All About Playgroup - Playgroup Victoria

All About Playgroup - Playgroup Victoria

All About Playgroup - Playgroup Victoria

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COMMITTEESForming acommitteeA single session playgroup rarely needs a formalcommittee. Individuals may take on the job of acoordinator, treasurer, <strong>Playgroup</strong> <strong>Victoria</strong> contactperson and purchasing officer. Formal meetings are notnecessary because decisions can be made at playgroup.When a playgroup has more than one session, or if theplaygroup is incorporated, a committee is necessary.A playgroup committee is a group of parents/caregiversappointed to manage the playgroup. Each member hasequal rights.They volunteer their time and expertise and should bereimbursed for any out of pocket expenses.Forming a new committeeWhen setting up a committee be clear about:• its function• powers• what decisions it can make regarding the runningof each session• what policies are necessary• how every member can be heard• how decisions are communicated back tomembers.• Ask each committee member to actively recruittheir replacement.• Talk to prospective committee members aboutcommittee roles and responsibilities.• Approach parents or caregivers who could do thejob.• Invite prospective members to attend a committeemeeting.• Have a nomination system; many people are tooshy to put their own name forward.• Make it mandatory that each session has onerepresentative on the committee, norepresentative, no session.• If people can’t commit for a year try shorterperiods on a roster system.Become a team people want to join• Respect and support each other; share theworkload evenly.• Don't let any position become so big that no onewants to take it over.• Don't try to do too much, only take on what isreasonable and achievable.• Show you value each person's contribution with athank you certificate, flowers or small gift whenappropriate.• Have fun; try an end of year committee night outto reward yourselves!T-together E-everyone A-achieves M-moreThe committee will usually consist of a president,secretary, treasurer and a representative from eachplaygroup session. Other positions may include vicepresident,enrolment officer, <strong>Playgroup</strong> <strong>Victoria</strong>contact person, fundraising secretary, public officer,purchasing officer or publicity officer.You may not need all these positions. Some positionscan be combined. Choose only the positions that willbest serve your playgroup.Recruiting committee membersRecruiting playgroup committee members is oftenhard. <strong>Playgroup</strong> families lead busy lives oftencombining part time work, establishing a home andchild raising, and may not have time to be on acommittee.Recruiting tips• Have a clear job description for each position.• Actively recruit throughout the year.116 <strong>Playgroup</strong> Manual

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