ABORTION RITES - Jesus is Savior

ABORTION RITES - Jesus is Savior

ABORTION RITES - Jesus is Savior

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on their altars. Then after doing these terrible things, they defiledmy Temple and violated my Sabbath day! On the very day thatthey murdered their children in front of their idols, they boldlycame into my Temple to worship! They came in and defiled myhouse!” 68Instead of approaching the Lord in repentance, the peoplecame boldly and self­righteously into h<strong>is</strong> presence. Apparently, thepeople saw no incons<strong>is</strong>tency in murdering children and worshipinga holy God in a sacred place. In the minds of the people, childsacrifice was a form of religious expression.The Lord never commanded child sacrifice. Th<strong>is</strong>abhorrent practice never even entered h<strong>is</strong> heart. 69 In fact, heexpressly forbids it. The Lord told Moses, “Whosoever he be of thechildren of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn in Israel, that68Ezek. 23:37­39; the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright1996 by Tyndale Charitable Trust. All rights reserved.69Jer. 7:31.117

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