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206 Letters from Christian Workers at Some and Abroad.Ye are His chosen heralds,« lo_ j am with you alway,"To spread the joyful sound.Is His sweet word of cheer;Oh, let the glad n otea echoWhy need you e'er be joyless,_, ,. .1, , -J J His potent Presence near JThrough earth's wide compass round. ".^ ,, „ ^. ,j , T He'll aid you speak His message,Tell all the world of Jesus,Ejch grace He win send do-wn;Who sits at God's right hand;Glory, when grace Is flnished,Acknowledged King of Nations.ShaU be your fadeless crown.„ „, , , , , Sallie Mobkhon.Hnder date, He'll Aug. reign 24, o'er '88, every Mrs. land. Mary E. Meth- Koran. Philadelphia, This Pa. he refused to do. Doctor askedeny writes from Guzne:him jf jje had not better stay up now and takeit seems very significant to ns that God should some lessons, as he is not a very good scholar. Hehave put into the hearts of three young men said he would not, as he had been sick most ofabout the same time, to reinforce the three mis- the summer and unable to work. He wanted tosions, Antioch, Latakia, and Tarsus, Surely it go and work now tillschool opened in the fall,is a token that in spite of all efforts to shut out and earn money to clothe himself during the winthegospel f'-om these benighted peoples, God ter. On Monday evening Doctor went down tohas said the set time to favor them has come town. Starting back Wednesday evening andOne or two very cheering incidents have taken not feeling very well he did not chink it wise toplace lately, which give us encouragement, travel alone, so he asked Suleyman to come withamidst onr many discoarageraents. Mohammed him. During the night he learned the story ofSaleh, the farthest advanced of the yonng men his vacation. I should say firstthat Suleymanwho were baptized last year, was asked by the is a very simple looking boy, and one whom wepeople of the village where he taught last have not considered very smart. To have seenyear to re-open his school again. You will re- him, as he appeared last Sabbath, in his longmember, 1 suppose, that the government threat- faded robe, and barefooted, no one would haveened him with arrest if he did not quit teaching thought he was the beat evangelist in our httleSome time this year one of the villagers who had church here. I will put his story in a connectedbeen lathe army came home. Having heard tbe form, as it came out in answer to the questionsstory ofthe school, he reproved the vUlagers for put to him. When he first went home he wasallowing themselves to be deprived of instruction, met with reproaches for having become a Christandurged to reopen. They went to an influen- ian, (Protestant), and they were going to stonetial Fellah in the city—Tarsus—a government him. " Are yon not a Protestant ?" they asked.official, and told him of their desire to employ " Yes, I am." " Why did you become one?" wasMohammed again, but said they wanted a guar- the next question. " I saw that itwas a nice reanteethat the teacher would not be molested, ligion aud I turned upon it ?" " Tell us, then,otherwise he would not agree to teach for them, what is nice about it; what is it ?" '• It is theThis was given, aud he went back to his work, religion of the Bible," he said. Then he tookHe made us a short visit since. out his Book, and began to read to them.Another of the boys, Suleyman, came up last "Truly," they said, "thatis a good religion."Saturday night, and stayed till Monday. He The result was that all summer he has beenhad come aU the way from Adana to see us. He reading the Bible to the vUlagers. When theysaid he had had an offer of a good school in hia were at work in the fieldathey would have himvillage near Adana, provided he would teach the bring hia book and read aloud. His brother-m-

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