India & Cambridge - Cambridge University Press India

India & Cambridge - Cambridge University Press India

India & Cambridge - Cambridge University Press India

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SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY & ENVIRONMENTPradyumna P. Karan is the <strong>University</strong> Research Professor inthe Department of Geography, <strong>University</strong> of Kentucky.S Subbiah is the Professor Emeritus of Geography andDirector of the Centre for Japanese Studies and Research atthe <strong>University</strong> of Madras, <strong>India</strong>.9788175968998 322pp HB ` 795.00Crustal Evolution andMetallogeny in <strong>India</strong>Sanjib Chandra Sarkar &Anupendu GuptaCrustal Evolution means thechanges that the Earth’s crusthas gone through thegeologic past as the effects ofchanges in the mantle-crustsystem, the atmosphere, thehydrosphere and thebiosphere. Metallogeny is thegenesis of metallic mineraldeposits. Both the terms are used in the book in theirconventional sense, but in the context of <strong>India</strong>.The book is the first of its kind to document in detail thenature, origin and evolution of <strong>India</strong>n mineral deposits inthe context of local and regional geology. The latterincorporates an evolutionary history of the mantle-crustsystem, the atmosphere, the hydrosphere and the biosphereand interactions thereof. The uniqueness of the book lies inthat it combines both metallogeny and crustal evolutionthat were otherwise treated as stand-alone topics.The book synthesises crustal evolution in <strong>India</strong>, anddiscusses metallogeny in that context. The exhaustivechapters carry numerous and detailed case studiesdescribing the distribution and occurrence of ores andprovides an up-to-date review of all these, keeping in viewthe world scenario. Throughout the book, the text issupported by a large number of photographs, figures, mapsand tables.Sanjib Chandra Sarkar retired as Head, Department ofGeological Sciences, Jadavpur <strong>University</strong>, <strong>India</strong>.Anupendu Gupta retired as Deputy Director General ofGeological Survey of <strong>India</strong>, a premier geological body.375 illustrations/ graphs/half - tones9781107007154 914pp HB ` 1950.00Water Governance inMotion: Towards Sociallyand EnvironmentallySustainableWater LawsDr Philippe Cullet,Dr Alix Gowlland-Gualtieri,Roopa Madhav &Dr Usha Ramanathan (eds)Water Governance in Motion:Towards Socially andEnvironmentally Sustainable WaterLaws focuses on the work undertaken by InternationalEnvironmental Law Research Centre IELRC on water lawreforms in <strong>India</strong>. It seeks to provide a broaderunderstanding of the conceptual framework informingexisting water law and ongoing reforms.The book is divided into two parts. The first part criticallyanalyses the context of international law for water reformsand the second part discusses the multifaceted aspects ofwater sector reforms in <strong>India</strong>. It assembles in one volumethe contributions made by a broad range of scholarsworking on various law and policy issues arising in thecontext of water sector reforms in <strong>India</strong>. The contributionshave been specifically selected in order to address the widerange of issues including water distribution to households,irrigation, industrial use and wastewater treatment. Thesequestions are dealt with from a range of perspectivesincluding human rights, environment, agriculture,development and trade.Dr Phillippe Cullet is a Reader in Law at the School ofOriental and African Studies, <strong>University</strong> of London.Dr Alix Gowlland-Gualtieri is a Research Fellow at IELRC.Roopa Madhav worked on the Indo-Swiss water lawresearch partnership from 2006 to 2008.Dr Usha Ramanathan is an internationally recognizedexpert on law and poverty.9788175966345 570pp HB ` 875.00Ecotourism Developmentin <strong>India</strong>: Communities,Capital and ConservationSeema Bhatt &Syed LiyakhatEcotourism is a term debatedupon by practitioners all over theworld. The initiatives carried out inthe name of ecotourism haveadversely affected people and theenvironment. The indigenous andlocal communities have raisedvoices against such steps at local,national and international levels.However, sustainable ecotourism – tourism carried outwithin certain defined norms, can lead to the developmentof the people. Ecotourism Development in <strong>India</strong> attempts topresent a comprehensive and analytical perspective on thedevelopment of ecotourism in <strong>India</strong>. This book showcasesthe key policies and legal frameworks linked to ecotourismorder online at www.cambridgeindia.org43

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