Bumper show issue - Gift Focus magazine

Bumper show issue - Gift Focus magazine

Bumper show issue - Gift Focus magazine

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will make it clear that anyone who wants to take photos of a stand willneed to ask the stand holder first. This will also extend to key featureareas such as Cook Live and the catwalk <strong>show</strong>s where only officialphotographers will be allowed to take images.Trade marks and brand protectionThere is arguably nothing more important to a company than itsreputation, corporate identity and brand name recognition. Trademarkscan either be registered on a country by country basis or via an EU-wideregistration (a Community Trade Mark – “CTM”). As the number ofcountries expands, so it has become all the more important to ensuremaximum protection for your brands across the continent. A CTM canhelp achieve this. Visit the website www.oami.europa.eu for details.All Autumn Fair exhibitors and visitors are invited to visit the ACIDstand to speak with the ACID accredited lawyers at the now familiar IPdoctor one-to-one clinics. As well as advising on general IP <strong>issue</strong>s andpractical tips and guidelines, ACID’s lawyers will also be on hand to helpdesigners and manufacturers on specific subjects to help you maximiseyour IP.Will licensing work for you?If you are assigning your rights, ensure you agree to specific terms sothat you maintain control. Know the difference between an exclusivelicence, a sole licence and non-exclusive licence. If you are copied whopays the bills? Is there a term to set out exactly how royalties will becalculated and collected and listing the countries in which the productswill be sold? How long will the licence last, how can you terminate itif things go wrong and how can you ensure that the design credibilityis not eroded in the manufacturing process? All these and many other<strong>issue</strong>s should be covered in the small print, which can be your blueprintto a successful and long lasting agreement between licensee and licensor. Creating an IP strategyMost successful businesses are underpinned by intangible assets– intellectual property, or IP. In order to identify this key asset, itsmonetary value must be identified and then leveraged as a recognisableUSP and key driver in mergers, acquisitions and investments. Mostinvestors too, will almost certainly require information on what IPstrategy you have in place. An IP strategy involves identifying your IPrights and evaluating which are relevant and need to be registered.It will also include a review of existing agreements, which support yourbusiness, a review of document management systems in place and alsoidentifying any copying <strong>issue</strong>s that may exist. Most importantly it willinclude a communications strategy both internal and external of howyou wish to convey your IP policy to your competitors. This will act asa deterrent against copying. Starting off with a simple message, “Say noto copying!” which can be the basis of a statement on your website andmarketing material. This can read: “All intellectual property rights areand will remain the property of (insert your name). Any infringementswill be taken seriously.” gFurther informationVisit the ACID website www.acid.uk.comgiftfocus 67

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