Vol. 15, No. 3 March 2011 - Carolina Arts

Vol. 15, No. 3 March 2011 - Carolina Arts

Vol. 15, No. 3 March 2011 - Carolina Arts

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on the wildlife of Africa and <strong>No</strong>rth America andpresents an overview of important artworks byprominent American sculptors from the earlyTwentieth Century to the present. Some artistsfrom the collection, such as Edward Kemeys,Louis Paul Jonas, and Anna Hyatt Huntington,are icons among American animal sculptors.Contemporary sculptors in the exhibit have carriedon the legacy of their predecessors. Amongthem are sculptors whose works are winningawards and being acquired by important museumand private collections. Ongoing -"Lowcountry:Change and Continuity," a major new exhibit, tellsthe story of human interaction with this land overthe centuries. It features wall size photomurals bySC naturalist photographer Tom Blagden, alongwith a range of artifacts tracing the history ofman's occupation of this extraordinary landscape.General Gardens, Ongoing - One of the largestcollections of outdoor sculpture in America. Thispreeminent collection of American representationalsculpture includes - 560 works by 240artists - representing such well-known artistsas Charles Parks, Daniel Chester French, CarlMilles, August Saint-Gaudens and Anna HyattHuntington. Hours: daily, 9:30am-5pm Admission:Yes. Admission to Brookgreen is good forseven days. Contact: 843/235-6000 , 800-849-1931, or at (www.brookgreen.org).PickensPickens County Art and Historical Museum,307 Johnston Street, Pickens. Through Mar.24 - "Pickens County Youth <strong>Arts</strong> <strong>2011</strong>". Thisexhibition features work from Visual Art Studentsin the School District of Pickens County. Hours:Mon.-Fri., 9am-5pm; Thur. till 7:30pm & Sat.,9am-4:30pm. Contact: 864/898-5963 or at (www.co.pickens.sc.us/culturalcommission).Rock HillCenter for the <strong>Arts</strong>, 121 East Main St., RockHill. Through Mar. 18 - "Rock Hill School District#3 - Teachers’ Choice Youth Art Exhibition". Mar.25 - Apr. 28 - "Historic and Contemporary Quiltsof York County". Hours: Mon.-Thur., 9am-6pm;Fri., 9am-5pm; and on 2nd and 4th weekends,Sat., 10am-2pm; & Sun., 2-4pm. Contact: 803/328-2787 or at (www.rockhillarts.org).Edmund D. Lewandowski Student Gallery,McLaurin Hall, Oakland Ave., Winthrop University,Rock Hill. Mar. 7 - 25 - "Jewelry/MetalsExhibition". Hours: M-F, 9am-5pm. Contact: TomStanley at 803/323-2493 or at (www.winthrop.edu/arts).Winthrop University Galleries, RutledgeBuilding, Winthrop University, Rock Hill.Rutledge Gallery, Through Mar. 25 - "23ndAnnual Undergraduate Juried Exhibition, withjuror Steven Matijcio, Curator, SoutheasternCenter for Contemporary Art. Matijcio will selectan exhibition of student-artists work from diversesubject matter and a variety of disciplinesincluding painting, drawing, sculpture, jewelry/metals, photography, ceramics, illustration,printmaking, graphic and interior design. Hours:Mon.-Fri., 9am-5pm. Contact: Tom Stanley at803/323-2493 or at (www.winthrop.edu/arts).Seneca AreaBlue Ridge <strong>Arts</strong> Council Gallery, 111 E.South 2nd & Townville Streets, Seneca.Through Mar. 4 - "Annual Open Juried Show".The show will be juried by Annette Lowman,Kathy Young, and Danielle Dahl. Mar. 18 - Apr.<strong>15</strong> - "SDOC Student Exhibit," featuring the annualexhibit of artwork produced by our OconeeCounty School students in grades K-12.Hours: Tue.-Fri., 1-5pm. Contact: 864/882-2722or at (www.blueridgeartscenter.com).SpartanburgFocus Educational Gallery, second floor, Performing<strong>Arts</strong> Center, USC-Upstate, 800 UniversityWay, Spartanburg. Mar. 1 - 30 - "Lone OakElementary School Exhibit". Hours: Mon. - Thur.,9am-5pm & Fri., 9am-1pm. Contact: Gallery Director,Dr. Mary Lou Hightower at 864/503-5817or e-mail to (mhightower@uscupstate.edu).Guild Gallery, Artists' Guild of Spartanburg,Chapman Cultural Center, 200 East St. JohnSt. Spartanburg. Mar. 8 - 25 - "Artists’ Guild ofSpartanburg Focus on Youth Juried Art Exhibition".Scott Cunningham, Assistant Director ofthe Spartanburg Art Museum, is the juror forthe exhibit that includes works of students ingrades nine through 12 in Spartanburg Countyschools. A reception and awards presentationwill be held on Mar. 17, from 6-7:30pm. Hours:Mon.-Fri.,10am-5pm & Sat.-Sun.,1-5pm. ContactLaura Pinkley at 864/764-9568.Justine V.R. "Nita" Milliken Wing, Milliken Fine<strong>Arts</strong> Building, Converse College, Spartanburg.Ongoing - Featuring a collection of 52 prints,given by Spartanburg resident Frank Toms whichincludes works by Joan Miro, Salvador Dali, AlexanderCalder, Helmut Newton and others. Hours:Mon.-Fri., 9am-5pm. Contact: 864/596-9181 ore-mail at (artdesign@converse.edu).Martha Cloud Chapman Gallery, RainesCenter, Wofford College, 429 <strong>No</strong>rth Church St.,Spartanburg. Through Mar. 25 - "LandscapePaintings by Craig Crawford". Crawford ofLexington County, SC, holds a BFA from theUniversity of South <strong>Carolina</strong> and for the past tenyears has been president of Crawford Conservation,active as a painting conservator and lectureron art preservation. Hours: Mon.-Fri., 9am-9pm;Sat., noon-6pm & Sun., noon-9pm. Contact:864/597-4300.Milliken Art Gallery, Converse College, Spartanburg.Through Mar. 10 - "Dismantling the MerryGo-Round," featuring works by Heidi Hayes. <strong>No</strong>wliving in Hendersonville, NC, Hayes describesher work as a "manifestation of how my experiencesas an art therapist have impacted mepsychologically and have then been revealed inmy artwork." Mar. 17 - 25 - "<strong>2011</strong> Juried StudentArt Show". Hours: Mon.-Fri., 9am-5pm & Sun.,2-5pm. Contact: 864/596-9181 or at (www.converse.edu/millikenartgallery/).Sandor Teszler Library Gallery, WoffordCollege, 429 <strong>No</strong>rth Church St., Spartanburg.Through Mar. 25 - "Joseph Tolbert: Mixed MediaWorks". Tolbert is an instructor in humanities atAugusta State University. His lively mixed-mediapaintings incorporate glass, beads, glitter, andblack light. He describes his style as "punk rococo"for the strong infusion of pop culture. Hours:Mon.,-Th. 8am-12am; Fri.,8am-7pm; Sat.,10am-5pm; Sun.,1pm -12am. Contact: 864/597-4300 orat (www.wofford.edu/library/gallery/index.htm).Spartanburg Art Museum, Chapman Cultural<strong>Arts</strong> Center, 200 East St. John Street, Spartanburg.Mar. 8 - May 7 - "West Fraser - A SouthernPerspective". One of the leading Americanartists in the representational/plein air tradition,West Fraser has built his career on richlypainted, atmospheric vistas of cities, coasts,and the landscape throughout the UnitedStates and internationally—from the pristineSea Islands of South <strong>Carolina</strong> and Georgia, tothe hill towns of Tuscany. An inveterate traveler,he has painted throughout the Caribbean,Central America, Europe and Scandinavia.Yet his passion always draws him back to themarshes and landscape of the Georgia andSouth <strong>Carolina</strong> Coast. This exhibition exploresthe paintings of his South, from the rolling hillsof the <strong>No</strong>rth <strong>Carolina</strong> Mountains to the maritimeforests on the southern sea islands. Mar. 8- May 7 - "Will Henry Stevens (1881-1949)".Will Henry Stevens was born in Vevay, IN, in1881. As a young painter he studied at theCincinnati Art Academy and the Art Students’League in New York City. While living briefly inNew York he had several one man shows atthe New Gallery. In 1921, Stevens moved toNew Orleans to become a professor of art atSophie Newcombe College, now part of TulaneUniversity. During his summer and winter vacationsStevens would take numerous trips intothe landscape. These trips fostered his prolificcareer. Stevens died in 1949 after retiring andmoving back to Vevay. Admission: Yes. Hours:Wed.-Fri, 10am-5pm; Sat.,10am-5pm; and till9pm on 3rd Thur. of each month. Closed onnational holidays. Contact: 864/582-7616 or at(www.spartanburgartmuseum.org).ALTERNATE ART SPACES - SpartanburgCampus of University of South <strong>Carolina</strong> Upstate,800 University Way, Spartanburg. Ongoing- "USC Upstate Outdoor Sculpture Collection".Available to viewers year-round, these 13works can be seen in front of the Campus LifeCenter, the Humanities and Performing <strong>Arts</strong>Center, the Horace C. Smith Science Building,Tukey Theatre and the Kathryn Hicks Visual<strong>Arts</strong> Center. While the majority of the outdoorsculptures belong to internationally acclaimedartist Bob Doster, other artists included are JimGallucci, Daingerfiled Ashton, Winston Wingo,Dan Millspaugh, Adam Walls, and HannaJubran. Cell phone tour info at (864-607-9224).For more info contact Jane <strong>No</strong>dine at 864/503-5838 or e-mail to (jnodine@uscupstate.edu).Campus of University of South <strong>Carolina</strong>Upstate, 800 University Way, Spartanburg.Through May 30 - "Mayo Mac Boggs: ARetrospective Exhibition," including a selectionof monumental outdoor sculptures. Hours:reg. campus hours. For more info contact Jane<strong>No</strong>dine at 864/503-5838 or e-mail to (jnodine@uscupstate.edu).Converse College Campus, downtownSpartanburg. Through Mar. 30 - "The EmergingSpirit," presenting a series of 12 though-provokingsculptures by Converse alumna Berry Bate, apioneer in the traditionally male-dominated arenaof metal sculpture artists. Hours: reg. campushours. Contact: Kathryn Boucher at (kathryn.boucher@converse.edu).SummervilleALTERNATE ART SPACES - SummervilleAzalea Park, Main Street and West Fifth StreetSouth, Summerville. Ongoing - Featuring19pieces of sculpture in Summerville's permanentoutdoor collection donated by Sculpturein the South. One of the sculptures is located inHutchinson Park, Summerville’s Town Square.Hours: daylight hours. Contact: 843/851-7800 orat (www.sculptureinthesouth.com).Work by Anne LemanskiSumterSumter County Gallery of Art, Sumter CountyCultural Center, 135 Haynesworth St., Sumter.Through Apr. 22 - "Joe Walters: A Mid-careerRetrospective," featuring a major exhibition ofsculpture and works on paper by Charlestonbasedartist Joe Walters; his first major showingin South <strong>Carolina</strong> in 14 years. Through Apr. 22- "Anne Lemanski: Touch and Go," featuring aselection of her highly crafted sculptural worksthat utilize familiar forms to explore the inconsistenciesand contradictions she sees in theworld, from our culture’s treatment of women toits exploitation of both domesticated and wildanimals. Artisan Center Gift Shop - Featuringart objects from local and regional artists.Hours: Tues-Sat 11-5pm & Sun., 1:30-5pm.Contact: 803//775-0543 or at (www.sumtergallery.org).The Über Gallery, foyer of the Nettles Building,USC Sumter, 200 Miller Rd., Sumter. Ongoing- The gallery houses USC Sumter’s permanentcollection of John James Audubon wildlifelithographs. Audubon is known for his dynamicartistry of American birds and wildlife. He createda rich and timeless legacy and set thebar for all wildlife art. Jeremiah Miller muralshang at both ends of the gallery; they are 6ftx 20ft in size and fifteen feet in the air. Hours:Mon.-Thur., 8:30am-8pm & Fri., 8:30am-5pm.Contact: Cara-lin Getty, Director, 803/938-3727or e-mail at (cgetty@uscsumter.edu) or LaurelJordan, Gallery Assistant, 803/938.3801 ore-mail at (jordalau@uscsumter.edu).University Gallery, Anderson Library, USC-Sumter, Sumter. Through Apr. 12 - "doni jordan:tomes". Trained as a graphic designer, Jordanhas long had a passion for symbols, punctuationand typography. Hours: Mon.-Thur., 8:30am-8-pm; Fri., 8:30am-1pm; & Sun., 2-6pm. Contact:Cara-lin Getty, Director, 803/938-3727 or e-mailat (cgetty@uscsumter.edu) or Laurel Jordan,Gallery Assistant, 803/938.3801 or e-mail at(jordalau@uscsumter.edu).Umpteenth Gallery, <strong>Arts</strong> and Letters Building,University of South <strong>Carolina</strong> Sumter, 200 MillerRoad, Sumter. Through Mar. 27 - "Re-Mix:El Ciclo Oscuro," featuring works by Cara-linGetty. Getty states: "This is the first time thisseries has been shown together as an exhibit.The series content is influenced by my travelsin California and Mexico. The images wereoriginally, small collages that were manipulateddigitally and printed on a plotter. These worksare definitely Post Modern in style, with the useof appropriation to create works that are eclecticin sensibility." Hours: Mon.-Fri., 8:30am-5-pm. Contact: Cara-lin Getty, Director, 803/938-3727 or e-mail at (cgetty@uscsumter.edu) orLaurel Jordan, Gallery Assistant, 803/938.3801or e-mail at (jordalau@uscsumter.edu).Upstairs Gallery, USC - Sumter, second-floorlobby area of the Administration Building, 200Miller Road, Sumter. The Upstairs Gallery,Through Mar. <strong>15</strong> - "Lavan," featuring worksby Zachary Baldwin. Baldwin is originally fromNashville, TN, where he studied art at DavidLipscomb University and at USC Sumter. Hours:Mon.-Fri., 8:30am-5pm. Contact: Cara-lin Getty,Director, 803/938-3727 or e-mail at (cgetty@uscsumter.edu)or Laurel Jordan, Gallery Assistant,803/938.3801 or e-mail at (jordalau@uscsumter.edu).William J. Reynolds Gallery, USC-Sumter,Administration Building, 200 Miller Road,Sumter. Ongoing - Featuring paintings ofWilliam J. Reynolds, an ex-military pilot who’spaintings reflect his career. Hours: M-F,8:30am-5pm. Contact: Cara-lin Getty, Director,803/938-3727 or e-mail at (cgetty@uscsumter.edu) or Laurel Jordan, Gallery Assistant,803/938.3801 or e-mail at (jordalau@uscsumter.edu).Travelers RestTrillium <strong>Arts</strong> Center, 319 South Main St., TravelersRest. Ongoing - Featuring a new exhibitevery 6-8 weeks, a retail area for display andsale of member artists’ work, and an artists’co-op. Hours: Tue.-Sat., 11am-5pm. Contact:864/834-2388 or at (www.trilliumartscentre.org).WalhallaOconee Heritage Center, conference room,123 Browns Square Drive, Walhalla. ThroughMar. 31 - Featuring an exhibit of quilts by GilHiggins, <strong>2011</strong> Upstate Heritage Quilt TrailQuilter of the Year. A reception will be held onMar. 13, from 2-4pm. Hours: Tue., Thur., &Fri., noon-5pm and Sat., 10am-3pm. Contact:864/638-2224 or at (www.upstateheritagequilttrail.org).WalterboroSC Artisans Center, 334 Wichman Street, 2miles off I95, exits 53 or 57, Walterboro. Ongoing- Featuring work of nearly 450 of the SC'sleading artists. The Center offers educationaland interpretive displays of Southern folklife. Itsmission is to enhance the appreciation and understandingof the rich cultural heritage of South<strong>Carolina</strong>. Also - "Handmade: A Celebration of theElements of Craft". Artists and craftsmen from allover the state will sit on the porch of the centercreating their artwork. This event takes placeevery 3rd Sat. of each month 11am-3pm. Hours:Mon.-Sat., 10am-6pm & Sun., 1-6pm. Contact:843/549-0011 or at (www.southcarolinaartisanscenter.org).SC Commercial GalleriesAiken / <strong>No</strong>rth AugustaLee-Johnston Originals and Art, 401 W.Martintown Rd., on the courtyard of the <strong>No</strong>rthHills Shopping Center, Suite 10, <strong>No</strong>rth Augusta.Ongoing - Featuring hand-produced fine anddecorative art, ranging from limited-editionphotographic prints to hand-stitched quilts, bylocal and regional artists, including: Nancy B.Smith, R.R. Frazier, and Joni-Dee Ross. Thegallery also carries books and original greetingcards. Hours: Tue.-Sat., 10am-6pm or by appt.Contact: 803/8198533.Southern Moon Pottery, LLC, 239 WoodwardDrive., Aiken. Ongoing - Working studio, featuringhandcrafted pottery in porcelain, earthenware,stoneware and raku by local, regional& national ceramic artists as well as works byMary Grant and Donna Proctor, potters andowners. Evening classes available. Hours: byappt. Contact: 803/646-8170 or (www.southernmoonpottery.com).The Artists' Parlor, 126 Laurens Street, N.W.,Aiken. Ongoing - Featuring fine American craftsand art objects. Hours: Mon.-Sat., 9:30am-5-:30pm. Contact: 803/648-4639.Wild Hare Pottery, 1627 Georgia Avenue at thecorner of Alpine Avenue, N. Augusta. Ongoing -Featuring handcrafted pottery in porcelain, earthenware,stoneware, and raku by David Stuart.Hours: M-F, 10am-5pm. (Call ahead.) Contact:803/279-7813.AndersonBrushstrokes, 1029 S. McDuffie St., Anderson.Ongoing - Uniquely painted furniture, fauxfinishes and original artwork featuring the worksof Pamela Tillinghast Sullivan. Hours: Mon.-Tues.or by appt.; Wed.-Fri., 10am-5:30pm. Contact:864/261-3751.Hughes Twins Art Gallery, 147 Powell Road,Anderson. Ongoing - Featuring works byDonnie, Ronnie, & Amanda Hughes. Hours: byappt. only. Contact: 864/225-7533 or at (www.HughesTwins.com).Beaufort AreaDowntown Beaufort, Mar. 26, <strong>2011</strong>, 4-8pm -"Annual Spring ArtWalk," featuring works by over700 artists represented by 10 galleries of theBeaufort Guild of Galleries. Contact: visit (www.continued on Page 40<strong>Carolina</strong> <strong>Arts</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>2011</strong> - Page 39

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