ABORTION RITES - Jesus is Savior

ABORTION RITES - Jesus is Savior

ABORTION RITES - Jesus is Savior

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amusing if you are Chr<strong>is</strong>tian woman) and my personal favorite,intolerant. They reserve a special animosity for Bible believing,Spirit filled Chr<strong>is</strong>tians who exerc<strong>is</strong>e their faith in the public square.A woman in an online abortion d<strong>is</strong>cussion group in which I was aparticipant complained, “Fundamental<strong>is</strong>m <strong>is</strong> fundamental<strong>is</strong>m ... allharmful.” She was comparing fundamental<strong>is</strong>t Chr<strong>is</strong>tianity to theTaliban, the fanatical Islamic terror<strong>is</strong>t group known for its grossabuse of women. When her arguments in favor of abortion werecondensed her support for abortion was essentially, “Your God hateswomen so why should I care about anything the Bible has to sayabout abortion?”Femin<strong>is</strong>ts love to compare Chr<strong>is</strong>tianity to repressivereligions but the good news <strong>is</strong> the Good News. Femin<strong>is</strong>t spiritualitycan stand in as the liberating spirituality for women only as long asfemin<strong>is</strong>ts can convince others that biblical Chr<strong>is</strong>tianity <strong>is</strong> antiwomenand oppressive.73

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