Raupiano Plus Product Book | Rehau | Reece Plumbing

Raupiano Plus Product Book | Rehau | Reece Plumbing

Raupiano Plus Product Book | Rehau | Reece Plumbing


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RAUPIANO PLUSINFORMATION AND SAFETY RECOMMENDATIONS1.Notes on this technical informationApplicabilityThis technical information is applicable for Australia and New Zealand.NavigationAt the beginning of this document, you can find a detailed content pagewhich lists the individual chapters and their respective page numbers.Pictograms and logosSafety informationLegal informationImportant informationInformation on the InternetAdvantageGeneral safety measures- Observe all applicable national and international regulations oninstallation, accident prevention and safety, together with theinformation contained in this manual.- Keep the work place tidy and free of obstructions.- Ensure there is always sufficient light.- Keep children, house pets and unauthorised persons away from toolsand installation area. This is especially important in cases of renovationin occupied areas.Fire protectionObserve the applicable fire-protection regulations very carefully as wellas the codes/regulations of building practice that apply in each case,especially in relation to:- Penetrating through fire compartments.- Rooms subject to the guideline of places of assembly places.Personnel requirements- Allow only authorised and trained persons to assemble our systems.- Work on pipe components should only be performed by persons trainedand authorised for this purpose.For safe usage of RAUPIANO PLUS, please ensure you are using the latestversion of the technical information.The date of issue of your technical information is always printed at thebottom left of the cover page.The current technical information is available from your REHAU salesoffice, or as download on the Internet at www.reece.com.au orwww.rehau.com.au or www.rehau.co.nzWork clothing- Wear protective glasses, suitable work clothing, safety shoes, aprotective helmet and, if you have long hair, a hair net.- Do not wear loose clothing or jewellery. They could be caught bymoving parts.- Wear a protective helmet when performing assembly work at head levelor above your head.- Wear NBR gloves when applying lubricant by hand.- Read the safety recommendations and operating instructionscarefully and completely for your own safety and for the safety ofother people before starting with the installation.- Retain the operating instructions.- If you do not understand the safety recommendations or installationinstructions, or if they are unclear, contact your REHAU sales office.Refer to back page.Intended useThe system RAUPIANO PLUS may only be installed and operated asdescribed in this technical information. Any other use is unintended andtherefore impermissible.When assembling the system- Always read and comply with the respective operating instructions ofthe tool used.- The cutting tools have a sharp blade. The cutting tools are to be storedand handled in a safe way to prevent injuries.- When shortening pipes, maintain a safe distance between the handholding the object and the cutting tool.- Never put your hands near the area where the tool is cutting or onmoving parts.- When performing service, maintenance and alteration work and whenchanging the place of assembly, always unplug the power cable of thetool and secure it against being switched on inadvertently.5

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