Open Quantum Dynamics of Mesoscopic Bose-Einstein ... - Physics

Open Quantum Dynamics of Mesoscopic Bose-Einstein ... - Physics

Open Quantum Dynamics of Mesoscopic Bose-Einstein ... - Physics


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7. <strong>Quantum</strong> simulations <strong>of</strong> evaporatively cooled <strong>Bose</strong> condensatesvortex formation in small evaporatively cooled condensates is also observed.Simulations <strong>of</strong> the now traditional form <strong>of</strong> evaporative cooling (using the RF scalpeland maintaining a high density) appear intractable with this method. This is due tothe large size <strong>of</strong> the stochastic terms, which must be included to treat accurately theinteratomic collisions. Removing the stochastic terms results in mean-field simulationsthat show considerable differences with the first-principles quantum calculations for theseparameters. The quantum simulations show that the phase-space distribution becomesquite broad, indicating that the corresponding quantum state evolves into superpositions<strong>of</strong> distant coherent states. Calculations <strong>of</strong> higher-order correlations also suggest thatthe condensate is far from being in a coherent state. Thus the customary phase-spacerepresentations, which involve coherent-state expansions, are not the natural choice withwhich to treat this problem.7.6.1 Future directionsWe shall conclude this thesis with a discussion <strong>of</strong> a possible way forward. As we saw in Sec.4.6, other phase-space techniques besides those involving coherent states are possible. Anyovercomplete set <strong>of</strong> states could be used to generate an appropriate expansion, althoughthe utility <strong>of</strong> such a basis in generating phase-space equations is another matter. With theinitial choice <strong>of</strong> candidates so large, some physical insight can be helpful to find prospectivebasis sets.The Bogolubov transformation[107, 137], used to describe perturbations to the meanfield, is similar to a squeezing transformation. So perhaps squeezed states provide a closerfit to the true ground state, in which case an expansion <strong>of</strong> the density operator in terms<strong>of</strong> squeezed states[27, 155, 156] might produce more compact realisations in phase space.As an illustration <strong>of</strong> how squeezing enters the picture once we move beyond coherentstates, consider a weakly interacting condensate occupying a single mode <strong>of</strong> the trappingpotential. The annihilation operator for this mode can be expanded around a coherentstate:â = α + δâ. (7.25)The condensate will occupy the state which minimises the free energy[140]:ˆF =(E 0 − µ)â † â + κâ † â † ââ, (7.26)167

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