ABORTION RITES - Jesus is Savior

ABORTION RITES - Jesus is Savior

ABORTION RITES - Jesus is Savior

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pregnant, she sensed a “strong feminine presence” 49 with her. Shealso believed that during her pregnancy Anahid was “within andaround” 50 her. Sadly, based on the evidence, it was a demon thatmasqueraded as the spirit of the unborn baby. The poor woman wasdeceived into believing her unborn baby left her body because shehad confused her child with an unclean spirit. By communicatingwith the spirit of “Anahid,” the woman engaged in, and wasvictimized by, spirit<strong>is</strong>m. And instead of the baby being safe from thephysical harm of abortion, which <strong>is</strong> what the woman wanted tobelieve, the demon influenced her to torturously kill her own child.In one post­abortion ritual created by a practicing witchand posted on her web site, women are told to name their abortedbaby, lovingly explain the reasons for the abortion and giveperm<strong>is</strong>sion for the baby to be born again. As part of the ritual,49Ibid. 121.50Ibid.152

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