Missionary alliance 1888.pdf - DSpace

Missionary alliance 1888.pdf - DSpace

Missionary alliance 1888.pdf - DSpace

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118 INTER-SEMINARY MISSIONARY ALLIANCE.CONSTl'fUTION AND BY-LAWS. 119CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS-OF-as members of that Seminary, in the report of the last annual Conventionof this Alliance. This sum may be raised in such a manner aseach Seminary shall see fit.SEC. 2. This Tax shall be paid to the Executive Committee hereinafterprovided for, before the first day of April preceding the Conventionfor the expenses of which it is intended to provide.The American Inter-Seminary <strong>Missionary</strong> Alliance.CONSTITUTION.ARTICLE I.-NAME.This organization shall be caned the" American Inter-Seminary<strong>Missionary</strong> Alliance."ARTICLE H .-An!.The aim of this Alliance shan be the furtherance of practical interestin, and consecra.tion to, the cause of Foreign and Home Missionson the part of theological students, both as prospective missionariesand prospective pastors.ARTICLE III.- l\fEMBERSllIP.All evangelical Theological Seminaries which, through their delegatespresent at an! Conventio~ of the Alliance, or in any other way,shall express a desIre and readmess to co-operate in the promotion ofthe aims .of .this Allian~e, as set forth in Article II, and a willingness tom:et theIr .JU S~ proportlOn of the ?xpenses incident to membership inthIS orgamzatIon} shall} on apphcation to the Correspondence andPublication Oommittee, hereinafter provided fol'} be recognized asmembers of this Alliance.ARTICLE IV.-l1ETHODS.SECTION.1. For t~e advancement of the ends proposed in ArticleII} a ConventIon of thIS Alliance shall be held annually, at some timebetween October 1st and November 20th.SEC. 2. The ex~rcjses of this Convention shall be of such a characte~as shall from tlm~ to time be thought best calculated to increasethe mterest . of theologIcal students in Missions ' and to d eepen th elf .consecratIOn to that cause.SEC. 3. At this Convention other means for advancing th d ft h . IS All· lance may b e d· lscuased and adopted.e en soARTICLE V.-REVENUE.SECTION 1. There shall be levied annua.lly upon ea h S .. . . "c em mary10 thIS Alhance, a tax} proportionate to the number of students reported

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