India & Cambridge - Cambridge University Press India

India & Cambridge - Cambridge University Press India

India & Cambridge - Cambridge University Press India

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GENERALperspective in the making ofsocial legislation in twodifferent historical settings anddifferent political systems.The statute on debt and itsenforcement has been carriedout by four distinct politicalauthorities. <strong>India</strong> under theCompany, <strong>India</strong> under theCrown; ProvincialGovernments (1937–1939);and Independent <strong>India</strong>. Theproblems in the enforcementof the statues have been analyzed drawing evidence frommodern <strong>India</strong>n history, state-society relationship,motivations of the officials and the political context ofadministration.Ramesh Kumar Tiwari, formerly Professor of PublicAdministration, <strong>India</strong>n Institute of Public Administration.9788175967465 187pp HB ` 595.00The Rajah of DarjeelingOrganic Tea: MakaibariRajah BanerjeeThe Rajah of Darjeeling OrganicTea is about Makaibari – thefirst tea garden in theHimalayan Highlands. Thisbook captures the magic ofMakaibari and provides a rareglimpse of one of Darjeeling’sgreatest characters – theThunderbolt Rajah.Rajah Banerjee is a livinglegend in Darjeeling. As an environmental investigator, hehas studied the huge and magnificent model, Makaibari, foryears. He is a follower of Rudolf Steiner – the Austrianphilosopher who founded the biodynamic agriculturemovement, the predecessor to organic farming. Based onSteiner’s biodynamic principles, Rajah converted Makaibarito an organic tea estate in 1988, abjuring the acceptedpractice of maximising yields through artificial fertilisersand pesticides. Rajah moves on foot and horseback,interacting and learning from everyone who crosses hispath – the lone traveller, the tea estate residents, socialactivists, visiting scholars and agronomists, to name a few.The Rajah of Darjeeling Organic Tea chronicles the evolutionof Makaibari, a homestead which, by merely addressing andredressing its problems on the ground and from the ground,has become an ideal, a panchavati, where the home and theforest are merged in identity. It is an outstanding archetypeof human beings in nature, producing peace, not just tealeaves of extraordinary quality. Makaibari is a vedic village ofwhich ayurvedic tea is a mere by-product, and not itssingular identity.Included with this book is the award-winning hour-longdocumentary The Lord of Darjeeling (both in English andFrench) made by Xavier de Lauzanne, the renowneddocumentary filmmaker from France, which captures thetrue spirit of Makaibari.Rajah Banerjee is a champion of the organic teamovement, a social activist for tea labourers and smallorganic farmers, an anthropologist who works tirelessly topreserve the cultural heritage of the Himalayan region andan environmentalist who fights to conserve its richbiodiversity.4 colour book9788175966055 176pp HB + DVD ` 995.00Our <strong>India</strong>n Railway:Themes in <strong>India</strong>’sRailway HistoryRoopa Srinivasan, ManishTiwari & Sandeep Silas (eds)This book commemorates 150years of railways in <strong>India</strong>.Introduced under colonial rulein the second half of thenineteenth century, the railwayssoon embraced the length andbreadth of <strong>India</strong> bringing with itrapid political, economic,ecological and cultural changes. The articles in this bookexplore the impact of this technological phenomenon froma range of interdisciplinary perspectives. From early railwaythinking in renaissance Bengal, to railway policing in UttarPradesh and issues of management to railway themes inliterature, the writers in this volume reveal the world of therailways in all its exciting facets. The photo essay invokes thenostalgic world of steam with a series of evocative images.In the twenty-first century, the ever expanding horizon ofthe railways continues to draw in people and goods in thethird largest railway network in the world.Roopa Srinivasan is an officer of the <strong>India</strong>n RailwayAccounts Service and is presently Deputy Chief AccountsOfficer with Northern Railways.Manish Tiwari, an <strong>India</strong>n Railway Traffic Service Officer,presently works as Joint Director, Information & Publicitywith the Ministry of Railways.Sandeep Silas, an IRTS officer of the 1983 exam, hasevolved as a travel writer, poet, lyricist, humorist and atourism promotion enthusiast.16pp photo essay9788175963306 288pp HB ` 695.00Love in South Asia: ACultural HistoryFrancesca Orsini (ed)Love may be a universal feeling,but culture and language play acrucial role in defining it. Idiomsof love have a long history, andwithin every society there isalways more than onediscourse, be it prescriptive,religious, or gender-specific,available at any given time. Thisbook explores the idioms oforder online at www.cambridgeindia.org49

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