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Our Views of Mission Work. 43portant ever entrusted to men. Secondly. I ask r Are the encouragementsLook at its universality. " Its line goeth given to those who put themselves instantly in aout into all the earth, and its word unto the end way of obedience to this last command, in anyof the world." "Goye into all nations Preach manner or degree less than they were at flrst orto every creature." through the primitive ages ? The followers ofLook at its intellectual character. " Go teach Christ had heavenly power on their side then,all nations" The gospel is, in the firstinstance, and ielt that they had it. Have we any less?au appeal to human intelligence. It is a message Has the power waned ? Has it been withdrawn ?to the reason of man. It is not a mystery en- Is it like any of the forces of material nature,acted, an imposing ritual with hidden meanings, capable of transmutation into another form, soIt is no doubt divinely high and deep and far that now it may have found some more congenialreaching—in length and height and depth be work than the salvation of men ? Or is theyond measurement—yet in its point of contact promised presence withheld ? Is Christ notwitb man it is a clear and simple message. Its with his people still " alway," " every day,''plainness is beautiful. Who dares to say that he and with especial nearness and fulness, whencannot understand the gospel of Christ ? ihey are faithiully and zealously engagedConsider its gentleness. This will grow upon in this service ? We should not dareyou as you look. Tho terms of this commission to answer any of these questions in the afshowus ibe divine condescension in act of bend- firmative. But let ns make the test still moreing down to reach men, stooping to the lowly, practical by applying it to the region of phewaitingfor the slow, helping the weak Go nomena. Christ's assertions regarding His powteachmen; disciple them ; bring tbem to His er and presence were immediately put to thefeet who alone can call up the dawning of ihe proof by his His followers, and in no long timemoraing upon the tossing to aud fro of troubled they were able to point rejoicingly to certain demen;who can walk upon the wildest waves, and finite results not only in the inward experiences,say, " peace, be still" to the rudest winds that but in tbe lives and character of men. The mostblow. Bring them to the place where the heavy marvelous changes took place, such as had neverladen lay down their burdens, and the weary been obtained under any other teaching or influenterinto rest. Disciple men, then put the sign ence whatever. The apostle Paul, in writing toupon the disciples, " baptizing them ; " give the Corinthians, enumerates some nine or ten oithem the baage that men may know them, and the worst vices and crimes which have ever disfigthattbey may know themselves. Then teach ured human nature, and then he says, " Suchagain more fully and exhaustingly ; lead on into were some of you, but ye are washed, ye are sancafurther deeper peace ; teaching ihem to ob- tified." Every one of these men was a living witserveall things commanded, until not faith only, ness for Christ, a living proof of the power ofbut love and obedience possess the life, and " the Christianity. In a state of society like ours,peace of God which passeth all understanding which has long been under more or less of the genershallkeep the heart and mind." Peace shall al Christian culture, we cannot expect to see manymount guard—that is the meaning of the phrase changes so vividly striking as those of the early—shall do the soldier's duty, shall keep the soul, times But those who will look below the surasa garrison keeps the fortress, beating off face of things will see that changes the same indoubts, fears, distractions, cares, miseries, " shall essence are being produced, that the same sanctikeepthe heart and mind through Christ Jesus," fying grace is still at work. Take any of the for-

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