Serie A (Biologie) - Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart

Serie A (Biologie) - Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart

Serie A (Biologie) - Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart


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12 stuttgarter beiträge zur naturkunde Ser. A, Nr. 694Tawau River, 8.VI.1998, leg. J. KODADA, 1 ex. SMNS. – Borneo, Sabah, Kampung Takala, KinabatanganRiver, 5.VI.1998, leg. J. KODADA, 2 ex. SMNS. – Borneo, Sabah, Batu Punggul Resort,24.VI.–1.VII.1996, leg. J. KODADA, 2 ex. SMNS. – Borneo, Sabah, 15 km S Tenom, 450 m,11.V.2005, leg. R. GRIMM, 32 ex. CRGT. – Borneo, Sabah, Tambunan, 600 m, 9.V.2005, leg. R.GRIMM, 24 ex. CRGT. – Borneo, Sabah, Keningau, 10.–20.X.1988, leg. M. ITOH, 6 ex. CKAO.– Borneo, Sabah, Crocker Range NP, NW Keningau, 900–1200 m, 16.–20.XI.1996, leg. W.SCHAWALLER, 3 ex. SMNS. – Borneo, Sabah, Poring Hot Springs, 500 m, 29.XI.–2.XII.1996,leg. W. SCHAWALLER, 1 ex. SMNS. – Borneo, Sabah, Poring Hot Springs, 485 m,14.–31.VIII.1988, leg. A. SMETANA, 1 ex. MHNG. – Borneo, Sarawak, Belaga, Long Linau,17.–21.III.1990, leg. A. RIEDEL, 4 ex. SMNS. – Borneo, W Sarawak, Quop, II.–V.1914, leg.G. E. BRYANT, 10 ex. BMNH. – W Sumatra, Siberut Island, IX.1924, leg. C. B. K. & N. S.,1 ex. BMNH (clathratus det. BLAIR). – W Sumatra, Payakumbuh, Harau Valley, 1000 m,9.–29.X.1991, leg. A. RIEDEL, 1 ex. SMNS. – W Sumatra, Bengkhulu, S Muko Muko,16.VIII.1991, leg. D. ERBER, 4 ex. SMNS. – E Sumatra, Riau Prov., Bukit Tigapuluh NP,18.–25.I.2000, leg. J. BEZDĚK, 1 ex. SMNS. – Lombok, Senaro, N slope of Rinjani, 1100 m,2.–5.II.1994, leg. L. BOLM, 10 ex. SMNS. – Java, Mt. Kawi, 1 ex. HNHM. – Java, Trawas, GunungPenanggungan, E slope, 1000 m, 6.–9.V.2001, leg. L. BOLM, 2 ex. NHMB. – W Java, Bogor,Kebun Raja, 13.IX.2005, leg. B. BÜCHE, 8 ex. CBBB. – W Bali, Mt. Bahukaru, 1100 m,26.X.2005, leg. E. HEISS, 1 ex. CRGT. – Sulawesi, Poso Distr., Tentena to Bada,20.IV.–2.V.1994, leg. M. HIERMEIER, 1 ex. CRGT. – SE Sulawesi, Island Buton-Wakarumba,3.–7.II.1994, leg. I. JENIŠ & M. ŠTRBA, 6 ex. ZSM. – Central Sulawesi, W Coast of Lake Poso,Taipa, 10.–11.IV.1999, leg. S. BEČVÁŘ & P. ZÁBRANSKÝ, 3 ex. CSBC. – Central Sulawesi,20–35 km NW Palopo, 1000–1400 m, 4.–5.IV.1999, leg. S. BEČVÁŘ & P. ZÁBRANSKÝ, 1 ex.CSBC. – Philippines, Luzon, Camarines Sur, 12 km N Ocampo, 800 m, 25.–27.V.1996, leg. L.BOLM, 11 ex. SMNS. – Philippines, Palawan, Port Barton, 150 m, 14.–18.XII.1990, leg. L.BOLM, 1 ex. NHMB. – Philippines, Palawan, Talabigan Barrio, 24.III.1979, leg. K. WADA,1 ex. NSMT. – Philippines, Island Basilan near Mindanao, leg. BOETTCHER, 1 ex. MNHUB. –Philippines, Island Sibuyan, Romblon, 1 ex. CKAO. – Philippines, Island Panay, CambunaoIloilo, Mt. Tinagung, 300–1000 m, V.1994, leg. L. MOHAGAN, 1 ex. HNHM.Diagnostic characters: Dorsal view see Fig. 16, dorsal side dark ferrugineouswithout metallic shine, body length 5.0–7.0 mm. Genae not broader than eyes, fronswithout distinct supraorbital keels. Last 6 antennomeres forming a club. Anteriorcorners of pronotum protruding, lateral margin without distinct crenulation, pronotaldisc with rough punctation and with medial impression, between punctures withoutgranules. Internal elytral intervals with weak, external intervals with distinctkeels, keels with granules. Tibiae in both sexes externally without distinct keels; inmales posterior tibia internally near the tip with a row of distinct long, yellow setae.Aedeagus see Fig. 87.Synonymy: SHIBATA (1980) described Bradymerus junctus from the small IslandLan Hsu (= Lanyu, = Orchid Island) southeast of Taiwan and compared this taxonwith B. acuticostis from the Philippines (but not with B. clathratus common on Taiwan).The newly collected specimens from this island listed above fully coincidewith specimens of B. clathratus from Taiwan and also with the original descriptionof B. junctus including the therein given photograph. The posterior male tibia of B.junctus is said to have internally a dense row of yellow hairs, as present in B. clathratus.Therefore B. junctus Shibata, 1980 is considered as a new junior synonym of B.clathratus Schaufuss, 1887, although the type of B. junctus could not be examined.Remarks: I have seen specimens from the island Mauritius in the Indian Ocean(2 ex. TMSA, 1 ex. SMNS), which probably belong to Bradymerus clathratus. Butwithout a reexamination of all African and Madagascaran taxa this identification istentative.Distribution: Widespread in the Oriental region, known from Thailand,W Malaysia, India including Andaman Islands, Japan (Ryukyu Islands), Taiwan in-

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