Newsletter 102 PDF - 2-column format - expanded ... - Uncle Hugo's

Newsletter 102 PDF - 2-column format - expanded ... - Uncle Hugo's

Newsletter 102 PDF - 2-column format - expanded ... - Uncle Hugo's


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Left Coast Geographical Region) went toAs the Crow Flies by Craig Johnson($25.95, $15.00 trade pb due earlyJune). The Watson (for mystery novelwith the best sidekick) went to BrujaBrouhaha by Rochelle Staab ($7.99).The Dilys Award (for the mystery thatthe Independent Mystery BooksellersAssociation members most enjoyedselling) went to Before the Poison byPeter Robinson ($14.99).The Agatha Award for BestMystery Novel went to The BeautifulMystery by Louise Penny ($25.99,$15.99 trade pb due early July) and forBest First Novel went to LowcountryBoil by Susan M. Boyer ($15.95).How’s Businessby Don BlylyBusiness always goes downduring the winter months of January,February, and into March until theweather starts to warm up, and that wastrue again this year. But then winterdidn’t want to go away, and the weathercontinued to make it difficult for peopleto get to the <strong>Uncle</strong>s. But when thewinter finally ended and people couldmove around easily again, the usedbooks just poured in. For peoplelooking to buy used books, that meansgreat selection, but piles of books on thefloor–lots more piles than normal.The Midwest IndependentBooksellers Association held 3 springmeetings in various cities, including St.Paul. I didn’t attend, but there was arecap of the meeting distributed by e-mail, including some of the favorite linesused by local author William KentKrueger when he addressed the group.My favorite was “Anyone who says theyonly have one life to live must not knowhow to read a book.”Let me tell you about ouryellow pages problems. Although I stilloften use the old fashioned yellow pages,I’m aware that most people haveswitched to the internet. So the yellowpages folks have for some years beenbundling the old fashioned yellow pagesads with the internet ads. With a printad, it will stay the same (right or wrong)for a year, so if you get it right you canthen relax for a year. But the internetads can be changed frequently, probablyevery day if the business wanted to go toBrown, Jeffrey Darth Vader and Son (Cartoons that answer the question: What if Darth Vader hadtaken an active role in raising his son Luke?). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14.95Brown, Jeffrey Vader's Little Princess (Cartoons that answer the question: What if Darth Vader hadtaken an active role in raising his daughter Leia?). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14.95Bull, Emma Territory (Reissue; A magical version of the 1881 gunfight at the OK Corral in Tombstone,Arizona)......................................................... $14.99Burt, Marissa Storybound (Kids; 12-year-old Una opens a mysterious book, and finds herselftransported to the land of Story, where children go to school to learn to be characters, andadults search for full-time character work in stories written just for them. There the deviousTale Keeper watches Una's every move, and there are whispers of a deadly secret that seemsto revolve around Una herself)......................................... $7.99Campbell/Chapdelaine The John W. Campbell Letters Volume 1 (Numbered of 750 copies. A 500+page selection of letters that the legendary sf author and editor wrote; the list of recipientsreads like a Who's Who of genre fiction and art). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35.00Card, Orson Scott (ed) Ender's World (PBO; Nonfiction; essays on the classic sf novel). . . . . . . . . . $14.95Chu, Wesley The Lives of Tao (PBO; Out-of-shape IT tech Roen is hearing voices in his head; he nowhas a passenger in his brain - Tao, an ancient alien whose race crash-landed on Earth longago. Split into the peace-loving Prophus and the savage Genjix, the alien factions have beenin a state of civil war for centuries. Both sides are searching for a way off-planet, and theGenjix will sacrifice the entire human race if that's what it takes. Meanwhile, Roen is havingto train to be the ultimate secret agent - like that's going to end well). . . . . . . . . . $7.99Crone, Moira The Not Yet (Philip K. Dick Award finalist. 2121: The Heirs control society's resourcesfrom their lavish walled city-states. Through life extension, they live hundreds of years.Outside, the poor barely survive. 20-year-old Malcolm is a Not Yet, counting on joining theelite. But when his fortune mysteriously disappears, he must sail to the New Orleans Islandsfor answers. On the way, he encounters the darkest side of Heirs privilege, which threatenseverything he knows and loves). ...................................... $15.95D'Lacey, Joseph Black Feathers (Black Dawn #1: PBO; A modern fantasy set in two epochs: the BlackDawn, a time of environmental apocalypse; and generations into the future in its aftermath,the Bright Day. In each era, a child undertakes a perilous journey to find The Crowman. Intheir hands lies the fate of the planet, as they attempt to discover whether The Crowman isa savior, or the final incarnation of evil). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7.99Delany, Samuel R. Phallos (Expanded from the 2004 edition. During the reign of the Emperor Hadrian,Neoptolomus searches for the stolen phallus of the nameless god of Hermopolis, withinwhich are reputedly the ancient secrets of science and society that will lead to power,knowledge, and wealth)............................................. $19.95Dick, Philip K. Counter-Clock World (Reissue; Time has begun moving backward. People greet eachother with 'goodbye', blow smoke into cigarettes, and rise from the dead. When one of thoserising dead is the famous and powerful prophet Anarch Peak, a number of groups start amad scramble to find him first. But their motives are not exactly benevolent, becauseAnarch Peak may just be worth more dead than alive, and these groups will do whateverthey must to send him back to the grave).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13.95Dick, Philip K. Dr. Futurity (Reissue; When Dr. Parsons wakes up from a car accident, he finds himselfin a future populated almost entirely by the young - death is fetishized, and those whosurvive to old age are put down. Parsons, with his desire to save lives, finds himself acriminal and outcast. But for one revolutionary group, he may be just the savior they needto heal and revive their cryogenically frozen leader. And when he and the group journey to1500s California, what they find causes them to question what they know about history andthe underpinnings of their society)..................................... $13.95Dick, Philip K. Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said (Reissue; Campbell Award winner; Hugo andNebula finalist. Jason Taverner, world-famous talk show host, wakes up one day to find thatno one knows who he is - including the databases of the totalitarian government. And in asociety where lack of identification is a crime, Taverner has no choice but to go on the run)................................................................ $13.95Dick, Philip K. Lies, Inc. (Reissue; Expanded from his novella 'The Unteleported Man'. When catastrophicoverpopulation threatens Earth, one company offers to teleport citizens to an allegedlypristine new home for happy and industrious immigrants. But there is one problem: theteleportation machine only works in one direction. When Rachmael ben Applebaumdiscovers that some of the footage of happy settlers may have been faked, he sets out on aneighteen-year journey to see if anyone wants to come back). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13.95

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