Annual Report 07/08 - Lithgow City Council

Annual Report 07/08 - Lithgow City Council

Annual Report 07/08 - Lithgow City Council

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Principal Activity AchievementsTo provide access to<strong>Council</strong>'s records.To ensure informationwhich <strong>Council</strong> collects isused lawfully and for thepurpose it was collected.To provide sound financialadvice and management of<strong>Council</strong>'s finances.Assess, determine and respond torequests for <strong>Council</strong> information.Provide training to staff.Assess, determine and respond tocomplaints.FinanceManage and monitor <strong>Council</strong>'sfinances.Model levy, issue and recover rates,annual charges and sundry debtorsincluding fees and charges.Two Freedom of Informationrequests were received during20<strong>07</strong>/<strong>08</strong> and were responded towithin legislative timeframes.Applications under section 12 ofthe Local Government Act weredealt within <strong>Council</strong>’s standardtime for correspondence.Information was provided to newstaff at induction and formaltraining was scheduled.Privacy training was provided forselected staff, and training wasprovided to all <strong>Council</strong> Divisionsduring March 20<strong>08</strong>.Privacy complaints received wereresponded to in accordance withlegislation.The following reports werepresented throughout 20<strong>07</strong>/<strong>08</strong>:• draft 2006/<strong>07</strong> GeneralPurpose Financial <strong>Report</strong>spresented to <strong>Council</strong>• monthly budget reportspresented to the ExecutiveManagement Team• quarterly budget reviewstatements were reported to<strong>Council</strong> at is Finance andServices Committeemeetings and/or its Policy &Strategy CommitteemeetingsAudits of the 2006/<strong>07</strong> FinancialStatements were carried out andreported to the Department ofLocal Government withinlegislative timeframe.<strong>Council</strong> issued all four rateinstalment notices within therequired timeframe. At 30 June20<strong>08</strong>:• 2% of properties were withthe external debt collectionagency i.e. 229 properties of11,000• 0.05% of properties hadmade arrangements to payi.e. 85 properties of 11,000• correspondence regardingmissed instalments wereissued within timeframe________________________________________________________________________________________________<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> – 20<strong>07</strong>/ 20<strong>08</strong> Page 44

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