Open Quantum Dynamics of Mesoscopic Bose-Einstein ... - Physics

Open Quantum Dynamics of Mesoscopic Bose-Einstein ... - Physics

Open Quantum Dynamics of Mesoscopic Bose-Einstein ... - Physics


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5. Weak force detection using a double <strong>Bose</strong>-<strong>Einstein</strong> condensate5.2 Two-mode systemWe consider the case where a condensate has formed in a quartic double-well potential,and use the two-mode Hamiltonian introduced as Eq. (2.49):Ĥ 2 = ΩĴz +2κĴ 2 x . (5.1)The commutation relations for these operators are[Ĵi Ĵj], = iɛ ijk Ĵ k (5.2)where ɛ ijk allows cyclic permutations <strong>of</strong> i, j, k ∈{x, y, z}.The operator Ĵx gives the condensate particle-number difference between the two wells,Ĵ y corresponds to the momentum induced by tunnelling, and Ĵz is the difference in occupationbetween the upper and lower energy eigenstates <strong>of</strong> the potential. The splittingbetween these levels is given by Ω, which is the tunnelling frequency, and κ correspondsto the strength <strong>of</strong> the interparticle hard-sphere interactions.As discussed in Ch. 2, the two-mode approximation is valid in the regime where theoverlap between the single-particle ground-state modes <strong>of</strong> each well is small and wherethe many-body effects do not affect significantly the properties <strong>of</strong> these modes. Theseconditions lead to[33, 125]Ω≪ 1, N ≪ r 0ω 0 |a| , (5.3)where a is the scattering length which determines the strength <strong>of</strong> the two-atom collisionsand where r 0 = √ /2mω 0 characterizes the size <strong>of</strong> the wells.5.3 Measurement schemeAs Fig. 5.1 shows, the detection <strong>of</strong> the weak force proceeds in several stages. The firststep is to prepare the initial state <strong>of</strong> the system in a quantum state which can optimise theprecision <strong>of</strong> the measurement. With this in mind, we consider the weak tunnelling limitΩ ≪ κN. In this case, the ground state <strong>of</strong> the Hamiltonian (Eq. (2.49)) for attractiveinteractions (κ

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