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<strong>THE</strong> <strong>MOST</strong> <strong>SIGNIFICANT</strong> <strong>PROJECTS</strong><strong>IN</strong> <strong>LATVIA</strong> <strong>AND</strong> ABROAD <strong>IN</strong> 2012Projects in Latvia. SIA “Liepajas Energija" cogeneration station in Liepaja - technologicallyadvanced project, which includes complete engineering and construction cycles, equipmentsupply, installation, adjustment and putting into operation. The entire project was implementedin 11 months. In 2013 the UPB is general constructor and equipment supplier in the secondphase of the project, involving the construction of the boiler house. UPB launched a majorenvironmental project in Liepaja - Sewage treatment plant output (1.3 km) reconstruction withthe construction of a new location in the Baltic Sea. For the visitors in 2012 opened the UPB“turn-key” project – technological, aesthetic constructivism building, which created a newconcept of office and retail center – lifestyle warehouse BigFish. There were several projectscompleted in Liepaja in 2012: reconstruction of “Latviešu Biedrības nams”, the Bus Terminal andsquare reconstruction according to project of UPB architects as well as the Tram networkreconstruction project. UPB is general constructor for several projects in period 2012 - 2013:Vidzeme new Musical and Culture Centre in Cesis and BTSC office, factory and warehouse(5400 sq. m) building in Marupe and other objects.Export projects. The most important projects in Sweden: ABB HVDC industrial building inLudvika, office building AURORA in Goteborg, multifunctional building in Jonkoping, office andwarehouse building CAMPUS USŌ in Orebro, logistic centre NLP and MAGNUSSTENBOCKSSKOLAN preschool in Helsinborg, office and apartment building TRIANGELN inMalmo, car dealership HED<strong>IN</strong> BIL in Uppsala, KVV VETL<strong>AND</strong>A cogeneration station in Vetlanda,office building PORT 73 and apartment building PERONGEN in Stocholm and others. In Norway:project industrial building SIKTESTASJON and project iron ore warehouse LUNBERGSJAKTA inNarvik, project office building SKØYEN BYGG and the Norwegian TAX ADM<strong>IN</strong>ISTRATION officesat Helsfyr in Oslo, hospital NORDL<strong>AND</strong>S SJUKEHUSET in Bodo. In Germany: retirement house inUS<strong>IN</strong>GEN, school IGS in Thaleischweiler - Fröschen, hospital in Bad Rothenfelde and otherprojects.The most important projects in the energy sector. There are several projects in Latvia:cogeneration station Ltd “Liepajas Energija” in Liepaja, Ltd „Sidgunda Bio” biogas cogenerationstation and AGRO 3 biogas cogeneration station. In 2012 completed work on the second part ofthe project - 1.5 MW cogeneration plant constructions in Trieste, Italy. There is already running1.5 MV cogeneration station set up (engineering, delivery, installation) in the first part of theproject by UPB ENERGY. Maintenance service contract is concluded regarding bothcogeneration units. In 2012 Ltd „Liepajas Energija” ordered a new ambitious project -a boiler-house, where will be installed two water boilers heated by biomass-fired as well as theflue gas condensers and biomass energy plants for cogeneration stations. There isaccomplished the second order from Norwegian oil and gas industry: special sound proof,explosion-resistant containers, suitable for operation in aggressive environments, and will beinstalled on oil platforms.
Other ProjectsIn the field of Network engineering major projects in 2012 were reconstruction of Zirnu andGanibu Streets, improvements in water supply and sewerage systems in Liepaja and others.UPB holding company Stein Elevators has installed elevators in the ruins of Sigulda castle,Latvian Culture Academy, Eastern Latvia Regional Multi-functional Center in Rezekne, VentspilsCity Council, and Regional Hospital in Daugavpils as well as in the BTSC office, plant andwarehouse building in Marupe and in other projects.UPB Holding company H&L Studio is a stable profitable company which opened a newwholesale and retail salon in a new lifestyle warehouse BigFish in Liepaja in 2012. This is thethird salon of the H&L Studio. H&L Studio tiles and granite were used in several importantprojects: BTSC office, plant and warehouse building in Marupe, exclusive residential project"The Home” in Jurmala, hypermarket „Prisma” and in other projects.UPB holding company Vina Studija (Wine Studio) which combines a wine shop, wine bar andwine school concept, successfully operated in 2012. According to the company's preliminary,unaudited figures reached 2.6 million euro in consolidated net sales which shows an increase of30% over the previous year. The Wine Studio continued to invest in the development of theconcept in 2012, in addition to the four existing outlets, opening two new - in Lifestylewarehouse BigFish in Liepaja and in supermarket “Olimpia” in Riga. Besides promoting wineculture the Wine Studios collaborate with well - known Latvian artists to implement art projects.Continuing the tradition, several art projects were implemented this year with the best - knownand most popular Latvian artists. Art exhibitions change every three months, that helps tocreate a special aura characteristic only of the Wine Studio.The most important in the productionRK metal group started a new metal processing factory building.MB Betons Group acquired a new modern ready-mix concrete plant in Gulbene; modernizedcareer, setting a new, advanced technique in career of Gramzda; accomplished cement terminalreconstruction in Daugavpils prefabricated concrete factory.UPB ENERGY Group started to produce a new series of high - quality cogeneration stationswith "Liebherr" engines produced in Switzerland.UPB Holding in 2013 will continue to maintain the development of industrial groupdiversifying the geographic market risks, offering complex technology project design to themarket, production, delivery and assembly with a special emphasis on the individual industrysynergies and the ability quickly adapt to the changing market conditions. Synergy andflexibility - these are key words of the international UPB holding for 2013 as the response to thechanging world.