Guidelines for Dance Parties - Division of Local Government - NSW ...

Guidelines for Dance Parties - Division of Local Government - NSW ...

Guidelines for Dance Parties - Division of Local Government - NSW ...

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<strong>Guidelines</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Dance</strong> <strong>Parties</strong>Dimensions <strong>of</strong> ExitsAn exit which is a doorway must have a minimum height <strong>of</strong> 1980mm. All other exits must havea minimum height <strong>of</strong> 2 metres.An exit must have a minimum width <strong>of</strong> one metre and a maximum width <strong>of</strong> three metres. Theaggregate (or total) required width <strong>of</strong> exits must be provided on the basis <strong>of</strong> one metre per 100persons present on the premises.EXIT SIGNS, EMERGENCY LIGHTING AND WARNING SYSTEMSExit signs, emergency lighting and warning systems must comply with BCA, Part E4.Exit SignsAll entertainment venues must be fitted with exit signs that are clearly visible to peopleapproaching the exit. The signs must be installed on, above or next to each required exit.All exit signs must be installed so that if the normal power supply fails, emergency illuminationis provided to the exit sign. Exit signs must comply with Australian Standard 2293.1.Emergency LightingEmergency lighting must be provided in entertainment venues where the floor area <strong>of</strong> that storey ismore than 300 square metres, or any point on the floor <strong>of</strong> that storey is more than 20 metres fromthe nearest doorway opening directly to a stairway, ramp, passageway, road or open space.Emergency lighting must also be provided if exiting from that storey involves a vertical risewithin the building <strong>of</strong> more than 1.5 metres, or any vertical rise if the storey does not admitsufficient light.Every emergency lighting system must operate automatically and give sufficient illuminationwithout undue delay <strong>for</strong> the safe evacuation <strong>of</strong> all areas <strong>of</strong> the building.Emergency lighting must comply with Australian Standard 2293.1. You should contact a qualifiedelectrical contractor <strong>for</strong> details about emergency lighting and AS 2293.1.BALUSTRADESUnlicensed premises such as warehouses and disused factories <strong>of</strong>ten have flooring whichincludes ramps, loading bays and balconies which are not fitted with suitable barriers. It isstrongly recommended that balustrades be provided where the threat <strong>of</strong> injury exists, especiallywhen you take into account low light levels and the possible intoxication <strong>of</strong> patrons.Balustrades must be put in if the level is more than one metre above the floor. Balustradesmust be 1 metre high if inside the building, and 1.2 metres high if outside the building. Handrailsmust be 865mm high.33

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