Missionary alliance 1888.pdf - DSpace

Missionary alliance 1888.pdf - DSpace

Missionary alliance 1888.pdf - DSpace

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104 INT)f.R.SEliINARY MTS~IO NARY ALLIANCElegal sanction from every brtmch of this nefarious business, to outlawthe manufacture and sale of intoxicating beverages, their exportatioD,importation and transportation.4. WIlEREAS, This convention has been evidently blessed of Goo. inthe deepened cODviction of the needs of the mission field, and the CODsecrationof a larger Dumber of men to the mission work, therefore be itResolved, That we express our gratitude to God for the working ofI1is will in our hearts j that we renew our oath of allegiance to him, andthat we desire the IToly Spirit's continued presence.5. WIIEREAS, The Boston University School of Theology, underwhose auspices this convention is held, has extended us a hearty welcomej andWl{EREA ~, The pastor and officers of the Park Street Church havekindly tendered us the use of their historic building j and'VnEHEAs, The Executive Committee has acquitted itself so faithfullyand well in the arduous duties imposed upon it j andWHEREAS, The citizens of Boston have welcomed us to their home ~,making us feel the warm heart-beats of love and fellowshipj be itRe8otvfd, That this convention express its ll.ppreciation and gratitudefor the efforts that have been put forth for our edification andentertainment.6, Resolved, That this A.lliance express its dIsapprobation of the followingmonstrouB evils:Fir8t, The opium traffic.Sewnd, The desecration of the Sabbath. A.nd that we pledge ourselvesto continually protest against and to do 1111prevent these evils.lSigned:]in our power toT. B. COLLINS,O/wirman Ocmnnittu on Resolution •.•••ROLL OF BEliINARIES AND STATI STICS. 1011Roll of Seminaries and Statistics for 1888 and 1889 •-op..fll..~~ a0~ • 0•.. =0.""~ '"~£~ ill ..; ~..;-0~ ~~ ~-~ - ~-Q> .... a:;0 0- 0-0 •~ ~ .. 0 •~ ~ ~"~ • "DBNOMINATION. t:iEMUfARY AND LOCATION. •1 Baptist . __ .... _...._ Baptist Union, Morgan Park, IlL. __ , 902 Baptist ....._.. __ .._ Crozer, Cbester Pa ....•....•.....•.. 64a Baptist .....•.•.•..• Uamllton, Dam 1 ItontN. y._ ....-.... 484 Baptist _..... . ..... Jeremiab Yardman, ibe'i/;' Mo ..... 71b Baptist ._....••...•• Newton, Newton Center, ass .••_..•,006 Bapttst. ............. Normal and 'rheo. Inst. Selma, Ala7 Baptist .......•_..•. Rochester, Rochester, N. Y .•...••...• 1158 Baptist, Free .......• Bates, Lewiston, Me ......._••..•....._309 :Haptist, Fr e~ ........ Tbeo. Dpt. IIinsd. Col.kllinSdale. Mic b 31>10 Cbristian •••...•. __ • Oskalo08a College, Os alo08a, la ...., 1811 Congregational ..••. AnOtwerb Andove~ Mass. __ .•... __ ...• 4712 Congregational ..... BaDf[Or, angor, e ...•••.•.... -_ ....18 Congregatlonal._ ... CblC8fio, Chicag0r!U ..•......... ••....14 Congregational ..... Fisk niversity, asbn.lle, Tenn .....1!.! Congregational ....• Oerman Congregational, Crete, Neb ..16 Congregational .•... fiatteord, Bartford, Conn ...•......._.17 Congregational .•... Oberlin, Oberlin, Ohio ••...•••.....•..18 Congregat1onal .•... Pacifl.c, Oakland. CaL •...........•••.19 Congregational ..... 'ralladega, 'l'allade~, Ala ..•.... __ ...•20 Congregational ..••. Yale Divinity ijc'l, "ew Baven, Conn.21 Episcopal, Protes't. Bp. Payne Dl'1nitg" Sc'l,Petersburg,Va2'J Episcopal, Protes't. Dlvinity Scbool, ambridge Mass ...•23 Episcopal, Protes·t. Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pa ..•_....24 Episcopal, Protes'C 'J'beo. Sem. of Virgi'a, Alexandria, Va.25 Lutberan, Evang .... Gettysburg UettYSbur~ Pa ..... _•....626 Lutheran, Evang .... nartwlck, tee~o CO's . Y . •....••..'1:l Lutheran, .Evan~ ... MlsflI,ionary Inst tute, elens Grove, Pa28 Lutheran, Evang .... Wttlenberg, Springfl.eld, 0 ............29 Methodist Epl8copal Hannett Greensboro, N. c .._.........30 Methodist Eplacopal Boston Universitk Hot ton, Mass ...._31 ~tethodist Episcopal Central College, &shvWe, Tenn .•...&'. Method.let Episcopal Gammon School of Theo., Atlanta, Oasa Methodist Episcopal Drew, Madison, N. J ......... ........34 Metbodist Eptecopal Garrett Biblical Ine~ E,'aneton, TIl..35 MethOdist Epleco~al New Orleans {;niv.. ew Orleane La36 Methodist EliS'1 o. Vandl'rbtlt Unlver., Nashville Te'nn ..37 Methodist, rotee'!. W·eetmiDster, Westmineter Md .....••S8 Moravian .......... Moravian Seminary, Bethlehem, Pa ...39 Preebyterian ..•..... Auburn, Auburn, N. Y ..._...•..•.....atlib-"i"811214111i-25·4718116... .110130... .602

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