ABORTION RITES - Jesus is Savior

ABORTION RITES - Jesus is Savior

ABORTION RITES - Jesus is Savior

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Jerusalem for 390 days, etc.” 4The min<strong>is</strong>try’s website explained, “When words fail Godspeaks in ‘Living Parables’.” 5 Led by the Reverends Flip Benham andRusty Thomas, the Walk Across America was meant to call theChurch of America to repentance over abortion. The trek began inCalifornia and fin<strong>is</strong>hed in Washington, D.C. Their large caravanrested in local church parking lots or at the homes of willingfamilies. As they traveled, they were met along the way by fellowChr<strong>is</strong>tians. A woman who witnessed the procession with her twosmall children told me how she was moved to tears by the powerful,v<strong>is</strong>ceral message. During its final public demonstration in ournation’s capital, Reverend Benham warned, “Abortion will come toan end in America either through our repentance or the cataclysmic4Operation Rescue/ Operation Save America, “The Walk AcrossAmerica,” Operation Rescue/ Operation Save America,http://www.operationsaveamerica.org/walk/live/index.html (accessedSeptember 27, 2004).284

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