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<strong>Trinitarian</strong> <strong>Bible</strong> <strong>Society</strong> – Quarterly Recordthis project is stalled at present and inmuch need of effectual fervent prayer.EkeGusii, in which there is a living projectattended by many difficulties: who willhold up the hands of the workers in Kisii?Let a final word from Mr Watkins serveas a conclusion <strong>to</strong> the whole articleand a general exhortation <strong>to</strong> prayer forKenya—‘Yes, Kenyan churches are <strong>to</strong> thisday expanding and multiplying—butthere are almost no points at which KenyanChristianity coincides with the Biblicalversion. Many poor souls are plungingunprepared in<strong>to</strong> eternity with a lie in theirright hand’ (Isaiah 44.20): and no soundScriptures in either hand.Endnotes1. It was on holiday in ‘Tree<strong>to</strong>ps’ lodgewithin sight of Mt. Kenya that the UK’sPrincess Elizabeth learned of the death ofher father, King George VI, on 6 February1952.2. Discussion of which lakes are largestcould constitute an entire book.Considerations include fresh versus saltwater, volume, surface area, etc., and anycombination thereof. This designationregarding Lake Vic<strong>to</strong>ria, however, is fairlysolid.3. ‘Bovids’ for the zoologists amongst us.4. Kenya has over forty game reservesand parks, and two maritime parks in theIndian Ocean.5. Learned arguments lie behind thedefinition of this word. A general idea ofsouthward movement of people alongthe axis of the Nile and Rift valleys issimplistic, but sufficient.6. To meet a gospel enquirer recently whodeclared himself a ‘Kenyan-Indian-Sikh’doesn’t seem quite so bizarre against thisbackground.7. A mainspring of German expansionistpolicy—literally ‘room <strong>to</strong> live’, butpolitically somewhat more complex inAfrica, and, failing that, in Europe on theway <strong>to</strong> Ukraine and Russia.8. Italian for ‘lebensraum, anyone?’9. The Luo also have strong ethnic andlinguistic affinity throughout Uganda andmainland Tanzania.10. The list is abbreviated: things such asshould not even be mentioned, I darenot.11. Pierson was a vigorous advocateof missions, transformer of missionaryliterature, collabora<strong>to</strong>r in the productionof the Scofield <strong>Bible</strong>, and a sometimevisiting preacher at Spurgeon’s Tabernaclein London, UK.12. As quoted by Bishop ZablonNthamburi in ‘The Beginning andDevelopment of Christianity in Kenya’Dictionary of African Christianity (dacb.org,accessed 20 Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 2011).13. What is surprising is that now inWestern Protestant Christianity, thesame process of ‘indigenising’ <strong>to</strong> localculture is a growing policy and practice;this ‘baptising’ of local gods, feasts andcus<strong>to</strong>ms used <strong>to</strong> be a Roman Catholicpractice!14. The Transla<strong>to</strong>rs <strong>to</strong> the Reader (London,England: <strong>Trinitarian</strong> <strong>Bible</strong> <strong>Society</strong>, 1998),p. 10.15. Established in July 2002, a successor<strong>to</strong> the Organisation of African Unity: theAfrican Union Commission is based inAddis Ababa, Ethiopia.16. Arose out of Lutheran work inTanzania; for ‘Karl Roehl and theEntangled His<strong>to</strong>ry of the Swahili <strong>Bible</strong>’ seea draft document at www.martynmission.cam.ac.uk/media/documents/Seminarpapers.17. This from a personal email, in response<strong>to</strong> my request for such information.30

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