. The fragmented<br />

old pipe is simply pushed into<br />

the soil immediately surrounding the new<br />

pipe.<br />

The process begins, of course, with the<br />

contractor or municipal worker performing<br />

a thorough survey of the construction<br />

site to check for the location of nearby<br />

utilities.Unlike open-trench construction,<br />

the pipebursting process requires the<br />

excavating of a small entry pit at the<br />

beginning of the planned installation, just<br />

enough space for the bursting unit and<br />

one operator and an exit pit (in many<br />

cases, the exit pit is a manhole). A sepa-<br />

www.trenchlessonline.com<br />

Circle 30 on reader service card.<br />

rate power pack is positioned outside the entry pit on the<br />

surface.<br />

During the pneumatic pipebursting process, the<br />

pipebursting tool is guided through the old “host” pipe by<br />

a constant tension winch. As the tool travels through the<br />

host pipe, it breaks the host apart with a percussive<br />

action, displacing the fragments into the surrounding soil.<br />

Pneumatic pipe bursting systems are typically used for<br />

fracturable pipes, such as clay and concrete.They are generally<br />

less expensive than static systems,one of the biggest<br />

reasons why pneumatic systems are used in 80 percent of<br />


the world’s pipe replacement procedures. But when the<br />

host pipe is made of steel, cast iron or ductile iron, a static<br />

pipebursting system is usually required.<br />

Static pipebursting systems<br />

have been growing in popularity<br />

over the years because<br />

of their ability to replace virtually<br />

any type of pipe.<br />

Instead of the percussive<br />

action of pneumatic bursting<br />

tools, a static system utilizes a<br />

configuration of specially<br />

designed heads and an<br />

expander to split the host<br />

pipe. The static bursting unit<br />

pushes a series of threaded<br />

steel rods through the host<br />

pipe. When the rod string<br />

emerges into the exit pit, a<br />

bursting head and the replacement product are connected<br />

to the rod string. As the bursting head is pulled back<br />

through the host pipe,it splits the host pipe,the fragments<br />

are pushed into the surrounding soil, and the replacement<br />

product is installed along the same line and grade as the<br />

utility being replaced.After the pipe is replaced, the only<br />

restoration is to the area affected by the small entry and<br />

exit pits.<br />

Pipe bursting is increasingly recognized as a long-term<br />

In short, pipebursting systems enable<br />

municipalities to finally do what, in many cases,<br />

budgets and resources have prevented.<br />

Sooner or later, our aging infrastructure<br />

has to be replaced. With pipebursting systems,<br />

the process can be completed much sooner.<br />

solution to a long-term problem. Nationwide, more than<br />

10,000 miles of water, sewer and gas pipe have been<br />

replaced economically and efficiently using pipebursting<br />

systems. With these systems,<br />

municipalities can replace<br />

their disintegrating steel,<br />

iron, clay and concrete pipe<br />

with durable, flexible, longerlasting<br />

and corrosion-resistant<br />

HDPE pipe. They can<br />

upsize main and lateral service<br />

lines to meet the needs of<br />

expanding urban populations<br />

and to relieve overstressed,<br />

overloaded facilities.And they<br />

can more easily replace pipe<br />

in congested urban settings,<br />

established neighborhoods<br />

and other areas where environmental<br />

concerns prohibit open cutting.<br />

In short, pipebursting systems enable municipalities to<br />

finally do what, in many cases, budgets and resources have<br />

prevented. Sooner or later, our aging infrastructure has to<br />

be replaced. With pipebursting systems, the process can<br />

be completed much sooner.<br />

Kevin Smith is product manager with The Charles Machine<br />

Works Inc., Perry, Okla.<br />

Circle 31 on reader service card. Circle 32 on reader service card.<br />

36 TRENCHLESS TECHNOLOGY September 2007 www.trenchlessonline.com

Executive-Caliber Conferences for Executve Decision-Makers<br />

November 27-28, 2007<br />

Atlanta, Georgia<br />

Asset Management:<br />

Bridging the Gap Between<br />

Theory and Practice<br />

Utility Asset Management is the wave of the future. To keep pace with regulations<br />

and state of the practice in the water and wastewater fields, a functional asset management<br />

program is a necessary component of doing business. Implementing an asset management<br />

program is a challenge, considering mounting needs and stretched budgets.<br />

Sponsored by Underground Infrastructure Management — the leading professional journal for<br />

water and wastewater professionals — Asset Management: Bridging the Gap<br />

Between Theory and Practice addresses the latest advances and practices in the<br />

field, and the steps to take in getting an asset management program started.<br />

Who Should Attend?<br />

Mayors, city managers, public works directors, city planners, engineering directors,<br />

consulting engineers, and private water company CEOs<br />

Conference Contact Information:<br />

For more information and to register for the Asset Management for Water and Wastewater<br />

Systems conference, please visit our website at www.uimconferences.com or call<br />

(330) 467-7588<br />

Circle 51 on reader service card.


WEFTEC 2007 Meets<br />

in San Diego<br />

By Pam Stask<br />

Water and wastewater professionals from around the<br />

world can quench their thirst for knowledge and<br />

new technologies by attending WEFTEC 2007.The<br />

largest annual water quality conference and exhibition in<br />

North America will be held Oct. 13-17 at the San Diego<br />

Convention Center in San Diego.<br />

WEFTEC, which celebrates its 80th year, will welcome<br />

more than 18,000 water and wastewater professionals and<br />

experts. The latest technologies, practices, regulations and<br />

solutions in water quality will be addressed through educational<br />

sessions and workshops, as well as exhibitions from<br />

the industry’s top companies.<br />

Attendees are able to plan out their own educational<br />

experience by choosing from 119 technical sessions and 29<br />

workshops, presented by the industry’s top experts.These<br />

learning opportunities will focus on current issues pressing<br />

water and wastewater companies.Topics include:collection<br />

systems, membrane technologies, plant operations, regulations,<br />

research, residuals and biosolids, utility management,<br />

water reuse and recycling and water quality.The chance to<br />

network with other industry professionals is readily available<br />

for attendees.<br />

“As the largest conference of its kind in North America,<br />

WEFTEC offers water quality professionals with the best<br />

water quality education and training, as well as invaluable<br />

networking opportunities with peers and industry leaders,”<br />

says WEF president Mohamed Dahab.<br />

Those who participate in seminars and workshops have<br />

38 TRENCHLESS TECHNOLOGY September 2007<br />

Circle 33 on reader service card.<br />


the opportunity to gain<br />

Continuing Education<br />

Units (CEUs) and<br />

Professional Development<br />

Hours (PDHs), depending on the amount of sessions they<br />

attend.<br />

Exhibitions play a large role in the water quality event.An<br />

estimated 1,000 companies are scheduled to showcase<br />

their newest products and technologies in the convention<br />

center’s 260,000 sq feet of space — with a strong presence<br />

from the trenchless community.Attendees can view the latest<br />

industry innovations up-close and ask questions directly<br />

to company representatives.<br />

The event’s keynote address will be delivered by Stanford<br />

University <strong>Professor</strong> <strong>Dr</strong>. Perry L. Mc Carty. A WEF member<br />

since 1957, McCarty received the 2007 Stockholm Water<br />

Prize and is notably recognized for his work in the biological<br />

and chemical processes of treating water.<br />

Eight various facility tours are scheduled to accompany<br />

the event. For an additional charge of $50 a tour, attendees<br />

can explore local sites to experience different water<br />

processes at work. Tour spots include: Point Loma<br />

Wastewater Treatment Plant, Metropolitan Biosolids Center,<br />

South Bay Water and Reclamation Plant, to name a few.<br />

WEFTEC’s 20th annual Operations Challenge will take<br />

place Oct. 16.Wastewater collection and treatment personnel<br />

will get the opportunity to showcase their skills in front<br />

of a live audience. The professionals’ precision, speed and<br />

Circle 34 on reader service card.<br />

www.trenchlessonline.com<br />

safety will be scored as<br />

they compete in five different<br />

challenges, including:<br />

collection, process control,<br />

maintenance, safety and laboratory. The team that displays<br />

the best overall work will be able to boast their talents with<br />

a trophy.<br />

Some leisure activities are also scheduled to accompany<br />

the conference and exhibition. In keeping with last year’s<br />

tradition,the WERF/WEFTEC Golf Tournament is set to take<br />

place on Oct. 14.The event will be held at the Salt Creek<br />

Golf Course with a shotgun start at 8:30 a.m.Attendees can<br />

take a break from their learning experience and golf with<br />

fellow WEFTEC participants. For $110 per person, players<br />

receive a continental breakfast, catered lunch, green fees,<br />

tournament services and golf cart. All proceeds from the<br />

golf outing will go to the Water Environment Research<br />

Foundation (WERF).<br />

Also on Oct. 14,Water for People will host “A Taste of Latin<br />

America” Fundraising Event. For $50 a person, guests can<br />

enjoy Latin American appetizers, entertainment and receive<br />

two drink coupons, while learning about the Water for<br />

People organization.The event benefits the Water for People’s<br />

program countries, providing them safe drinking water, sufficient<br />

sanitation and hygiene education programs.<br />

For more information about WEFTEC07, visit<br />

www.weftec.org.<br />

Pam Stask is an editorial assistant for Trenchless Technology.<br />




BW Technologies<br />

BW Technologies by Honeywell introduces<br />

the GasAlertMicroClip, a revolutionary,<br />

multi-sensor confined<br />

space gas detector.<br />

By simultaneously<br />

displaying O2, H2S,<br />

CO2 and %LEL, the<br />

GasAlertMicroClip<br />

offers a full-function,<br />

multi-gas instrument<br />

performance with the<br />

compact size and<br />

ease-of-use of a disposable<br />

detector. The size, long life and<br />

high specificity of the sensors are central to<br />

the compact, yet functional design.<br />

The GasAlertMicroClip features fieldselectable<br />

user options allowing customization<br />

to virtually any application. At just 5.6<br />

oz., GasAlertMicroClip is the world’s best<br />

value in confined space gas detectors. For<br />

more information, visit www.gasmonitors.com.<br />

RS# 100<br />

Carlon<br />

Carlon announces the re-introduction of<br />

its CircuitSafe NEMA line of polycarbonate<br />

electrical enclosures. Available in standard<br />

sizes ranging from 6<br />

in. x 4 in. x 4 in. to 16<br />

in. x14 in.x 6 in., these<br />

enclosures have set the<br />

standard for enclosure<br />

design, features, aesthetics<br />

and value for<br />

more than 15 years.<br />

CircuitSafe NEMA is<br />

available with clear or opaque covers, multiple<br />

latching options and a panel management<br />

system that supports the easy installation<br />

of your components. With a UL-50 listing<br />

of Type 4X, a UV rating of F-1, combined<br />

with the strength, durability, and<br />

weather ability of polycarbonate construction,<br />

CircuitSafe NEMA is a great solution<br />

for water and outdoor applications. For<br />

more information, visit www.carlon.com or<br />

booth # 6750. RS# 101<br />

CertainTeed<br />

CertainTeed engineered the first completely<br />

non-metallic, corrosion resistant,<br />

restrained-joint PVC piping system for<br />

trenchless construction and offers a vari-<br />

ety of contractor-proven Certa-Lok products<br />

for water, sewer and conduit applications.<br />

The latest member of this growing<br />

family, CertaFlo GreenLine, is supplied in<br />

standard green color and shorter lengths<br />

for ease of use on Sewer pipe bursting<br />

projects.<br />

Certa-Lok products require no special<br />

heat-fusion equipment, resulting in significant<br />

labor and money savings. Joints are<br />

assembled as the<br />

directional drilling or<br />

pipe bursting pullback<br />

continues; long<br />

strings of pre-fused<br />

pipe are not necessary,<br />

meaning streets<br />

remain open and<br />

clear. CertaFlo<br />

GreenLine holds precise grade, a very<br />

important factor in gravity sewer applications,<br />

thanks to PVC’s superior stiffness. In<br />

addition, higher-strength PVC requires a<br />

much thinner wall in order to achieve the<br />

same mechanical properties. Comparing<br />

common sizes, PVC will have a larger<br />

inside diameter, resulting in significantly<br />

improved flow performance and efficiency<br />

that can only be matched by upsizing<br />

alternate thermoplastic materials (at significant<br />

cost). RS# 102<br />

40 TRENCHLESS TECHNOLOGY September 2007<br />

Circle 35 on reader service card.<br />


CCI Pipeline Systems<br />

CCI Pipeline Systems provides outstanding<br />

quality products to the water and sewer<br />

industry, such as<br />

WrapidSeal and a line of<br />

casing spacers.<br />

WrapidSeal is a heatshrinkable<br />

encapsulation<br />

system used to eliminate<br />

inflow, infiltration and<br />

exfiltration in sanitary<br />

and storm sewer systems.<br />

WrapidSeal is used to seal the manhole riser<br />

joints, where the frame and cover contact the<br />

cone section, as well as the main line bell<br />

and spigot connections. CCI’s line of casing<br />

spacers are available in stainless steel and<br />

carbon steel (with a fusion bonded copolymer<br />

based thermoplastic coating) and<br />

durable glass filled polymer runners. CCI<br />

also offers a line of high density polyethylene<br />

spacers. For additional information, visit<br />

www.ccipipe.com or booth #5609. RS# 103<br />

CUES<br />

CUES, a leading manufacturer of CCTV<br />

pipeline inspection equipment and asset<br />

inspection/decision support software,<br />

announces the release of<br />

the K2 Series portable<br />

CCTV pipeline inspection<br />

system. The K2 portable<br />

Base Station can<br />

be mounted in a wide<br />

range of vehicles and<br />

trailers or used as a<br />

stand-alone system. The<br />

compact K2 Base Station is supplied with<br />

an ergonomic hand-held control that operates<br />

all CUES transporters and pan and<br />

tilt/zoom cameras.<br />

The K2 Base Station features built-in diagnostics<br />

for the entire system, including the<br />

video cable. The portable K-2 video cable<br />

reel features automatic payout to minimize<br />

cable drag on the self propelled transporter/camera<br />

to maximize pull distance in<br />

the pipe. The K2 reel control console includes<br />

variable speed control, automatic levelwind,<br />

and an emergency shutoff. Increased video<br />

cable reel capacity is provided to maximize<br />

distance for each inspection run. An optional<br />

collapsible heavy-duty handle can be supplied<br />

on the K2 Base Station and reel to<br />

facilitate portability. For additional information<br />

visit, www.cuesinc.com. RS# 104<br />

Duke’s Root Control<br />

Duke’s Root Control Service is an effective,<br />

proven method for controlling every day<br />

sewer line root problems. More than 2,000<br />

municipalities have used Duke’s services in<br />

more than 90 million ft of sewer pipe. Duke’s<br />

applies EPA-registered products that kill tree<br />

roots without harming above ground vegetation.<br />

The material is injected as foam, from<br />

www.trenchlessonline.com<br />

manhole to manhole, killing all roots<br />

on contact and also<br />

inhibiting regrowth<br />

for three to five<br />

years. Duke’s guarantees<br />

against stoppages<br />

for two years<br />

and for three years<br />

on repeat applications<br />

or your money<br />

back. Duke’s specializes in problem<br />

easements, big pipe and off-road work.<br />

Circle 36 on reader service card.<br />

Duke’s saves you money by eliminating<br />

routine cutting and costly sewer stoppages.<br />

For more information, visit<br />

www.dukes.com. RS# 105<br />

Easy Liner<br />

Easy Liner LLC announces an innovative,<br />

ground-breaking method for sewer<br />

service contractors to enter the CIPP<br />

rehabilitation services market, with no<br />

long-term commitments and little to no<br />

risk.<br />



The Five-Step Test <strong>Dr</strong>ive Plan offers<br />

contractors a way to expand their range<br />

of rehabilitation services by allowing<br />

them to try the<br />

technology on a<br />

real project<br />

before they buy<br />

it. This first-of-itskind<br />

program<br />

provides: Sales<br />

and marketing<br />

assistance to locate a contract, pre-bid<br />

and submittal assistance, on-site training<br />

and job assistance with the rental equipment,<br />

project planning and execution and<br />

the ability to generate profits.<br />

The 5-in-1 CIPP rental rig is equipped to<br />

perform manhole to manhole mainline<br />

rehabilitation, point repairs, lateral connections,<br />

lateral rehabilitation directly from<br />

the main and industrial/commercial application<br />

repairs. The program is available<br />

for various length rental periods to suit the<br />

contractor’s requirements. RS# 106<br />

Godwin Pumps<br />

Godwin Pumps introduces new, 3-in.<br />

solids handling 4- x 4-in. CD140M and 8x<br />

6-in. CD180M portable diesel pumps<br />

offer both elevated heads and solids han-<br />

dling capabilities without sacrificing flow<br />

rate. The pumps achieve total dynamic<br />

heads to 280 ft, solids handling to three<br />

inches in diameter and flows to 1,100 gpm.<br />

Available with John Deere, Caterpillar<br />

or any customer-specified diesel engine or<br />

electric motor, the CD140M and CD180M<br />

pumps are automatic self-priming <strong>Dr</strong>i-<br />

Prime pumps with the ability to prime and<br />

re-prime from dry. Featuring an oil bath<br />

mechanical seal,<br />

the pumps run<br />

dry with out damage<br />

and are ideal<br />

for intermittent<br />

flow conditions<br />

associated with<br />

bypass pumping and back-up municipal<br />

lift station applications. The CD140M and<br />

CD180M pumps round out Godwin’s elevated<br />

head series of high volume solids<br />

handling pumps, which includes the<br />

CD160M 6- x 6-in. pump. RS# 107<br />

HOBAS Pipe USA<br />

HOBAS Pipe USA has expanded its<br />

product line up to 110 in. in diameter.<br />

Acceptance is also expanding along with<br />

size of the pipe and it can be found in the<br />

infrastructures of most U.S. municipalities.<br />

"Michael Byrne Byrne Equipment recognized by by<br />

contractors across across the the country country as as the the toughest<br />

machines on on the the market!"<br />

MB D60-72-1.2M<br />

225HP CAT<br />

Rent or Buy<br />

* Boring Machines * Augers * Cutting Heads<br />

* Adapters * Rebuilds * Gearboxes * Gears<br />

* Tunnel Shields * Custom Machines<br />

Sales Service Rentals<br />

800-613-7206<br />

www.byrnegroup.com e-mail jweist@byrnegear.com<br />

1855 Earth Boring Rd, Mansfield, Ohio 44903<br />

HOBAS pipe is suitable for sliplining,<br />

jacking, microtunneling all other installation<br />

methods for new construction and<br />

rehab. HOBAS started<br />

manufacturing<br />

this new size when<br />

the customers<br />

requested it. HOBAS<br />

now produces pressure<br />

and gravity<br />

pipes from 18 to<br />

110 in., plus teebase<br />

manholes, elbows and other specialty<br />

items. Leak-free, push-together<br />

joints reduce installation time and costs.<br />

Centrifugally cast, fiberglass-reinforced,<br />

polymer mortar HOBAS pipe is<br />

inherently corrosion resistant and lasts<br />

100 years or more. Key applications are<br />

sanitary sewers, potable water and corrosive<br />

environments. RS# 108<br />

Inliner Technologies LLC<br />

Inliner Technologies LLC is one of the<br />

largest cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) product<br />

renewal companies in the United States.<br />

Through a highly trained network of<br />

licensed installers, consisting of engineering,<br />

sales and installation personnel, the<br />

company’s technology has been utilized<br />

Circle 37 on reader service card.<br />

Circle 38 on reader service card.<br />

42 TRENCHLESS TECHNOLOGY September 2007 www.trenchlessonline.com

to complete the lining of more than 9 million<br />

lf of pipeline.<br />

Inliner Technologies has advanced the science<br />

of CIPP materials to provide its contractors<br />

with the resources to install by inversion<br />

techniques, as well as a<br />

patented method of<br />

pulling in and inflating<br />

the product. The nonwoven<br />

tubes used as the<br />

backbone of the Inliner<br />

process are carefully<br />

engineered to minimize<br />

any stretch during either<br />

installation method,<br />

while protecting the resin from washout and<br />

contamination.<br />

Inliner Technologies provides a host of<br />

services to its licensed contractors, including<br />

but not limited to engineering design, technical<br />

support, national marketing, training,<br />

research and development of new products<br />

and existing process improvements. RS# 109<br />

Insituform Technologies Inc.<br />

Insituform Technologies Inc. will offer an<br />

impressive display featuring both trenchless<br />

gravity and pressure pipe solutions. The<br />

Insituform booth #5631 will feature cured-inplace<br />

pipe (CIPP) products for sanitary and<br />

storm sewers. These<br />

products include<br />

iplus Composite<br />

and iplus Infusion<br />

pipe, as well as<br />

Insituform CIPP.<br />

iplus Composite pipe is Insituform’s nextgeneration<br />

CIPP offering increased strength<br />

with less thickness, improving flow and<br />

capacity. iplus Infusion is a groundbreaking<br />

product that is proven to be more reliable<br />

and efficient. Booth #5631 will also showcase<br />

Insituform Blue solutions for potable<br />

water pipes. While Insituform has been rehabilitating<br />

water pipes for close to 10 years, a<br />

new development called iTAP has lauded the<br />

introduction trenchless technology to the<br />

drinking water market. iTAP is Insituform’s<br />

innovative method of reinstating service connections<br />

without digging them up.<br />

Insituform Blue also offers a variety of<br />

drinking water solutions including<br />

Thermopipe, PolyFlex/Polyfold and Insituform<br />

PPL (Pressure Pipe Liner). RS# 110<br />

IPL Technologies<br />

The Eyebotix MICRO Cutter by IPL<br />

Technologies is a device for use in pipes with<br />

a nominal diameter of 3 to 6 in. (optional to<br />

8 in.). The small outer diameter of only 2 ¾<br />

in. and the short rigid lengths of the components<br />

allow an excellent access through<br />

elbows. Elbows can be accessed from 4-in.<br />

diameter openings.<br />

The Eyebotix MICRO Cutter allows the<br />

www.trenchlessonline.com<br />

opening of laterals and sewage pipes.<br />

Preparatory work<br />

such as the mortising<br />

or removal of<br />

roots and similar<br />

operations can also<br />

be carried out. The<br />

device can also be<br />

used for gas,<br />

potable water and others.<br />

The mortising operation is carried out<br />

Circle 39 on reader service card.<br />

under the constant surveillance of the<br />

operator with the help of the integrated<br />

camera. The mortiser is also equipped<br />

with two infinitely variable halogen<br />

headlights. The device is completely<br />

protected against penetrating water<br />

and filled with nitrogen. All control elements<br />

including the monitor are contained<br />

in a suitcase. RS# 111<br />



ITT Flygt<br />

ITT Flygt recently introduced the 2600<br />

series of dewatering pumps, including six<br />

models with output ranges of 1.3 to 27<br />

hp. The pumps feature<br />

innovative hydraulics,<br />

fewer components,<br />

new materials and an<br />

ergonomic design.<br />

The patented<br />

DuraSpin hydraulic<br />

system improves wear<br />

resistance and sustains performance over<br />

time. A single screw enables easy adjustment<br />

for maximum pump performance.<br />

The results of all of these features:<br />

unmatched wear resistance, consistent<br />

long-term performance, resulting in the<br />

lowest cost of ownership. For more information,<br />

visit www.flygtus.com. RS# 112<br />

Janssen<br />

The Janssen Process Co. announces<br />

the introduction of the Janssen Lateral<br />

Renovation System, a new technology for<br />

structurally repairing the sewer connection<br />

at the main. Janssen applies robotic<br />

technology to renovate the lateral connection<br />

to the main and is the only<br />

trenchless rehabilitation alternative<br />

The HDD Company, Inc.<br />

Rick Evans or Neil Swope<br />

3161 Cameron Park <strong>Dr</strong>. Suite 215<br />

Cameron Park CA 95682<br />

Tel #530-676-5705 • Fax # 530-676-3605<br />

Horizontal Directional <strong>Dr</strong>illing is all we do, every day. Our key<br />

people have been in the industry for more than 20 years and we<br />

have completed more than 1000 bores in every type of soil conditions<br />

imaginable. We have installed pipelines and utilities for<br />

ocean outfalls, under rivers, ship channels, creeks, wetlands,<br />

buildings and highways. Every bore that we have ever attempted<br />

has been successfully completed.<br />

Our reputation has been built on our commitment to our clients<br />

and their projects.<br />

For design assistance or installation of an HDD project, no matter<br />

how big or small, please give us a call.<br />

Three rigs: 300 ton 200 ton and 30 ton<br />

Crossings up to 6000 feet in length and 48" in diameter<br />

addressing the true structural repair at the<br />

connection. Using a<br />

unique resin injection<br />

methodology, Janssen<br />

is a very cost-effective<br />

alternative to traditional<br />

dig and replace/repair<br />

programs. Janssen<br />

technology has been<br />

successfully introduced<br />

in six municipalities in<br />

the United States in<br />

2007. To learn more, visit booth #6624<br />

or www.janssenprocess.com. RS# 113<br />

Logiball<br />

Over the last 25 years, Logiball has<br />

designed and manufactured equipment<br />

for the trenchless rehabilitation of sewers.<br />

Logiball has developed a complete line of<br />

mainline, lateral connection and push<br />

type test and seal<br />

packers that have<br />

been used to stop<br />

millions of gallons<br />

of infiltration within<br />

the collection<br />

system. Its product<br />

line includes multi-size inflatable test &<br />

bypass plugs, the Securimax inflatable<br />

plugs, specialized carrier packers for<br />

trenchless point repair systems, lateral<br />

cleaners from the mainline sewer and custom<br />

made equipment. See Logiball at<br />

Booth #4436. RS# 114<br />

Marsh-McBirney<br />

Hach Co. announces a new program<br />

that includes one free year of Web-based<br />

Flow Meter Data Storage and Access for<br />

purchasers of the Marsh-McBirney Flo-Dar<br />

XT or Sigma 930T Web-enabled Sewer<br />

Flow Meters, Hach<br />

company brands.<br />

Flow meter users<br />

can now manage<br />

their flow meters<br />

from the comfort<br />

of their office or<br />

wherever they may<br />

be via a Web<br />

browser and secure Web site. For more<br />

information, visit www.marshmcbirney.com/webdata.<br />

RS# 115<br />

Michels Corp.<br />

Michels Corp. stands at the forefront of<br />

the utilities construction. Michels Pipe<br />

Services, a division of Michels Corp., is a<br />

leader in the rehabilitation of existing<br />

municipal and industrial pipeline systems.<br />

Circle 55 on reader service card. Circle 56 on reader service card.<br />

44 TRENCHLESS TECHNOLOGY September 2007 www.trenchlessonline.com

Specialties include cured-inplace-pipe,<br />

pipe bursting,<br />

chemical grouting and sealing,<br />

sliplining and structural<br />

rehabilitation. Michels is also<br />

recognized around the globe<br />

as “the industry leader in<br />

horizontal directional drilling.” RS# 116<br />

Nu Flow<br />

Until now, the only way to effectively protect<br />

municipal water from water-borne contaminants<br />

has been reverse osmosis. This is<br />

no longer a practical solution,<br />

as it only filters water at one<br />

plumbing fixture. Nu Flow’s<br />

solution is the Aqua Source<br />

Guardian. This system is<br />

approved by the National<br />

Sanitary Foundation and<br />

requires very little water for<br />

flushing out impurities. The<br />

system removes disinfectant<br />

by-products, sedimentation,<br />

and pesticides down to .02 microns, providing<br />

clean, safe water from every tap. For<br />

more information, contact Nu Flow at (800)<br />

834-9597. RS# 117<br />

Poly-Triplex<br />

Poly-Triplex Liner System has proven<br />

longevity with a track record of success in the<br />

wastewater environment, with more than<br />

10,000 structures lined and more than 1,000<br />

structures installed over 10 years. The patented<br />

Poly-Triplex Liner is a three-layered, fiberglass<br />

and epoxy system<br />

that contains a<br />

vital internal nonporous<br />

membrane.<br />

Once saturated at<br />

the jobsite, the liner<br />

is cured-in-place<br />

using a patented system<br />

of air pressure and steam, forming a laminated<br />

composite bonded to the host structure.<br />

Pressurized into the pores, cracks and crevices<br />

of the surface, the resin bond prevents the<br />

liner from being pushed off from groundwater<br />

infiltration. The internal non-porous membrane,<br />

encapsulated in the center of the laminated<br />

composite, provides a permanent barrier<br />

to gas penetration through the liner, halting<br />

chemical attack of the host structure, as well as<br />

providing a permanent barrier to prevent infiltration<br />

of groundwater into the collection system.<br />

For more information, visit www.polytriplex.com.<br />

RS# 118<br />

Rain for Rent<br />

Reduce bypass pumping and dewatering<br />

operational and maintenance costs with Rain<br />

for Rent’s new 8-in. DV-200c pump. Superior<br />

fuel efficiency, increased hydraulic efficiencies<br />

up to 81 percent, solids handling to 3.375 in.<br />

www.trenchlessonline.com<br />

and great suction lift performance make<br />

the DV-200c the best choice for tough<br />

pumping projects.<br />

The galvanized trailer<br />

resists corrosion,<br />

eliminating expensive<br />

repainting costs.<br />

Flows up to 4,500<br />

gpm and heads up<br />

to 260 ft make the<br />

DV-200c a leader in pump performance.<br />

RS# 119<br />

Circle 40 on reader service card.<br />

Sauereisen<br />

Sauereisen continues to innovate with<br />

materials and application methods for<br />

the municipal wastewater industry.<br />

Since entering the market more than 20<br />

years ago, Sauereisen has earned a<br />

solid reputation in the restoration and<br />

protection of wastewater infrastructure.<br />

Sauereisen’s series of epoxy polymers,<br />

SewerGard, extends longevity to<br />

underground structures due to its low<br />

permeance. A full line of materials to<br />



restore structural integrity and prohibit<br />

I&I are available too. Sauereisen is dedicated<br />

to solving<br />

wastewater infrastructure<br />

issues in<br />

an economical<br />

manner. From<br />

collection systems<br />

to treatment<br />

plants, they offer<br />

the experience<br />

and credibility that generates confi-<br />

dence. For additional information, visit<br />

www.sauereisen.com or booth #5010<br />

at WEFTEC ’07. RS# 120<br />

Sprayroq<br />

Sprayroq, an industry leader in the<br />

development of spray-applied<br />

polyurethane solutions for infrastructure<br />

rehabilitation, corrosion management<br />

and infiltration control, will take a bold<br />

step this fall to join the growing community<br />

of companies promoting a Green<br />

Product line to be used for corrosion coatings<br />

in our cities’ wastewater collection and treatment<br />

systems.<br />

Sprayshield Green will replace between 25<br />

to 50 percent of its petroleum-based<br />

components<br />

with a unique, environmentally-friendly,renewable<br />

source material.<br />

Sprayroq looks forward<br />

to offering this unique<br />

product option for communities<br />

and corporations<br />

worldwide that are actively<br />

incorporating or considering adding green<br />

solutions into their overall maintenance and<br />

management plan. No compromising quality.<br />

No compromising the environment. For more<br />

information, visit Sprayroq at Booth 5351,<br />

Hall C. RS# 121<br />

Thompson Pump<br />

Thompson Pump promotes its 4-in. high<br />

efficiency dry-priming pump, the 4JSCM, for<br />

WEFTEC. The 4JSCM is a<br />

more powerful, lighter<br />

weight and more compact<br />

4-in. pump that<br />

handles solids up to 3 in.<br />

With a flow capacity of<br />

1,450 gpm and a shut<br />

off head of 130 ft, this<br />

pump is ideal for bypass and construction<br />

dewatering applications. RS# 122<br />

TT Technologies<br />

TT Technologies will be displaying the<br />

Grundoburst static pipe bursting system at<br />

WEFTEC 2007. The Grundoburst is ideal for<br />

the trenchless replacement of water lines. The<br />

system utilizes a specially<br />

designed bladed<br />

cutter head to<br />

make bursting ductile<br />

iron and steel pipe<br />

possible. Patented<br />

QuickLock bursting<br />

rods are linked together, not threaded. This<br />

saves time, prevents twisting and extends the<br />

life of the cutter head over threaded bursting<br />

rods. Models range in pullback force from<br />

60,000 to 650,000 lbs. Grundoburst models<br />

are designed for bursting 4- to 48-in. diameter<br />

pipe. RS# 123<br />

U.S. Pipe<br />

U.S. Pipe’s PROTECTO 401 Lined Ductile<br />

Iron Pipe and Fittings provide excellent protection<br />

and the strength necessary to do the job in<br />

tough sewer pipe applications. PROTECTO<br />

401 has been used successfully in thousands of<br />

sanitary sewer applications and has been<br />

proven in both laboratory testing and more<br />

than two decades of actual sewer service in<br />

Ductile Iron pipe and fittings.<br />

PROTECTO 401 Ceramic Epoxy Lining was<br />

Circle 41 on reader service card.<br />

46 TRENCHLESS TECHNOLOGY September 2007 www.trenchlessonline.com

designed specifically for the protection of<br />

Ductile Iron for sanitary sewer service by providing<br />

reliability similar to cement mortar lining<br />

in drinking water service but having the excellent<br />

chemical resistance of<br />

a novolac epoxy. Easily<br />

recognized brownish red<br />

bells and spigots, as well<br />

as stenciling showing “for<br />

sewer only,” ensure that<br />

the correct lined pipe is<br />

used for sewer service. This combination of<br />

design and formulation has resulted in a<br />

Ductile Iron pipe lining system with excellent<br />

durability and resistance to undercutting, abrasion<br />

and chemical attack. RS# 124<br />

Ultraliner<br />

PVC Alloy is a term used to describe<br />

Ultraliner’s uniquely enhanced PVC pipe,<br />

which has been specifically engineered for<br />

use in trenchless applications. While the<br />

Ultraliner pipeliner<br />

provides full,<br />

independent<br />

structural integrity,<br />

it also has extremely high-impact strength and<br />

a high degree of dimensional stability, with the<br />

ability to relieve high levels of stress, without<br />

structurally compromising the material. As a<br />

result, Ultraliner will conform almost exactly to<br />

the shape of an existing pipe, including size<br />

transitions, tight bends, offset joints and other<br />

irregularities. Ultraliner can be re-installed<br />

over protruding taps and it will even conform<br />

tightly to the shape of corrugated pipe. An<br />

important characteristic of Ultraliner is the fact<br />

that there is no significant shrinkage, neither<br />

radially nor longitudinally, after it has been<br />

installed. Therefore, it maintains its tight fit for<br />

the design life of the material. Ultraliner is<br />

manufactured in sizes 4 to 30 in. in both ASTM<br />

1871 and 1504. RS# 125<br />

Uni-Bell PVC Pipe<br />

The rehabilitation of existing sewer and<br />

water infrastructure is a challenge faced by all<br />

utilities. PVC has a proven track record of<br />

long-term performance<br />

and leads the water and<br />

sewer industry in market<br />

share. Utilities, design<br />

engineers and contractors<br />

are benefiting from<br />

the application of PVC pipe products to their<br />

pipeline rehabilitation and trenchless installation<br />

needs. If you would like more information<br />

or have specific questions regarding the application<br />

of PVC pipes for various trenchless<br />

and/or rehabilitation needs, you are invited to<br />

contact the Uni-Bell PVC Pipe Association or its<br />

member companies. RS# 126<br />

Watson-Marlow Bredel<br />

Watson-Marlow Bredel, a leading manufacturer<br />

of peristaltic pumps, will showcase its envi-<br />

www.trenchlessonline.com<br />

ronmental processing solutions, including<br />

its new 720 Series peristaltic pumps, in<br />

Booth # 2701. All Watson-Marlow Bredel<br />

pumps on display offer an enduring solution<br />

for tough environmental applications.<br />

Unlike other pump types, the highly abrasive<br />

nature of sludge and slurries does not<br />

affect pump life. Each pump is virtually<br />

maintenance-free<br />

with no expensive<br />

seals to replace, no<br />

check valves to clog<br />

and no rotors and<br />

stators to wear out.<br />

Also, hose replacement<br />

is quick and easy with a self-loading<br />

design.<br />

The 720 family of peristaltic pumps<br />

comes with the now-standard Watson-<br />

Marlow Bredel five-year warranty.<br />

Offering a smaller footprint, the 720<br />

Series provides low shear and non-contacting<br />

pumping with minimal downtime.<br />

Also on display this year is the heavyduty<br />

SPX pump, which reliably handles a<br />

variety of harsh materials, such as sludge<br />

and abrasive slurries. The SPX is ideal for<br />

high-flow, high-pressure situations, capable<br />

of handling flow rates of .08 gpm to<br />

400 gpm at 230 psi. Advanced hose technology<br />

enables dependable pumping of<br />

Circle 42 on reader service card.<br />

corrosive chemicals at high flow and pressure<br />

rates for a long period of time. For<br />

more information visit www.watson-marlow.com.<br />

RS# 127<br />

Weston Solutions Inc.<br />

Weston Solutions Inc. is an employeeowned,<br />

leading redevelopment and construction<br />

firm, delivering comprehensive<br />

solutions to<br />

complex problems<br />

for industry<br />

and governmentworldwide.<br />

For 50<br />

years, customers have trusted WESTON to<br />

provide innovative and practical solutions<br />

to their most complex design, construction,<br />

environmental remediation, redevelopment<br />

and compliance challenges.<br />

Weston has a wealth of experience<br />

implementing integrated solutions that<br />

meet or exceed environmental, economic,<br />

and sociopolitical requirements, and has<br />

helped a number of federal, state, local<br />

and industrial clients reorganize their<br />

water strategies to manage their water<br />

resources more efficiently, providing costeffective,<br />

sustainable solutions that benefit<br />

all stakeholders. RS# 128<br />



Grouted-in-Place Pipe<br />

Method Used to Reline<br />

German Sewer Lines<br />

By Jens Kirste<br />

Nowadays sewer network owners and operators<br />

are faced with a huge number of different trenchless<br />

methods, materials and suppliers to seal and<br />

rehabilitate their pipes.This applies especially for<br />

cross-sectional pipe dimensions up to approximately 1,000<br />

mm inside diameter (I.D.). Above that size, the number of<br />

approved systems and qualified installers reduces to a comparably<br />

small amount.<br />

Since the early 1990s, Trolining GmbH, Troisdorf,<br />

Germany, has been an internationally recognized expert in<br />

the field of trenchless pipe rehabilitation.Its patented grouted-in-place<br />

pipe (GIPP) method has been successfully<br />

installed in about 20 countries around the globe.The continuously<br />

growing demand for reliable methods for the reinstatement<br />

of large sewers was a clear sign for Trolining to<br />

further increase the effectiveness of its system in that market<br />

segment. Pipe sizes between 800- and 2,000-mm I.D.<br />

today represent Trolining’s main field of application, regardless<br />

of whether the cross-sectional pipe profile to be<br />

rehabbed is circular or a special geometry.<br />

Studded HDPE liner inside the host pipe, just before inflation to adapt to<br />

the host pipe’s egg-shape, sized 1,400 x 2,100 mm.<br />

In the second half of 2006,Trolining completed a project in<br />

the City of Bielefeld, Germany. Bielefeld is a medium-size<br />

town with about 330,000 inhabitants and an urban area of<br />

258 sq km.The total length of public sewers herein is approximately<br />

1,840 km. Regular inspections revealed leaking and a<br />

variety of other damages at one of the main collectors located<br />

along the Mühlen Str., near the city center. Most notably,<br />

the joints of the brick sewer, constructed around 1898, were<br />

found severely eroded.In some areas,the mortar between the<br />

bricks was missing down to a depth of 40 mm.<br />

After assessment of the inspection reports, the municipality<br />

decided that 520 m of the sewer needed urgent repair.<br />

Whereas 310 m showed the standard egg-shape 1,200- x<br />

1,800-mm I.D., further 210 m measured 1,400 x 2,100 mm.<br />

A few months later, Bielefeld’s environmental authority<br />

released a call for tender not only containing the trenchless<br />

rehabilitation of the mentioned sewer lines, but also a number<br />

of other preparatory and adjacent works. Installation of<br />

a bypass line, preliminary sealing of major groundwater infiltration,rehabilitation<br />

of the adjacent manhole chambers and<br />

re-connection of the lateral pipes were just some of the performances<br />

requested from the bidders.<br />

The Trolining System<br />

The Trolining trenchless pipe rehabilitation system is<br />

based on various high-density polyethylene (HDPE) liner<br />

components, which can be combined in a wide range of<br />

alternative configurations. The heart of the system is the<br />

Troliner with its V-shaped embedment studs. The annular<br />

void created by the studs is filled with Trolining Injektor, a<br />

specially engineered injection grout. This high-strength<br />

grout fixes the Troliner liner permanently in place and provides<br />

the load-bearing shell of the system.<br />

Trolining liners are available for pipes ranging from 250to<br />

2,000-mm I.D. Segmental lining sheets are offered for<br />

rehabilitation of lines greater than 2,000-mm I.D. and for<br />

elbows and corners in man-size lines. The rehab system<br />

improves the host pipe’s flow characteristics and provides<br />

exceeding mechanical and chemical resistance.<br />

Every liner is tailor-made according to the exact measurements<br />

taken on the jobsite.That procedure guarantees the<br />

systems “close-fit” characteristics, thus limiting the cross-sectional<br />

reduction to an absolute minimum. Prior to the liner<br />

insertion, the pipe section to be rehabilitated is plugged-off<br />

at both ends, cleaned and visually inspected.A cable winch<br />

is then used to unroll each HDPE liner from its transport<br />

drum and draw it through the line into position.After insertion,<br />

all HDPE liners are welded together at their ends.The<br />

resulting liner — a sandwich — is then inflated with a defined<br />

pressure through passages in the temporary plugs closing<br />

the ends of the liner section.<br />

When the required inflation pressure is attained, the<br />

annular void is filled with Trolining injection grout fed from<br />

the downstream end. The grout’s extremely low viscosity<br />

48 TRENCHLESS TECHNOLOGY September 2007 www.trenchlessonline.com

ensures 100 percent grouting of the annular void, even for<br />

long distances.Additional grout characteristics are a defined<br />

material expansion and an exceeding short-term strength.<br />

The latter is decisive to keep the interruption time at an<br />

acceptable low level.<br />

The GIPP Method<br />

Despite of the GIPP method’s economic advantages,<br />

Trolining’s tender for the Bielefield project also succeeded<br />

due to the certified quality assurance and the high experience<br />

level in the field of large pipe rehabilitation, especially<br />

egg-shapes. The Trolining Double System with a wall<br />

thickness of 43 mm was quoted in that case — double<br />

meaning due to comprising two layers of studded HDPE<br />

liners. Additional reasons for choosing the GIPP method<br />

were the environmental friendliness and drinking water<br />

approval of HDPE, as well as the material’s compatibility<br />

with other lining components. State-of-the-art PE extrusion<br />

welding allows absolutely tight connections between the<br />

actual pipe liner and manhole rehabilitation sheets or the<br />

inverted HDPE saddles used for lateral connection.<br />

An exceptional difference to other lining systems was<br />

the special system configuration Trolining was able to provide<br />

for dealing with Bielefeld’s specific project needs.<br />

While the common Trolining Double System involves an<br />

outer Preliner and a smooth HDPE liner that gets inserted<br />

prior to the studded ones, it was omitted in that case.<br />

Omitting the Preliner means that the outer annular void of<br />

the Double System was limited at the outside<br />

by the host pipe itself, while the first<br />

studded liner represented the inside<br />

boundary. In that way, it was possible to<br />

properly re-fill all defective joints<br />

between the brick work and embed the<br />

whole interior host pipe wall into a highly<br />

protective alkaline milieu by direct<br />

adhesion of the cementitious grout.<br />

One year before, in August 2005,<br />

Trolining had successfully rehabbed a<br />

comparable host pipe, a pear-shape brick<br />

sewer, sized 1,800- x 2,250-mm I.D., by<br />

application of the same method. <strong>Dr</strong>illing<br />

cores taken at this project proved the<br />

deep and reliable penetration of the<br />

Trolining grout into deteriorated brick<br />

wall joints.<br />

Project Implementation<br />

Before the actual system installation<br />

could start, a number of essential preparations<br />

had to be done.A major item was the<br />

erection of a bypass line to divert the arising<br />

sewage around the construction area<br />

for the period of work.A steel pipe measuring<br />

800 mm in diameter was laid over<br />

the ground to provide sufficient capacity<br />

for keeping the rehab sections dry. After<br />

dewatering the entire 520 m, technicians<br />

could access the host pipe and evaluate<br />

the further steps. Intensive cleaning and<br />

the provisional stopping of strong water<br />

infiltrations were required. At the same<br />

www.trenchlessonline.com<br />

Circle 43 on reader service card.<br />

Here, studded HDPE liner is unwound from the coil into the insertion pit.<br />

time,subcontractors enlarged those manholes that were designated<br />

for the HDPE liners’ insertion, to chambers of 2 x 2<br />

m.<br />

About three weeks after starting the preparations, the first<br />

liners were installed.The common manhole distances for the<br />

1,200 x 1,800 mm were 60 m in average,which is a standard<br />

pipe length to rehab in municipal areas. More challenging<br />

were the manhole distances of the 1,400- x 2,100-mm host<br />

pipe;103 and 107 m were the lengths that had to be lined in<br />

one step.While liner production for diameters of 1,200 mm<br />



A pear-shape, brick sewer, 1,800 x 2,250-mm I.D., was rehabbed with<br />

the Trolining Double-System.<br />

was limited to 85 m in the past, the mentioned distances<br />

required additional efforts from both Trolining’s liner manufacturer<br />

and the installation crew. Trolining engineers and<br />

site experts tackled the situation and presented the solution<br />

after a number of technical meetings and process improvements.<br />

Insertion of the 2.5-ton weighting liners occurred from<br />

the intermediate manhole, which separated the 210 m of<br />

egg-shape pipe into 103 and 107 m, both into the up-stream<br />

and downstream direction.Large triangle stands were placed<br />

next to the insertion pit to hang up the liner coils. For drawing<br />

the liners into the pipe,diversion rollers had to be placed<br />

right above the manhole chamber. After insertion of both<br />

studded liners, the resulting annulus was sealed by manual<br />

extrusion welding. Inflatable egg-shape packers were then<br />

used to plug the liner-package at both ends and water was<br />

fed in to build up a defined hydrostatic pressure. Special<br />

attention had to be given to the plug bracing — with a water<br />

column of 8 m (equal to 11.6 psi back pressure) and a crosssectional<br />

area of 2.45 sq m.An equivalent horizontal force of<br />

approximate 20 tons had to be taken by the construction<br />

that held the plugs in place.<br />

The 103- and the 107-m long pipe sections were<br />

rehabbed separately. Grouting of both occurred with the<br />

Trolining-specific mixing technology. Three standard mixing<br />

units were employed to prepare the injection grout.<br />

The Double System’s outer annular void space was filled<br />

first, needing approximately 1.5 hours for completion.The<br />

inner annulus could then be grouted within just one hour.<br />

After an additional 16 hours of curing, the high-strength<br />

grout attained the necessary short-term strength necessary<br />

for releasing the inside pressure from the lining system.<br />

Right afterward, the incoming house connections could be<br />

re-opened and connected.<br />

Jens Kirste is with technical sales at Trolining GmbH, which<br />

is headquartered in Troisdorf, Germany.<br />

Circle 44 on reader service card. Circle 45 on reader service card.<br />

50 TRENCHLESS TECHNOLOGY September 2007 www.trenchlessonline.com

Circle 46 on reader service card.


Motorized Small Boring Units Power<br />

Through Rock on U.K. Pipeline By Desiree Willis<br />

One of the U.K.’s largest pipeline projects is getting<br />

a boost from some high-powered tunneling<br />

machines. The Milford Haven Gas Connection<br />

Project — a 300-km long behemoth stretching<br />

across South Wales, United Kingdom — will require more<br />

than 110 crossings located under roads, major rivers and<br />

environmentally sensitive areas.<br />

Local contractor B&W Tunnelling is currently excavating<br />

24 hard rock crossings ranging from 20 to 80 m in length<br />

for Phase II of the project. B&W is utilizing five hard rock<br />

boring machines, known as small boring units (SBUs), to<br />

excavate the crossings in record time and with minimum<br />

environmental impact.<br />

B&W Tunnelling opted to use two 1.2-m motorized SBUs for the four<br />

longest crossings due to site set up and bore specifications.<br />

Project Overview<br />

The Milford Haven Pipeline will support the United<br />

Kingdom’s increasing requirements for imported gas.<br />

Liquefied natural gas (LNG) will be imported from international<br />

sources to two LNG terminals located in Milford<br />

Haven.Tankers will offload the LNG, where it will then be<br />

converted back to its gaseous form at the terminals before<br />

entering the pipeline. By 2009, the pipeline will transport<br />

up to 20 percent of the U.K.’s natural gas for owner<br />

National Grid.<br />

Constructed in two phases, work began on the pipeline<br />

in early 2006. Phase I involved a 120-km long stretch from<br />

the towns of Milford Haven to Aberdulais. B&W Tunnelling<br />

was sub-contracted by the NACAP/Land & Marine JV to<br />

excavate a total of 38 crossings using SBU technology.As of<br />

August 2007, Phase I is nearly complete, with more than 95<br />

percent of the pipeline in place.<br />

Phase II of the project will extend the pipeline another<br />

185 km from Felindre to Tirley in Gloucestershire. B&W<br />

signed the contract for this phase in December 2006, which<br />

consists of 24 crossings to be bored with SBUs under roadways<br />

and nearly a dozen rivers — 57 trenchless crossings in<br />

total. Many of these crossings are line and grade critical,<br />

requiring careful machine setup and continuous monitoring.<br />

The large number of crossings is one way that general<br />

contractor NACAP/Land & Marine is working to maintain<br />

environmentally sensitive areas. Tunneling under features<br />

such as rivers and woodland minimizes disturbances to the<br />

indigenous flora and fauna found in the region. Vibration<br />

and movement are being closely monitored, and the working<br />

area is restricted at several points to minimize disruption<br />

of the surrounding landscape.<br />

Machine Selection<br />

Two 1.2-m diameter SBU-As are being used for a total of 20<br />

crossings on Phase II of the pipeline project.The machines are<br />

a type of rock boring attachment that utilizes a full-face auger<br />

to excavate crossings for utility installations.The machine is<br />

welded to the lead casing and an auger boring machine (ABM)<br />

provides both torque and forward thrust to the cutting head.<br />

Disc cutters allow the machine to excavate medium to<br />

hard rock from 25 to more than 170 MPa UCS. In mixed<br />

ground conditions, another type of cutterhead can be used.<br />

This cutterhead uses disc cutters, two-row carbide cutters<br />

and carbide cutter bits with larger muck openings to<br />

accommodate soft ground and boulders. The SBU-A, available<br />

in diameters from 600 mm to 1.8 m, is typically used<br />

on drives less than 100 m in length.<br />

Boring for Accuracy<br />

B&W Tunnelling opted to use two 1.2-m motorized SBUs<br />

for the four longest crossings due to the site setup and bore<br />

specifications.“We needed an increased degree of accuracy<br />

given the shaft depths and the line and grade of the crossings,<br />

so we felt the most confident with the SBU-M,” said<br />

Steve Williams, managing director of B&W Tunnelling.<br />

The motorized SBU is a manned-entry, hard rock boring<br />

machine used for longer bores (exceeding 100 m) and for lineand<br />

grade-critical crossings.The machine is used in conjunction<br />

with a standard auger boring machine and is welded to<br />

the lead casing in the same fashion as SBU-As.While both SBU-<br />

As and SBU-Ms are used with ABMs, the SBU-M utilizes a small<br />

invert auger for spoils removal rather than a full-face auger.<br />

The cutterhead is supported by a heavy-duty bearing<br />

housing assembly, which is driven by either a hydraulic<br />

motor or a water-cooled, variable speed electric motor.The<br />

motor provides torque to the drive train and contains a<br />

torque limiter to reduce cutterhead jams in fractured or broken<br />

ground conditions. Power cables in 30-m lengths run<br />

from the machine connection box to a surface-mounted<br />

electrical disconnect cabinet.<br />

Available in diameters from 1.2 to 2 m, the SBU-M can be<br />

steered from an operator’s console inside the machine’s<br />

rear shield. Articulation cylinders and manually adjustable<br />

52 TRENCHLESS TECHNOLOGY September 2007 www.trenchlessonline.com

Circle 58 on reader service card.


hydraulic shoes allow for continuous control of line and<br />

grade, while a laser target system provides instantaneous<br />

measurement of boring accuracy.<br />

SBU Technology & Microtunneling<br />

Many of the crossings on the pipeline are using microtunneling<br />

machines (MTBMs) — 11 crossings utilized MTBMs for<br />

excavation during Phase II of the project, mostly in soft soil<br />

to mixed ground conditions with expected water ingress.<br />

MTBMs are superior in jobs below the water table or in soft<br />

ground; however, they can be highly inefficient in hard rock<br />

conditions.The machines use tungsten carbide drag bits on<br />

the cutting head,which tend to break off in rock above 75 to<br />

100 MPa UCS. The broken bits require expensive replacements,<br />

therefore slowing progress and increasing man-hours.<br />

In dry or near dry conditions, when an auger is used in<br />

conjunction with the MTBM for spoils removal, the microtunneling<br />

method is still more expensive than an SBU<br />

machine with ABM.An MTBM using an auger in this fashion<br />

requires that all rock chipped from the face be further<br />

crushed for removal, resulting in slower excavation rates.<br />

SBU systems, in contrast, use interchangeable single disc<br />

cutters to size the rock chips directly at the face.<br />

While MTBMs are superior in some conditions, they are<br />

much more expensive for hard rock excavation than either<br />

an SBU-A/ABM combination or an SBU-M/ABM setup.<br />

Purchasing a typical MTBM will often cost five to 10 times<br />

more than using an SBU-A, and two to three times as much<br />

as purchasing an SBU-M of the same size.<br />

Advantages of SBU Technology<br />

Williams based his decision to use Robbins SBUs on past<br />

jobsite experience. B&W originally purchased two Robbins<br />

SBU-As in 2002 for a similar natural gas pipeline through siltstone.This<br />

previous project involved six hard rock crossings<br />

along a 70-km pipeline extending from St. Fergus to<br />

Aberdeen in Scotland, United Kingdom.<br />

B&W Tunnelling sees its use of SBUs as a competitive<br />

advantage in the United Kingdom, where the product is not<br />

well known compared to the United States. “These<br />

machines can definitely compete with microtunneling<br />

machines given that they can use concrete pipe and sacrificial<br />

casings. SBUs also do not require slurry — microtunneling<br />

machines are dependent on slurry, which can often be<br />

messy and inefficient,” explained Williams.<br />

Excavating the Crossings<br />

As of summer 2007, SBU excavation has gone extremely<br />

well.Average rates of SBU-M excavation are 1.5 to 2.0 m per<br />

hour and none of the machines have required rebuilding<br />

between crossings.<br />

B&W began excavating the crossings using five Robbins<br />

machines — three 1.2-m diameter SBU-As and two 1.2-m diameter<br />

SBU-Ms.The machines utilize 6.5-,9.5- or 11.5-in.diameter<br />

disc cutters (depending on the rock hardness) to bore<br />

through geology between 70 and 200 MPa UCS. Many of the<br />

crossings are in ground consisting of hard rock interbedded<br />

with clay and gravel, necessitating careful cutterhead design.<br />

Circle 22 on reader service card. Circle 52 on reader service card.<br />

54 TRENCHLESS TECHNOLOGY September 2007 www.trenchlessonline.com

One of the U.K.’s largest pipeline projects is getting a boost from some<br />

high-powered tunneling machines.<br />

Each of the crossings is different, and the launch pits for<br />

each have various set ups, depending on the type of crossing<br />

(such as a river or road), as well as whether line and<br />

grade were critical. These variations resulted in both the<br />

SBU-A and the SBU-M being utilized on the project. SBU-As<br />

are being used on crossings of shorter length and that are<br />

not line and grade critical, while SBU-Ms are boring on line<br />

and grade critical crossings, which contractually have a 50mm<br />

tolerance. The SBU-M crossings require that 10.5-m<br />

diameter shafts be constructed, which range from 10 to 30<br />

m deep and are lined with concrete-bolted segmental rings.<br />

Launch pits (24-m long x 3-m wide) are being used on all of<br />

the SBU-A crossings.<br />

At the onset of the bore,the machines are welded to a 1.2m<br />

O.D. steel sacrificial pipe casing, which is removed after<br />

completion of the crossing.The sacrificial pipe will save time<br />

during the assembly of the final 1.2-m O.D.steel pipe used for<br />

the pipeline. The gas line will need extensive welding and<br />

weld testing of each pipe length,which can be performed at<br />

the bottom of each launch shaft.The large 10.5-m diameter of<br />

the shafts then enables welding of the 6-m lengths of steel<br />

pipe to take place. A semi-automatic welding bug is used,<br />

while a winch in the opposite shaft draws the newly-welded<br />

pipe lengths through the tunnel until the crossing is complete.The<br />

entire pipeline is due for completion by 2009.<br />

Desiree Willis is a technical writer for The Robbins Co.,<br />

which is headquartered in Kent, Wash.<br />

www.trenchlessonline.com<br />

Circle 47 on reader service card.<br />



UPDATE<br />

No-Dig Mediterranean 2007<br />

– Rome, Sept. 10-12<br />

By the time you read this,ROMA07 (as it was called by its short<br />

title) will be over. For the ISTT and the Italian Society, it was an<br />

innovation to try to break the mold for trenchless events in<br />

Europe. For much of the European Union, trenchless technology<br />

is becoming increasingly well established so that the major<br />

trenchless equipment suppliers have agents or distribution facilities<br />

and user training is invariably part of the sales package. For<br />

products too, there is often a good selection of all the necessary<br />

materials with expert advice available on its use.So much so that<br />

many European clients and users of trenchless techniques feel<br />

that most of what they need is available<br />

close to home and they feel that<br />

they do not need to travel to deal with<br />

their business demands. This became<br />

evident with the No-Digs in Hamburg<br />

and Rotterdam where there were plenty<br />

of visitors through the doors of the<br />

exhibition on a daily basis but not that<br />

many conference delegates.Also, some<br />

European counties with active affiliated<br />

societies have well attended national<br />

events that have good international<br />

representation and this is a further reason<br />

why the attendance at International No-Digs, held in Europe<br />

and co-hosted by the ISTT, have been falling.<br />

The ROMA07 organizers set as a target of getting more<br />

potential trenchless users, many of whom may well have never<br />

considered trenchless technologies before, through the doors.<br />

This target was strongly supported by the ISTT to meet its aim<br />

of “promoting the advantages and benefits of using trenchless<br />

technologies worldwide.”The first decision by the organizers<br />

was to reduce prices on the basis that this would attract more<br />

people who might otherwise feel that the benefits of attending<br />

were too marginal. So ROMA07 was organized in a conference<br />

hotel just outside the center of Rome, with prices back to the<br />

levels last seen in the 1990s. At the same time, the hotel was<br />

still close enough to Rome’s famous cultural center for international<br />

delegates to be able to do some sightseeing. For example,<br />

the Chairman’s Dinner on the Sunday evening before the<br />

event started — at which all the national society chairmen are<br />

given a big “thank you”by the ISTT for all their voluntary work<br />

during the year — was held at the Hotel Bernini,which enabled<br />

the guests afterward to walk down Via Veneto,made famous by<br />

the film “La Dolce Vita.”<br />

The second decision was to gain the support of a number of<br />

the large national civic groups in Italy to promote the event<br />

and get their members to attend.This approach was enthusiastically<br />

taken up by four large groups in Italy of mayors, civic<br />

leaders and municipal engineers whose members were able to<br />

enjoy a special low registration price and entry to the exhibition.With<br />

Italy,like many of the countries of the Mediterranean<br />

region facing increasing stress on their water distribution networks,<br />

this certainly attracted many new clients for trenchless<br />

services in the future.<br />

The third, and most attractive decision for the ISTT, was that<br />

the Italian Society contacted one of the many organizations dedicated<br />

to protecting and improving the water quality of the<br />

Mediterranean Sea.In news published in Trenchless Technology<br />

International prior to ROMA07 have been reports of the growing<br />

environmental concerns over the pollution pouring into the<br />

Mediterranean Sea everyday and the increasing water shortages<br />

caused by population movements toward the coastal plains due<br />

to global warming and increasing “desertification” in North<br />

Africa. So the formal contact with EMWIS, the “Euro-<br />

Mediterranean System on know-how in the Water Sector,”which<br />

attracted 12 senior decision-makers from Turkey, Egypt,Algeria,<br />

Tunisia, Morocco, Lebanon and Jordan, sponsored by the Italian<br />

Institute of Commerce, to Rome, was a significant breakthrough.The<br />

EMWIS group was given a special presentation on<br />

trenchless technologies and the ISTT agreed to see if some<br />

arrangement could be made to give it access to the information<br />

and skills that ISTT members from around the world can provide.The<br />

ISTT strategic plan for the next five years specifically<br />

identifies developing countries for attention because they so<br />

badly need help and support so that this was an important first<br />

contact in the region that should develop in the future.<br />

The event itself was well supported, with 65 exhibitors<br />

occupying 2,500 sq m of indoor space and, for heavy machinery,<br />

1,500 sq m of outdoor space; 200 paying delegates for the<br />

three-day conference were joined by 70 additional exhibitor<br />

badge holders.The total number of day visitors,which was considerable,<br />

is still to be counted.<br />

The Gala Dinner and No-Dig Awards Ceremony was held at<br />

Restaurant Baba, a converted ancient farmhouse where the<br />

menu comprises of locally grown, in season produce. The<br />

Product Award went to SewerSeal JF for a newly developed rubberized,<br />

acrylate-based sewer sealing gel developed by a consortium<br />

of Wessex Water, Sdi-Unistride and De Neef of the<br />

United Kingdom, which remains flexible and does not shrink if<br />

it dries out.The Project Award went to Brochier Ltd., Prague, for<br />

the cement mortar relining of 22 km of DN 1,600 water feeder<br />

pipe to the City of Ostrava,Czech Republic.At its peak,the project<br />

used 25 tonnes of cement grout each day and also provided<br />

alternative safe drinking water supplies to the population for<br />

the duration of the project.<br />

The Student Award went to the Czech Republic’s Lucie<br />

Nenadalova, who undertook a survey that showed that most<br />

trenchless technology companies did not provide in their promotional<br />

literature the information that their potential customers<br />

need.As the judges remarked,it was something that they<br />

often suspected and now this was confirmed in the case of<br />

Lucie’s survey.The Academic Award was presented to <strong>Dr</strong>.Hedeki<br />

Shimida of the Department of Earth Resources Engineering,<br />

Kyushu University, Japan, for his work on the use of slurries, on<br />

earth stability and thrust forces in pipe jacking and for his enthusiasm<br />

and support for students undertaking masters and doctorate<br />

studies. In their concluding remarks, the judges felt that the<br />

selection of a sewer sealing gel and cement mortar spraying for<br />

two of the awards,both on the basis of their outstanding quality,<br />

showed that well established (so frequently described as “old”)<br />

technologies still have an important role to play in the trenchless<br />

armory for dealing with everyday problems. All the winning<br />

entries will be reviewed in future editions of TTI and will also be<br />

posted on the ISTT Web site at www.istt.com.<br />

Finally, a special award was made to the French Society for<br />

Trenchless Technology (FSTT) for an extremely innovative<br />

scheme that it has introduced in France. Most civic leaders in<br />

France are elected so they therefore need to present to the electorate<br />

their beliefs and principles for the way in which they will<br />

make decisions in running their communities. The FSTT has<br />

produced a “Charter for a Trenchless Town,” which it invites<br />

civic leaders to sign in a ceremony with good media coverage.<br />

56 TRENCHLESS TECHNOLOGY September 2007 www.trenchlessonline.com

The charter pledges that the signatories “in providing a service<br />

to the citizens,will respect the environment and their quality of<br />

life.”There are six articles in the pledge that relate to the benefits<br />

of using trenchless technologies where they are appropriate.<br />

Details of the scheme are available from the ISTT or FSTT.<br />

The ISTT International Board of Directors<br />

When the ISTT reorganized in 1991 from being a single organization<br />

based in London to an international umbrella organization<br />

with affiliated member societies from around the world, an<br />

International Board of Directors was established. Each affiliated<br />

society is entitled to send two representatives to board meetings,<br />

and each society has one vote on decisions that are decided<br />

by a simple majority of those present.Voting is public with<br />

the exception of elections for officers of the society,who instead<br />

require a mandate of more than half those present to be elected.<br />

Voting for officers is hidden with just the result announced and<br />

not the number of votes that each candidate has received.<br />

The style of board meetings has changed considerably over the<br />

years.Whereas in the early days, the directors were involved in<br />

consolidating the aims and financial status of the society and managing<br />

the international demand for trenchless events as national<br />

societies became established, a role that could be described as<br />

“inward looking.”Today,the board is involved in deciding how the<br />

ISTT should operate in the future to both expand and raise its<br />

profile on the international stage.This is a change that could be<br />

described as “outward looking.” But it is still only a change in<br />

terms of emphasis since the original aims of the ISTT remain<br />

identical to those first adopted in 1986.<br />

The first step in making a change came with the approval of<br />

2K10 — the strategic plan for the ISTT for the next five years<br />

that was adopted at the board meeting held in Brisbane,<br />

Australia, in 2006.This plan established seven strategic objectives,<br />

which collectively place a greater emphasis on activities<br />

that will promote trenchless technology to decision-makers<br />

and the general public.<br />

It was not the first time that the board had anticipated the<br />

need for change. In 2005 in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, the<br />

Board had noted the increasing reluctance of people to travel<br />

long distances to attend events and it agreed to try alternative<br />

ways of running the No-Dig. ROMA07, for example, was staged<br />

as a regional event and Moscow 2008 will be staged to run in<br />

parallel with a large environmental exhibition. The results of<br />

both events will be used to learn lessons for the future.This year<br />

in Rome, the board decided to take the work a step further by<br />

building in more certainty about the future program for trenchless<br />

events.It approved the preparation of a rolling 10-year plan,<br />

suggested by the Czech Republic Society, which will be used to<br />

regularly share out events across the world based on continents,<br />

regions and countries in that order.<br />

Also in Rome, the board heard that for the second year running<br />

the ISTT had spent more than its income on its activities.<br />

The reason for this was the fall in affiliation fee income and a<br />

smaller share of the surplus from participation in international<br />

events.This in turn prompted the board to consider changes in<br />

the way the ISTT is run centrally.The board felt that certain routine<br />

administrative tasks need not be undertaken by ISTT staff,<br />

but could instead be contracted out to specialist organizations,<br />

which are more cost-effective.The board also felt that the span<br />

of expertise needed to make the ISTT a “reference point for the<br />

global trenchless community” could be achieved by having a<br />

panel of experts and it approved a proposal by the Executive<br />

Sub-committee to establish a technical panel. The board also<br />

approved a job specification for a new executive director,which<br />

www.trenchlessonline.com<br />

will placed more emphasis on communication skills so that he<br />

or she will need to lead more activities in future to publicize and<br />

promote both the ISTT and trenchless technology.<br />

2008 will be a year of change.The ISTT International Board<br />

is committed to adapting the Society to a business climate<br />

quite different to that in which the Society started in 1986.<br />

NO-DIG AWARD 2008<br />

Entries are invited for the NO-DIG AWARDS for 2008, to be<br />

presented at International No-Dig 2008 Moscow (June 3-5, 2008).<br />

Awards will be made for entries in 4 categories for work<br />

completed during 2007/8 as follows:<br />

• Academic research project or training aid/course<br />

Trenchless project completed<br />

New machine, tool, material, system or technique introduced<br />

Student* or young professional paper<br />

(* Members regularly enrolled in college or university, or spending at least half<br />

their time on academic course work)<br />

The aim of the ISTT is to promote the science and practice of<br />

trenchless technology, and the Awards are intended to raise<br />

the profile and status of the Society and its Award Winners.<br />

The judges will be asked to consider:<br />

Does the entry make a contribution to the advancement of trenchless<br />

technology world-wide?<br />

Does the entry contribute to protecting the environment and/or to<br />

reducing social costs?<br />

Are the above benefits clear from the entry?<br />

Is the entry innovative, ingenious, elegant or novel?<br />

Is the entry commercially and economically practicable?<br />

Will the award make an impact with the media, decision-makers and<br />

the general public?<br />

Will the award impress ISTT members?<br />

Has the entry been well explained and presented?<br />

The entry can relate to the practical use or development of<br />

trenchless systems, or to equipment for the installation or<br />

rehabilitation of underground utility networks. As examples,<br />

they may be concerned with achievements in terms of:<br />

improved economy and competitiveness of trenchless installation;<br />

length of speed of drive for installation, replacement or renovation;<br />

accuracy or size of installation;<br />

materials used;<br />

ground conditions successfully dealt with;<br />

improved acceptability for clients, operators and/or the environment;<br />

underground detection, recording and mapping of obstacles, both<br />

natural and man-made;<br />

health and safety of employees and the general public;<br />

matters related to training in the field of trenchless work.<br />

research into any of the topics which surround working on utilities<br />

underground.<br />

Entries are required in English and should be prepared with<br />

the above criteria in mind to a maximum of 1,000 words<br />

supported by suitable illustrations in one of the standard<br />

electronic formats (for example MS Word ® , WordPerfect ® ).<br />

The illustrations should be in JPG format so that they can be<br />

circulated quickly to the judges. Further details are available<br />

from the ISTT.<br />


info@istt.co.uk BY MARCH 7, 2008<br />


Chairman: Menno Henneveld Executive Secretary: John Castle<br />


Chairman: Robert Selinger; Secretary: Ute BocciolI<br />

AATT Osterreichische VereinigungFur grabenloses Bauen und<br />

Instandhalten von Leitungen; Schubertring 14, A-1015 Wien,<br />

AUSTRIA; Tel: +43 1 5131 588-0; Fax: +43 1 5131 58825; E-mail:<br />

boccioli@oegl.at; Web site: www.oegl.at<br />


Chairman: Menno Henneveld; Secretary: Jeff Pace<br />

ASTT 18 Frinton Place, Greenwood, WA 6024, WESTERN<br />

AUSTRALIA; Tel: +61 (0)8 9420 2826; Fax: +61 (0)8 9420 3171;<br />

E-mail: jeffpace@astt.com.au; Web site: http://www.astt.com.au<br />


Chairman: Sergio A Palazzo; Secretary: Daniel Meloni<br />

ABRATT A1. Ogla, 422 cj. 97, Barra Funda — CEP 01155-40, Sao<br />

Paulo - SP - 01156-000, BRAZIL; Tel: +55 11 3822 2084; Fax: +55 11<br />

3611 8694; E-mail: info@abratt.org.br; Web site: www.abratt.org.br<br />


Chairman: Ian Vickeridge; Exec. Secretary:<br />

Mr Choi, Hon Ting Derek<br />

CHKSTT 10/F Hing Lung Commercial Building, 68-74 Bonham<br />

Strand East, HONG KONG; Fax: +852 8148 7764; E-mail: info@chkstt.org;<br />

Web site: http://www.chkstt.org<br />


Chairman: (Robert) Sun-Kuei Wang; Secretary: (Bob) W C Chen<br />

CTSTT 3F, 92, Sec.4, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei, TAIWAN; Tel: +886 2<br />

8369 5160; Fax: +886 2 8369 5161; E-mail: sunkuei@twd.gov.tw<br />


Chairman: Prof. Milos Karous; Secretary: <strong>Dr</strong> Jiri Kubalek<br />

CZSTT Bezova 1658/1, 147 14 Praha 4, CZECH REPUBLIC;<br />

Tel: +420 244 062 722; Fax: +420 244 062 722; E-mail: czstt@czn.cz;<br />

Web site: http://www.czstt.cz<br />


Chairman: Mikko Isakow; Secretary: Jani Vakeva<br />

FISTT Pl 493, 00101 Helsinki, FINLAND; Tel: +358 400 439004;<br />

Fax: +358 5 7495010; E-mail: jani.vakeva@kymenvesi.fi<br />


Chairman: Patrice Dupont; Secretary: Monique Lac<br />

FSTT 4 rue des Beaumonts, F-94120 Fontenay Sous Bois, FRANCE;<br />

Tel: +33 1 53 99 90 20; Fax: +33 1 53 99 90 29; E-mail:<br />

FSTT.PARIS@wanadoo.fr; Web site: http://www.fstt.org<br />


Chairman: Prof. <strong>Dr</strong>.-Ing. Jens Hoelterhoff; Secretary: <strong>Dr</strong>. Klaus Beyer<br />

GSTT Messedamm 22, D-14055 Berlin, GERMANY;<br />

Tel: +49 30 3038 2143; Fax: +49 30 3038 2079; E-mail:<br />

beyer@gstt.de; Web site: http://www.gstt.de<br />


Chairman: Alfredo Avello; Secretary: Elena Zuniga Alcon<br />

IBSTT C/Alenza 1, 28003 Madrid, SPAIN; Tel: +34 913 995 093; Fax:<br />

+34 913 995 093; E-mail: ibstt@ibstt.org; Web site: www.ibstt.org<br />


Chairman: Paolo Trombett; Secretary: Feliciano Esposto<br />

IATT Piazzale degli Eroi, 16, 00163 Rome, ITALY;<br />

Tel: +39 06 5725 0065; Fax: +39 06 57287636; E-mail: iatt@iatt.it;<br />

Web site: www.iatt.it<br />

ISTT was founded in 1986 to advance and promote<br />

worldwide the advantages of installing, renovating,<br />

repairing and replacing underground pipelines and<br />

services with the minimum of excavation.<br />

There are two types of membership: the International<br />

list, held by the Headquarters in London or through<br />

Affiliated Societies in 24 countries and regions of the<br />

world. Both types of membership will receive publications<br />

on a regular basis organized by ISTT, together<br />

with other membership benefits of discounted<br />

sales for international conferences and publications.<br />

For membership applications, contact your national<br />

society (in your own country — see list of affiliates<br />

or contact:<br />

ISTT<br />

15 Belgrave Square<br />

London SW1X 8PS, UK<br />

Ph: +44-20-8850-9119<br />

Fax: +44 20-8850-7447<br />

E-mail: info@istt.co.uk<br />

Web site: www.istt.com<br />



Chairman: Mr Taigo Matsui; Secretary: Kyoko Kondo<br />

JSTT Akasaka Kyowa Bldg, 1-6-14 Akasaka, Minato-Ku, JAPAN; Tel:<br />

+81 3 3586 5181; Fax: +81 3 3586 5183; E-mail: jstt@ca.mbn.or.jp;<br />

Web site: www.jstt.jp<br />


Chairman: Arturas Abromavicius;<br />

LIATT c/o UAB SWECO BKG, A. Gostauto Str. 11, LT-01108, Vilnius,<br />

Lithuania; Tel: +37 05 2622621; Fax: +37 05 2617507; E-mail:<br />

arturas.abromavicius@sweco.lt<br />


Chairman: Ad de Waal Malefijt; Secretary: Jelle de Boer<br />

NSTT Postbus 483, 2700 AL Zoetermeer, THE NETHERLANDS;<br />

Tel: +31 (0) 79 3252265; Fax: +31 (0) 79 3252294; E-mail:<br />

info@nstt.nl; Web site: http://www.nstt.nl<br />


Chairman: Piero Salvo; Secretary: John Hemphill<br />

NASTT 1655 North Fort Myer <strong>Dr</strong>., Ste 700, Arlington, Virginia 22209,<br />

USA; Tel: +1 703 351 5252; Fax: +1 703 739 6672; E-mail:<br />

nastt@nastt.org; Web site: http://www.nastt.org<br />


Chairman: Andrzej Kuliczkowski; Secretary: Marek Banasik<br />

PFTT 25-001 Kielce 1, SKR. Pocztowa 1453, POLAND;<br />

Tel: +48 41 3622145; Fax: +48 22 642 13 44; E-MAIL<br />

akulicz@tu.kielce.pl<br />


Chairman: Stanislav Vladimirovich Khramenkov; Secretary: Elana<br />

Viktorovna Guesenkova<br />

RSTT Odinzovskii Arrears, "Marfino", 99 143025, MA, RUSSIA; Tel:<br />

+7 (495) 290 90 36; 598 96 91; Fax: +7 (495) 290 90 36; E-mail:<br />

robt@co.ru; Web site: http://www.robt.ru<br />


Chairman: Magnar Sekse; Secretary: Bjorn Widman<br />

SSTT Agatan 15B, SE-745 35 Enkoping, SWEDEN;<br />

Tel: +46 171 44 02 60; E-mail: rolf.alm@tfab.se;<br />

Web site: http://www.sstt-skandinavien.com<br />


Chairman: Craig Burnie; Secretary: Joop van Wamelen<br />

SASTT PO Box 13048, Clubview, Centurion, 0014, SOUTH AFRICA;<br />

Tel: +27 12 567 4026; E-mail: director@sastt.org.za; Web site:<br />

http://www.sastt.org.za<br />


President: Volodymyr Markivsky; Secretary: Olga Martynyuk<br />

USTT Solomenskaja Str.3, Kiev 03110, UKRAINE;<br />

Tel/Fax: +380 044 276 42 80; E-mail: ustt@ukr.net<br />


Chairman: Russell Fairhurst; Secretary: Val Chamberlain<br />

UKSTT 38 Holly Walk, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, CV32 4LY; Tel:<br />

+44 (0)1926 330 935; Fax: +44 (0)1926 330 935; E-mail:<br />

admin@ukstt.org.uk; Web site: http://www.ukstt.org.uk<br />

58 TRENCHLESS TECHNOLOGY September 2007 www.trenchlessonline.com


Choosing a<br />

Manhole Frame-Chimney Seal<br />

Nearly all SSES and I/I studies conducted<br />

have drawn the same conclusion<br />

— that manhole frame-chimney<br />

inflow is one of the most significant<br />

sources of leakage in the entire sewer<br />

system. Large quantities of clear water<br />

can be prevented from ever entering<br />

the sewer system by sealing the framechimney<br />

joint area of sanitary manholes.<br />

Many different methods have<br />

been tried in an attempt to seal this<br />

area of the manhole and new methods<br />

and technologies are being developed<br />

and proposed all the time.<br />

The frame-chimney joint area in<br />

manholes is one that is difficult to seal<br />

long term due to any number of the<br />

following factors:<br />

Thermal expansion and contraction<br />

of the pavement, freeze-thaw cycles<br />

and ground movement cause the<br />

frame to move vertically, as well as laterally<br />

with respect to the top of the<br />

manhole structure.<br />

Traffic loading subjects the frame to<br />

continuous impact and jarring.<br />

The cast-iron frame and masonry of<br />

the manhole structure have different<br />

thermal coefficients and surface textures,<br />

making it difficult to provide a<br />

watertight bond between the two<br />

surfaces.<br />

Based on these factors,NASSCO states<br />

in its “Specifications Guidelines/<br />

Wastewater Collection Systems<br />

Maintenance and Rehabilitation, SG-12”<br />

that:<br />


2007<br />

23-26 DSS, Cleveland, Ohio, AWWA, (303) 347-6240; E-mail:<br />

dtrujillo@awwa.org; Web: www.awwa.org<br />

27-28 Pipe and Pipeline Renewal seminar, New York Metro Area (Secaucus,<br />

N.J.), ASCE, (800) 548-2723; E-mail: conted@asce.org; Web:<br />

www.asce.org<br />


1-5 IPLOCA Convention, Sydney, Australia, Web: www.iploca.com<br />

13-17 WEFTEC 2007 Annual Conference & Expo, San Diego, WEF (800)<br />

666-0206<br />

16-19 ICUEE 2007, Louisville, Ky, (800) 867-6060; Fax: (414) 272-2672;<br />

E-mail: info@icuee.com; Web: www.icuee.com<br />

17-19 DCA-Europe Annual Congress, <strong>Dr</strong>esden, Germany, DCA-Europe,<br />

Web: www.dca-europe.de<br />


7-8 Dealing with Challenges of Horizontal Directional <strong>Dr</strong>illing (HDD), GEO-<br />

DELFT, Delft, The Netherlands, E-mail: sales@delftgeoacademy.com.<br />


4-7 CONEXPO Asia 2007, Guangzhou, China, (414) 298-4167 or +86-10-<br />

8519-1566 in China, E-mail: info@conexpoasia.com<br />

www.trenchlessonline.com<br />

“Manhole frame sealing includes<br />

the sealing of the frame joint area<br />

and the chimney above the cone<br />

of the manhole with either a manufactured<br />

or applied internal or<br />

external flexible seal. The seal shall be<br />

designed to prevent leakage of water<br />

into the manhole through these areas<br />

throughout a minimum 25-year design<br />

life.The installed seal shall remain flexible,<br />

to allow for repeated vertical movements<br />

of the frame due to frost lift,<br />

ground movement or other causes of<br />

not less than 2 in. and/or repeated horizontal<br />

movement of the frame due to<br />

thermal movement of pavement or<br />

other causes of not less than a half inch<br />

throughout the design life.”<br />

All frame-chimney seals, whether<br />

they are manufactured or applied, fall<br />

into four basic categories.<br />

Rigid Seal — This type of seal includes<br />

bolting the frame to the precast cone,<br />

extending cementitious liner material<br />

from the manhole wall up onto the<br />

frame, setting the frame in a bed or mortar,<br />

encasing the frame and entire chimney<br />

area in a poured concrete collar or<br />

the use of any other type of non-flexible<br />

material or liner.<br />

Semi Rigid or Semi Flexible — This type<br />

of seal typically involves the use of some<br />

type of sealing material, such as butyl<br />

rubber mastic, between the frame, grade<br />

adjusting rings and manhole cone joints.<br />

Flexible Membrane — This type of seal is<br />

created by applying a flexible coating or<br />

Other Notable Events<br />

By Lee Haessig<br />

membrane to either<br />

the inside or outside<br />

surfaces of the frame<br />

extending down onto<br />

the manhole chimney<br />

and/or cone. Materials may include epoxies,<br />

urethanes, rubber or heat shrinkable<br />

sleeves.<br />

Manufactured Flexible Rubber — This<br />

type of seal is pre-fabricated from a<br />

high-quality rubber material and is<br />

installed either on the inside or outside<br />

of the frame-chimney joint area by<br />

expanding or tightening corrosion<br />

resistant bands with a mechanical tightening<br />

device.<br />

Therefore, community and/or engineers<br />

have many things to consider<br />

when deciding which frame-chimney<br />

seal to use; they must decide whether<br />

the seal can meet expected design life<br />

and performance requirements, as well<br />

as ease of installation and future maintenance<br />

and replacement needs. Different<br />

methods will have different end results<br />

and a successful manhole rehabilitation<br />

project will depend on how much<br />

emphasis is put into factors such as<br />

design life, material performance and<br />

proven success in actual field conditions.The<br />

bottom line is that the cheapest<br />

method at the time of bid quite often<br />

ends up costing more in the long run.<br />

Lee Haessig is northeast regional manager<br />

with Cretex Specialty Products, which is<br />

headquartered in Waukesha, Wis.<br />

2007<br />

18-19 New OrleansTrenchless Road Show, New Orleans, Benjamin Media Inc.,<br />

Ph: (330) 467-7588; Fax: (330) 468-2289; E-mail: info@benjaminmedia.com;<br />

Web: www.rehabroadshow.com<br />


13-14 Miami Trenchless Road Show, Miami, Benjamin Media Inc., Ph: (330)<br />

467-7588; Fax: (330) 468-2289; E-mail: info@benjaminmedia.com;<br />

Web: www.rehabroadshow.com<br />

27-28 Asset Management: Bridging the Gap Between Theory & Practice Atlanta,<br />

Benjamin Media Inc., Ph: (330) 467-7588; Fax: (330) 468-2289; E-mail:<br />

info@benjaminmedia.com; Web: www.uimonline.com<br />

2008<br />


22-24 Digital City EXPO, Phoenix, Benjamin Media Inc., Ph: (330) 467-7588,<br />

Fax: (330) 468-2289, E-mail: info@benjaminmedia.com, Web: www.digitalcityexpo.com.<br />





26 O.D.–168 O.D.<br />

.250 –1.50 W<br />

LENGTHS UP TO 80 FT.<br />



800-821-3475<br />

FAX 815-964-0045<br />

Circle 75 on reader service card.<br />

Circle 76 on reader service card.<br />

Circle 77 on reader service card.<br />

Circle 78 on reader service card.<br />


SAME DAY<br />

NEXT DAY<br />

1-WEEK<br />

AS REQD<br />

1025 SCHOOL ST.<br />


61105-0898<br />

Circle 79 on reader service card.<br />

Circle 80 on reader service card.<br />

Circle 81 on reader service card.<br />

Circle 82 on reader service card.<br />

60 TRENCHLESS TECHNOLOGY September 2007 www.trenchlessonline.com

www.trenchlessonline.com<br />

Circle 83 on reader service card.<br />

Circle 84 on reader service card.<br />

Circle 85 on reader service card.<br />

Circle 86 on reader service card.<br />

Circle 88 on reader service card.<br />


TERRA Directional <strong>Dr</strong>ills<br />


TERRA-JET Series "D"<br />

Missile TERRA-HAMMER<br />

Rammer TERRA-HAMMER<br />

TERRA Cable Bursters<br />

TERRA Rod Bursters<br />

Circle 89 on reader service card.<br />

ISO 9001 certified<br />

Fagan's Lehigh Equipment, Inc.<br />

Mays Landing, NJ 08330<br />

Phone:800-458-5238<br />

Fax:609-476-3298<br />

Cell: 610-428-1883<br />

faganslehigh@comcast.net<br />

www.terra-trenchless.com<br />

Providing Innovative Products for the Prevention of<br />

inflow and infiltration at the adjustment ring and joint<br />

sections of manholes & catch basins.<br />

Sealing Systems, Inc.<br />

9350 County Rd. 19 • Loretto, MN 55357<br />

(763)478-2057 (800)478-2054<br />

www.ssisealingsystems.com<br />

Circle 90 on reader service card.<br />

Circle 91 on reader service card.<br />



Circle 92 on reader service card.<br />

Circle 93 on reader service card.<br />

Circle 94 on reader service card.<br />

Circle 95 on reader service card.<br />


Mississippi based trenchless technology company<br />

looking for cured in place/ tv evaluation superintendent<br />

with minimum 8 years experience.<br />

Willing to relocate. Must be willing to travel Ms,<br />

Al, La, Tenn, Fla, Ark. Competitive salary, bonus,<br />

provided insurance, company vehicle and 401K.<br />

Microtunnel Operator<br />

Mid-Atlantic & northeast tunneling, utility and transportation contractor has immediate full time position<br />

for microtunnel and TBM operator. Experienced candidate must possess extensive experience<br />

and understanding of the microtunneling process. Experience in other types of tunneling and shaft<br />

construction is a plus. Candidate should possess leadership qualities, desire to work as part of a team<br />

and be willing to travel the east coast. Salary, transportation and full benefits package commensurate<br />

with experience and knowledge. Relocation costs reimbursable.<br />

E-mail resume or C.V. to jobs@superna.com.<br />

Mississippi based trenchless technology company<br />

looking for estimator/project manager. Minimum<br />

8 years experience preferably some field<br />

management. Must be willing to relocate.<br />

Competitive salary, bonus, provided insurance,<br />

company vehicle, and 401K.<br />

62 TRENCHLESS TECHNOLOGY September 2007 www.trenchlessonline.com

Circle 54 on reader service card.


Advertisers.............................Page ......RS #<br />

Amerik Supplies ............................................46 ..............41<br />

AOC Resins .....................................................6 ................3<br />

AP/M Permaform...........................................24 ..............18<br />

Applied Felts..................................................14 ..............11<br />

Arntzen Corporation ......................................60 ..............77<br />

Avanti International........................................38 ..............33<br />

Bigs Easy Lift.................................................28 ..............21<br />

Camp <strong>Dr</strong>esser & McKee, Inc.........................33 ..............27<br />

Cippcon Inc. ..................................................61 ..............91<br />

Colorado School of Mines............................65 ..............48<br />

Composites One............................................23 ................9<br />

CPT................................................................67 ..............49<br />

CUES .............................................................61 ..............88<br />

CWR Holdings, LLC......................................22 ..............14<br />

DRILLCO Inc..................................................62 ..............93<br />

Duke's Root Control ........................................5 ................2<br />

E&M Specialty Co. Inc..................................54 ..............52<br />

Fagan's Lehigh ..............................................61 ..............89<br />

Godwin Pumps of America Inc. ....................31 ..............25<br />

Hammerhead .................................................60 ..............80<br />

Harris & Associates.......................................35 ..............30<br />

The HDD Company Inc. ................................44 ..............55<br />

Hermes Technologies Ltd..............................50 ..............45<br />

Holly Pipe Corporation..................................60 ..............81<br />

Horizontal Technology Inc.............................50 ..............44<br />

Icon Equipment Distributors, Inc. .................54 ..............22<br />

Inliner Technologies ......................................41 ..............36<br />

Inliner Technologies ......................................61 ..............83<br />

Innotrans 2008 ..............................................55 ..............47<br />

Inserta Fittings.................................................7 ................4<br />

Interplastic Corporation.................................30 ..............24<br />

Interstate Truck Rental ...................................61 ..............86<br />

ISCO Industries ........................................18,19 ..............13<br />

ISCO Industries .............................................62 ..............94<br />

Laney Directional <strong>Dr</strong>illing..............................36 ..............31<br />

Lee Supply Company, Inc. ............................43 ..............39<br />

Lining Innovations.........................................10 ................7<br />

Logiball, Inc...................................................24 ..............18<br />

MaxLiner........................................................13 ..............10<br />

Mears Group Inc............................................27 ..............20<br />

Michael Byrne Mfg........................................42 ..............37<br />

Michels Corp.................................................12 ..............15<br />

Moffatt Enterprises ........................................36 ..............32<br />

Moscow No-Dig Call for Papers...................51 ..............46<br />

Mr. Manhole ..................................................12 ..............16<br />

1. OUTSIDE<br />


❑ Utility Contractor<br />

❑ Distribution Contractor<br />

❑ Road Boring/<br />

Directional <strong>Dr</strong>illing<br />

Contractor<br />

❑ Tunneling Contractor<br />

❑ Pipeline Contractor<br />

❑ Cable Contractor<br />

❑ General Contractor<br />

❑ Other; Specify:<br />

__________________________<br />


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❑ Environmental<br />

❑ Pipeline<br />

❑ Other; Specify:<br />

__________________________<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

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30<br />

31<br />

32<br />

33<br />

34<br />

35<br />

36<br />


WORKS<br />

❑ Water and Sewer<br />

❑ Gas and Electric<br />

❑ Other; Specify:<br />

__________________________<br />


❑ Water and Sewer<br />

❑ Electric<br />

❑ Gas<br />

❑ Cable/Telephone<br />

❑ Other Utilities; Specify<br />

__________________________<br />


❑ In-House Contracting<br />

❑ In-House Construction<br />

❑ In-House Engineering<br />

❑ Other; Specify<br />

37<br />

38<br />

39<br />

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59<br />

60<br />

Advertisers.............................Page ......RS #<br />

National EnviroTech Group LLC....................39 ..............34<br />

No-Dig Sewers Without a Trench..................60 ..............75<br />

OnePass HDD................................................60 ..............76<br />

Rain for Rent..................................................32 ..............26<br />

Raven Lining Systems...................................25 ..............19<br />

Reliner/Duran ................................................34 ..............29<br />

Ridge Tool Co..................................................9 ................8<br />

Ridge Tool Co................................................44 ..............56<br />

The Robbins Co.............................................45 ..............40<br />

Robbins HDD ................................................61 ..............84<br />

Roose Manufacturing ....................................61 ..............85<br />

RWF Bron ........................................................8 ................5<br />

Sauereisen.....................................................47 ..............42<br />

SealGuard ........................................................2 ................1<br />

Sealing Systems............................................40 ..............35<br />

Sealing Systems............................................61 ..............90<br />

Sekisui SPR Americas...................................11 ................6<br />

Sekisui SPR Americas...................................62 ..............95<br />

Slabach Enterprises.......................................60 ..............79<br />

Sprayroq Inc. .................................................15 ..............12<br />

Surface to Surface .........................................49 ..............43<br />

Terre Hill .......................................................62 ..............92<br />

TRS Miami.....................................................53 ..............59<br />

TRS New Orleans ..........................................63 ..............54<br />

TT Technologies ............................................68 ..............50<br />

Tulsa Rig Iron ................................................42 ..............38<br />

UIM Conference ............................................37 ..............57<br />

Ultraliner........................................................29 ..............23<br />

Underground Tools Inc..................................34 ..............28<br />

United Rentals ...............................................60 ..............82<br />

Vac-Tron, division of American Mfg .............60 ..............78<br />

Pipe Inspection Guide<br />

Aries...........................................................P-21 ............153<br />

Benjamin Media Inc. Online Bookstore.....P-17 ............162<br />

CUES ...........................................................P-5 ............151<br />

Envirosight...................................................P-2 ............150<br />

Inuktun Services........................................P-11 ............154<br />

Pearpoint Inc..............................................P-13 ............155<br />

PipeLogix...................................................P-25 ............158<br />

RapidView IBAK USA ................................P-36 ............157<br />

Rausch Electronics USA LLC ......................P-9 ............152<br />

RS Technical Services Inc. ........................P-12 ............156<br />

<strong>Stein</strong> Bookstore .........................................P-27 ............161<br />

Trenchless Technology Webinars..............P-14 ............160<br />

How would you describe your primary trenchless activity? (Check One:)<br />

❑ Rehabilitation ❑ New Installation ❑ Both<br />

What is your primary business at this location. (CHECK ONE)<br />

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__________________________<br />


❑ Manufacturer<br />

❑ Rehabilitation Systems<br />

❑ Pipe Manufacturer<br />

❑ Other; Specify<br />

__________________________<br />



❑ Consultant,<br />

❑ Library<br />

❑ Student/<strong>Professor</strong><br />

❑ Other; Specify<br />

___________________________<br />

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Reader Service & Subscription Card<br />


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as required by 39 U.S.C. 3685<br />

Title of Publication: Trenchless Technology<br />

Publication Number: 1064-4156<br />

Filing Date: 09/01/2007<br />

Issue Frequency: Monthly with Directory in May<br />

Number of Issues Published Annually: 13<br />

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Full Names and Complete Mailing Address of Managing Editor:<br />

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E-BIZ<br />

AWWA Member Publication Online<br />

Opflow is a member benefit of the American Water Works<br />

Association (AWWA). Members receive the publication monthly in<br />

their mailboxes and have access to archives and the full text of current<br />

articles in Opflow Online.<br />

The articles in Opflow are written by and for hands-on professionals<br />

in the water industry. Its easy-to-read, “how-to” style makes<br />

Opflow the industry’s most usable monthly publication. Articles<br />

cover treatment and distribution operations, maintenance, safety,<br />

management, emerging technology, and solutions to common utility<br />

problems.<br />

AWWA Opflow’s editorial purpose is to present new and established<br />

technologies and ideas that readers can apply to drinking<br />

water treatment and distribution, alert readers to possible related<br />

problems and solutions, interpret regulatory and technical information<br />

in a clear format, and foster and promote innovative ideas that<br />

help readers provide safe water to all.<br />

This is accomplished through technically detailed case studies and<br />

how-to articles, departments and columns that target specific needs,<br />

and dynamic illustrative graphics. Opflow is primarily written by<br />

people who read it: the members of the AWWA, the authoritative<br />

resource on safe water. The components of Opflow are bold and<br />

accessible,presented in a manner that allows information to be readily<br />

absorbed by persons in all segments of the water community and<br />

at all levels of responsibility. Opflow’s goal is to be the leading practice<br />

periodical in the water community and the most useful AWWA<br />

periodical regarding day-to-day applications.<br />

Circle 48 on reader service card.<br />

www.trenchlessonline.com<br />

www.awwa.org/Publications/OpflowCurrent.cfm<br />


Trenchless Webinar Program Benefits All<br />

Looking for a way to reach potential customers<br />

and educate them on trenchless technology in the<br />

process? Or are you searching for an inexpensive<br />

training session for your workers on various trenchless<br />

methods? In either case, the Benjamin Media<br />

Webinar Program may be what you are looking for.<br />

For attendees, Webinars make it easy to get the<br />

information you need — if you are unavailable to<br />

attend the day of the Webinar, the session can be<br />

easily downloaded afterward from www.trenchlessonline.com<br />

at your convenience. For more information<br />

on the Benjamin Media Webinar Program —<br />

either sponsoring or attending — visit its Web page<br />

on www.trenchlessonline.com or call (330) 467-<br />

7588.<br />

www.trenchlessonline.com<br />

Trenchless Roads Shows Coming<br />

to Your City?<br />

Is the Trenchless Road Shows program coming to<br />

a city near you in 2007? The popular trenchless education<br />

series has five stops planned in the United<br />

States and Canada this year. To check out the plans<br />

for 2007, visit www.trenchlessroadshow.com for program<br />

information and how you can sign up.<br />

www.trenchlessroadshow.com<br />



The Importance of<br />

Subsurface Investigations in<br />

New Trenchless Installations<br />

It is said that when it comes to<br />

underground construction, the<br />

owner owns the ground and the<br />

contractor owns the means and<br />

methods. This ultimately means that<br />

the owner (in conjunction with the<br />

designer) is responsible for providing<br />

sufficient information on the subsurface<br />

conditions so that the contractor<br />

can have a reasonable chance of constructing<br />

the new underground facility<br />

as desired by the owner at a fair<br />

price.<br />

Without a sufficient understanding<br />

of the subsurface conditions, the contractor<br />

is at risk of failing to complete<br />

the construction based on the construction<br />

methods that the contractor<br />

planned and priced its work on,<br />

and the owner risks additional costs<br />

and delays due to change orders<br />

resulting from differing conditions. In<br />

other words, the owner is responsible<br />

for providing biddable contract<br />

documents with sufficient subsurface<br />

information so that the contractor<br />

can anticipate the ground conditions<br />

and select the proper procedures,<br />

equipment and tooling.<br />

In the case of microtunneling, the<br />

contractor will need to have an<br />

understanding of the subsurface conditions<br />

so that the configuration and<br />

tooling of the microtunnel head<br />

most appropriate for the ground conditions<br />

can be selected, production<br />

rates can be anticipated and handling<br />

and disposal of excavated material<br />

can be determined.In the case of horizontal<br />

directional drilling, the contractor<br />

needs to estimate production<br />

rates, in addition to determining<br />

potential drill mud lost rates, the<br />

potential for inadvertent surface<br />

returns (frac-out), and again, handling<br />

and disposal methods for the spoil.As<br />

can be seen, the subsurface information<br />

provided by the owner is key for<br />

the contractor to plan his means and<br />

methods and pricing.<br />

Knowing the underground subsurface<br />

conditions, also allows the contractor<br />

to better anticipate ground<br />

lost or subsidence and/or ground<br />

heave based on the anticipated<br />

behavior of the ground based on the<br />

planned construction method.<br />

Nothing ruins an owner’s and contractor’s<br />

day more than having unanticipated<br />

earth movement that causes<br />

surface settlement or heave, having<br />

other utilities move and possibly<br />

break, or perhaps worst, damaging a<br />

nearby structure or building.<br />

Not only should the owner<br />

provide the contractor with<br />

sufficient subsurface information,<br />

the owner should also consider<br />

using a geotechnical baseline<br />

report (GBR).<br />

In addition to pricing the work,<br />

both the owner and the contractor<br />

are at risk due to unknown subsurface<br />

conditions such as large boulders,<br />

buried former building foundations<br />

and contaminated soils and<br />

groundwater. The key word here is<br />

“unknown.” They are obviously<br />

unknown until discovered. However,<br />

to limit claims due to changed conditions,<br />

it is better for all if the owner<br />

can discover such conditions and<br />

owners reduce the amount of<br />

unknowns during the planning and<br />

engineering phase rather than to<br />

have the contractor discover<br />

unknowns during construction.<br />

Discovering the unknowns during<br />

the planning and engineering phase<br />

allows the owner to mitigate the<br />

issues associated with the unknowns<br />

such as handling and disposal of contaminated<br />

soils, changing the vertical<br />

and/or horizontal alignment of the<br />

proposed pipeline to avoid obstructions<br />

and/or locating jacking and<br />

receiving shafts at locations of the<br />

previously unknown obstruction to<br />

avoid installing one there later as the<br />

infamously known “911” hole.<br />

Without a sufficient understanding<br />

of the subsurface conditions, the con-<br />

By<br />

Dennis J. Doherty, P.E.<br />

tractor often needs<br />

to make a number of assumptions on<br />

the subsurface conditions and evaluate<br />

the risk associated with the<br />

assumed underground subsurface<br />

conditions. These assumptions<br />

include conditions that will affect<br />

production rates, methods of controlling<br />

groundwater and earth movement,<br />

construction methods and<br />

potential risk for failure of the construction<br />

method. The risk of failure<br />

is the greatest unknown and could be<br />

costly and potentially economically<br />

devastating to the contractor.<br />

To account for the potential risk, a<br />

contractor may increase his bid price<br />

to cover contingency in case the<br />

unknown subsurface conditions do<br />

in fact affect his production rates and<br />

thus labor and rental cost. In other<br />

words, he is passing the cost of the<br />

risk on to the owner. If the contractor’s<br />

assumptions are correct, the<br />

money not used for the contingency<br />

becomes a windfall for the contractor<br />

and the owner does not get a fair<br />

price for the installed work.<br />

Therefore, it is in the interest of the<br />

owner to provide as much information<br />

on the subsurface conditions as<br />

possible to minimize the assumptions<br />

and guessing that the contractor is<br />

forced to use when pricing the project.This<br />

generally results in lower bid<br />

prices by the contractors.<br />

Not only should the owner provide<br />

the contractor with sufficient subsurface<br />

information, the owner should<br />

also consider using a geotechnical<br />

baseline report (GBR). The GBR is a<br />

risk sharing tool, allowing both the<br />

owner and contractor to share in the<br />

risk. It helps allocate the risk of<br />

underground construction to those<br />

best able to handle the risk.As noted<br />

above, the owner owns the ground<br />

and the contractor owns the means<br />

and methods. Sharing the risk is in<br />

the best interest of all parties.<br />

Dennis J. Doherty, P.E., is senior project<br />

manager-trenchless technologies<br />

at Jacobs Engineering Group Inc.<br />

66 TRENCHLESS TECHNOLOGY September 2007 www.trenchlessonline.com

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